The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 04, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Simmons, who was recommended to
Manager Ebrigbt by a personal friend,
has proved a desperate failure and has
been sent back to his home in Colorado.
Omaha has signed Billy O'Brien to
play first base. O'Brien once played in
Denver, but has been in tho National
league for several years. Does anyone
think that Omaha is within the salary
Umpire Snyder is an old ball player.
He started his base ball career at Grand
Island, Nebraska.
Bill Kreig reported at Des Moines
Thursday and played good ball for
Last Wednesday arteraoon Billy Hart
let Cincinnati down with one little hit.
This is the best work done by a pitcher
this season.
Tho Lincoln's uniforms will jirobably
be changed before long to black trim
mings. Dugdale, manager of the Peoria club,
is an old National league catcher.
All the home teams won the opening
game Thursday.
Snapper Kennedy is a trifle lame but
manages to play a good game.
President Kent was in attendance at
tho opening game.
Haller, of tho Peoria team, is a kicker.
Hollingsworth did not have a chance
in the opening game.
It has been suggested to Tin: Cockier
that tho B. & M. would make a desirable
move both for the road and the cycling
world hereabouts, were it to run a train
from Nebraska City via Lincoln to
Kearney on the occasion of the
meet at that city on July 4th; and return
the same day. It is safe to predict that
Beventy-five per cent of the wheelmen
on this route would take advantage of
the trip, many of. them accompanied by
their families.
The track at Lincoln park is now
surveyed and teams are at work getting
it in shape. It is hoped to have it
ready for the race meet on Decoration
day, though it is doubtful if it can be
sufficiently hardened by that time.
The track at the fair grounds is being
well pounded by the boys every night.
A glance each evening at the number
spinning around the track will reveal
the fact that there aro several of the
boys anxious to cover themeclves with
glory an(i incidentally to win a prize at
the coming meet.
The club meet on Decoration day
promises to be the greatest event that
has ever taken place in cycling circles in
Lincoln. There will be three prizes in
each race, and at least ten races, not
including the boys, old men's, ordinary,
and other special races which will inter
vene between the regular club races of
the day. Many of the prizes are already
in the hands of the committee and will
soon be on exhibition. There will be
do class B races unless some ambitious
member of the club can be found to go
against the invincible Mockett.
A number of cycle races are on the
card for the afternoon of university
field day on May 11th. The winners of
these races will compete in the college
"bicycle meet at Kansas City.
Few people in the city are familiar
with the fact that the Capital City
Cycling Club has one of the finest and
most luxurious club rooms in the city.
The boys are comfortably housed, hav
ing a reception room, parlor, billiard
hall and reading room in which it must
be a pleasure to meet and entertain
each other and their friends.
Belays are beginning to be discussed
by the wheelmen of every state on the
occasion of any meeting of large organ
isations within their borders, the latest
beiaga proposal for a relay from the
Governor to the Grand Noble Grand at
Montrose during the meeting of the
Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. in Colorado.
The Montrose club ie tho god father of
tho proposed relay.
President Cleveland's friends have
been trying to persuade him to shake
off some of his extra flesh by riding a
hard trotting horse. Exchange.
Trotting horses are not the things.
What our poorly fed president wants is
to rake up 8100, buy a bicycle, learn to
ride and then to take a- twenty mile
spin into tho country. Amusing the
small boye by cavorting in circles with
" them and executing fancy twists is also
recommended. If by this process he
doesn't perspire until his No. 12s are
full of sweat then ho must remain fat
that's all for there's no earthly remedy
left The Cycling West.
The wearing of bloomers will have
much influence in the purchasing of
diamond frame wheels by ladies. With
tho rational costume the mounting of a
diamond frame wheel by a lady becomes
a matter of mere child's play.
The Tucson Cycle Club of Tucson.
Ariz., is extolling the reputation of the
far west for good weather by calling
weekly runs every Sunday. Refresh
ments are served on these runs and
everything possible done to insure the
participants having a good time. The
Cycling West.
Lincoln wheelmen have been keeping
up this practice nearly two years now.
Dr. Wheeler, of Westport, Mo., has
caused himself to be despised and villi
fied by the lady cyclists of that city by
having championed an ordinance which
was recently passed by the city council
forbidding the wearing of bloomers.
The girls will not have lived long though
before the' will see tho ordinance re
pealed. There was an interesting and eventful
expedition on bicjcles Sunday. Ross
Curtice. Lew Marshall, C. P. A. Clough,
Beman Dawes and Fred White started
at 9 a. m. to go to Seward. Curtice's
wheel broke down at West Lincoln and
he walked back to town. Lew Marshall
came to grief at a point about eight
milbs west of Woodlawn. Dawes,
Clough and White got into Seward at
12:15. Clough came home by rail. The
other two came back on their wheels
On the return trip Dawes' wheel was In
capacitated at Woodlawn; so that White
was the only one of the five who reached
home on his wheel, arriving at 7 o'clock.
The club run tomorrow will be to
Beatrice under the lead, as usual, of
Capt. Frank Hoagland. The start will
be made from the club rooms on South
12th street at 6 a. m., and the boys will
take dinner at Beatrice, returning via
Courtland arriving there in time for the
ball game between Lincoln and Peoria
at that place at 4 p. m, Capt. Hoagland
hopes to 6ee a number make this run
which if no rain falls between now and
the time of starting will be one of the
best of the season.
When is the run to Omaha to be
Alvy Hawley and Frank McKane
also made a run to Seward last Sunday,
returning late in the night.
The club run to Raymond last Sun
was made by (Japt. Hoagland,
Counsel Allen, J. A.Benson.C. M. Cobb,
Leo Copeiand, Meserole and
several others. Ed. Millmine follow ed
the club and missing them at Raymond
the boyB were fishing went on to
Valparaiso returning to the city after
The Wanderers, a cycle organization
of this city made an evening run to
Western Normal last Friday evening.
There were a number of ladies in the
party who wore the rational costume
and won the admiration of alL who saw
Why do not tho young ladies of this
city who wear bloomers call a meeting
of themselves and organize a bloomer
club? Thus the good work would go
speed y on and a parade of the Bloomer
Club be an event of co distant date.
The Coubier suggests the formation
of a drill company among the cyclists of
Lincoln. All the marching evolutions
of the militia-can be successfully
achieved by a company of expert wheel
men and a cycle parade be made of much
more interest by the riders executing
the various movements along the line of
march. Who will organize the com
pany? The Courier cyclist will be
the first to enroll his name.
Manager Hickey might have added
appreciably to his base ball parade had
he extended an invitation to the cycling
clubs to partake in it.
The dealers are each hustling for the
big end of the "95 trade.
If you want to get a conception of the
number of people who contemplate rid
ing awheel this summer take a run out
on South 17th street some night this
More Ladies
Are learning every day
that not only pleasure but
health and strength are to
be found on the wheel and
as a consequence
at CURTICE CO'S. bicycle
school over their music
store on South Eleventh st.
are a healthful, .rational
mode of hardening the
muscles, improving the
complexion, and a ride
Every Day
The "Cream of the City" lawn tennis - toward lcPPn-
club was organized at the home of Miss SeS Very lar toward Keep
Johnson in EaBt Lincoln Saturday ... . , ...
night. This club proposes to have mg the mental faculties in
teams that will bo strong enough to
compete with aDV amateur club in the the best Working Order.
The state lawn tennis association was J
reorganized Wednesday evening at a
meeting at the Commercial Club. The .. nnnnni
following officers were elected: Presi- "Uri OuHUUL
dent, S. L. Geisthardt; secretary, W.
Bjles, Omaha; executive committee, E.
A. Carey, Wilber: O. A. Abbott, Grand
Island; E. A. Guilmette, of Hastings.
Arrangements were made for two tour in singles to be held in this
city June 10-12, the other in doubles to
be held at Grand Island July 16-18
Nine clubs eutered the association at
this meeting and much interest was
is now open and scores of ladies are
learning to ride. It is not difficult if
the pupil
and we have one. Many do not ride
gracefully because not properly taught.
There was only a small number of
persons present at the meeting of
those interested in lacrosse called for
Tuesday evening in the parlors of the Y. ft M TQ m JHOUSNND LADIES
M. C. A. Another meeting is called for
tonight, when it is intended to organize
a club.
this season. It's the ladies we wint
2 q. T)AWES specially. Make an appointment and
Lincoln Cycle Company
208 South Eleventh St., LINCOLN.
and cycles.
Our line of Sterling, Syracuse and
Sylph are the very highest grade
don't buy before seeing them.
207 South Eleventh St.
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