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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1895)
- THE COURIER. 11 YiMHST .t Vi and BEST stock of Ingrain Carpets, Rugs Mattings and Chenille Curtains. . . V.1I 5,000 Ingrain Rugs 26" cents each. Smitll & Co., 1121 & 1123 N STEEET. -" "A. gw - - ., 13. L F. G. ZEHRUQ. 9m -to- Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Sioux City, St Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, Black Hills Towns. O O $5 TO CALTFOBNIA Is oar Sleeping Car Rate on therhlllipr-Kock lalaaH Tourist Excursion from Council Bluffs Osaaha or LiBOoln to Los Angeles or Kan Fran etfco Tia the Scenic Boute and Ogdea. Car leaves Dea Hoinea every Friday, and sleeping ear rate fromtbereU $5.50. ..., . Ton hare through sleeper, and the Phulip' maagesteat lias a special agent accompany the excursion each week, and yon will Bare money aad hat excellent accomodation, as the cars bare upholstered spring seats, are Pullman build, aad appointments perfect. Address for full particulars, JMO. SEBMTIM. G. P. A. Chicago. CHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W. Para. A. C. A. RUTHERFORD. C.P.4T. A. Best Soda Water Fountain in the City. 1045 O St Cor. 11th, Lincoln, Neb. Funke Opera House, 12th and O Sts. Prescriptions a Specialty Toilet Articles. FINI DRUGS. For tickets apply n A. S. FIELDING.City Ticket Agt., 117 South 10th Street. Depot Cor. 8 and 8th Sts. S. A. MOSHER. General Agt. Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. PAXTON, HULETT DAVEKPORT, Proprietors. . Special attention to state trade, guest and commercial travelers. Farnam street electric cars pass the door to and from all parts of the city. BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA aESkSaK. A. jsi "sVlSnRuTuu iltllllAAri DBCTADCriT "KERTE lEEBR." JnAfinUvU ftCO I UlfBUS Tills wonderful remedy fcarauu-t-d to cure a.i nervous aiease.ucu as Weak Memory. Loss of Brain 'over, lleadacne. vYakelnlness. Lost Manhood, KlKbUy Emissions. Nervous ncss.cudroinsandlorsof powerln Generative Organs of either sex caused by overexertion, jrnathfal errors, excessive use of tobacco. opium or sum-ul--.tA. which lrad Jo IntlrrnltT. Consumption or Inranlty. Can be carried In Ten rocket. Slpprbox.MIorCVS, by mall prepaid. WKhaSVS order we .irivriffMnMMatMlfUrinM Um t. old brail ilrnrctsts. Akforlt,takcnootber. Write Inrfrce Medical Hook sen t sealed r'lnnlalnwraDDcr. Address NEKVaEEBl'O..MaouU:Temple.CHICAao. vw .! in Uucolu. by H. W. BIIOWN and W.N. BfcLAENDKIl lit isslau. Nothing in This World Is so cheap as a newspaper, whether it be measured by the cost of its production or by its value to the consumer. We are talking about an American, metropolitan, daily paper of the first class like THE CHICAGO RECORD. It's so cheap and so good you can't afford in this day of progress to be without it. There are other papers possibly as good, but none better, and none just like it. It prints all the real news of the world -the news you care for every day, and prints it in the shortest possible space. You can read THE CHICAGO RECORD and do a day's work too. It is an independent paper and gives all political news free from the taint of party bias. In a word if s a complete, condensed, clean, honest family newspaper, and it has the largest morning circulation in Chicago or the west 140,000 to 150,000 day. ' Prof. T. J. Hatfield of the Northwestern Unwe'rsity sys: "THE CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the idea! daily jour- nalMS we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores" Sold, iy newsdealers .everywhere, and sub- - 9CiipUons received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st. 3) HTM DOITUTni aaaasBaWBawTllsfiB IS THE ONLY DIRECT IOUTRjTO THE SOUTH Oo .a m and S Um. TmxLDunwts. a.p.iT.At a p. at. Aft lLsmJOU. lamoti BAJVIiER. ISSUED -:- WEEKLY. You Caa't Keep Posted or Do Business Intelligently Without It. A complete epitome of all the banking and monetary affairs of the country; special treas ury reports including new and closed banks; changes in officers, etc., 'also latest changes of banks, which are published immediately on receipt of advice. Subscription Price, $. Per annum, 8TCMPT ft 8TKUKER PubUahers. 48 Churea St., P. O. box 41L NEW TORK THE I 111 I IK sLASraO KESULTS. FATFCOPUEi r'Vaa' f a. Vat 1" JaceareaJeeoa. Ssjalef '1 k feomsayaanoassiihlasw ifam 4MMsVHfTEEaCMtCar UDNAI-OOh O AND TENTH STREETS. Papital, $400,000 8vurflusB, $100,000 officeks: N. S. Haswooo, President. Cbas. A. Haxsa, Vice President. P.M. Cook, Cashier. C. 8. Iarriycerr, Atsistsnt Cashier. H. 8. Paxgauv, Assistant Cashier. &?. JV -A TK- .t? :5 sa .". . - '-'Ha ; - k- - w 3i J--. - 1 "y Tu(i,