The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 04, 1895, Image 1

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VOL,. 10, No. 20.
11 it
RBWICK had to wait a
good while for his reward, but
came at last, and I suppose
his revels among the pots and
pans of the stewardship will compensate
hiB for the ignominy into which his
peculiar conduct of a few years ago
x brought him. That there was much
corruption in the direction sought by
Mr. Rewick there is no doubt, and if the
public could hare been convinced of the
sincerity and disinterestedness of the
reformer's purpose he would have been
much applauded. But thero was a
very general impression that Mr.
Rewick was himself after the flesh pots,
and the man who assisted Rosewater in
his campaign against the republican
party and the city of Lincoln has not
ibeen, in the last couple of years, in the
i enjoyment of any considerable degreo of
L public respect. Even his late appoint
Iment will not advance him in the esti
.mation of the people.
the Bible jb good enough. It is not
necessary to go out of that, and the
says tbat whosoever will may that it was not a hotel, but simplv a
come. It doesn't say that men are club he seemed relieved and moved on.
saved whether they will or njt, and it This man ho is probably a now ap-
hours and I did not know what to make or so that paper, published in a small
of it. Is it a hotel?" When assured interior count rv town, had a lanro num.
doesn't say that some are marked for
salvation and others fordamnation. No,
young man, your future life is in your
own hands. If you accept Christ you
will be saved, and,'' here she lowered
pointeo must be a valuable acquisition
to the force. I wonder if ho knows
where the station house is.
Speaking of the police, a word or two
her voice, "I toll you living with Christ of compliment to the ex-chief is certainly
is a wonderful nice way to live." I
thanked her for the interest she had
shown in me and received an invitation
to attend her church the Gospel Tab
ernacie, I think it was.
proper. P. II. Cooper, the man with u
wide open face and philanthropic
bcr of metropolitan frills. Associated
with him was Will Hall Poore, a bright
joung man, also several other clever
people. His paper attracted wide atten
tion and did much to accelerate the
"Kearney Gait." Of course there was
no monoy in it and a collapse was inevit
able. Smytho was beginning to take a
band in state politics when he left Ne
braska. He was Jack MacColl's chief
backer at tho time of Jack's first active
whiskers, has a notable record for efflci- candidacy for tho republican nomination
ency as head of the police department, for governor.
Serving under an erratic mayor who
governor Holcombs policy with
reference to appointments has been
wafched with much curiosity, and it is
a fact that until the last few weeks re
publicans weredisposedtogivehimcredit
for (doing better than they expected.
But lately they have been compelled to
admit that his conduct is about what
would have been iooked for from
8 rand Pa Powers or any other patriot of
his ilk. Governor Holcomb must be
charged with Mart Howe's appointment,
and any man who carries the responsi
bility for Mart Howe and his acts must
needs struggle under a heavy burden.
Howe is a common scold and public
nuisance. His appointmant is a good
thing for Lincoln, because this city is
relieved of his presence; but ic is a bad
thing for Grand Island and the sfate.
And the recognition which the execu
tive has bestowed on E. C. Rewick is
just as reprehensible. The governor, by
appointing such men to public office,
puts a premium of pusillanimity.
There was a prize tight the other
night and I was there in a professional
capacity. Afterwards, while waiting
for a car at Eleventh and O streets I
was approached by a motherly old lady
whose face bore a particularly benevo
lent and kindly expression and whose
hands held a Bible and a hymnal.
Having just witnessed a brutal physical
encounter with surroundings decidedly
sporty my thoughts were far away from
all considerations of religion. Conse
quently her inquiry was somewhat
startling. She said: "I beg pardon
young men, but are you saved?" She
looked into my face with much earnest
ness and stretched forth her hand. "I
do not know; I hope bo," T replied
"Oh," she said, "you ought to know.
Whosoever accepts the Lord Jesus
Christshall be saved." I attempted a
Calviniefic argument, but she would
fhave it. "There is a wonderful
bipht fEJen's reli;;1-' "preached, but
was nearly always opposed to the other
Such experiences are common in Lin- members of the excise board, it would
coin. However dull business may be it have been excusable if Mr. Cooper had
seems that religion is booming. A few exhibited some heat. Eut ho is in the
days ago two evangelistic street services ice business and he kept cool. He
were in progress within a block of each
other in the very center of town. One,
at the corner of Eleventh and O streets,
where I was accosted by the old lady,
was presided over by a young man who
gave evidence of more than ordinary
intelligence. He had a frank, honest
face,and as he stood there on a soap box, scandal
not allowed much of a force, but he did
the best ho could, and the best he could
was not bad. Above ail, his unimpeach
able integrity had a strong tendency to
keep things clean at the station house.
A gentleman of this city is making a
collection of portraits of Napoleon. He
has something over tive hundrel, and
he has only just begun. Napoleon must
have spent fully as much time in sitting
for his picture as Washington did in
talking to colored women who were des
tined to become centenarians.
Tho Chicago Times-Herald last Sat
urday printed a portrait of Henry D.
hat in hand, and pleaded with the
crowd none could doubt his earnestness
or sincerity. "Oh, come to Christ," he
said. "My friend, is your burden heavier
than you can bear; are you deep in sin;
Jo you long
acknowledge your Saviour and live in
peace. Oh, accept the salvation so freely
offered. Do not delay but come now."
His words were listened to by a hundred
men, some of whom had been discussing
politics a few minutes before on the
Chief Cooper never allowed himself to Estabrookf of 0maha, rcgent of tLo
do ujctuu iuo uuai ui buswiuiuu or rT: :,.. -v-.t i t ..
- iinitrinii i i iai r.i m h .1 ;! in i mm
accompanying article the regent was
referred to as "of Ottawa, Kansas."
He was a good oftiuer, which
is more than can bo said of all the men
who held positions under tho Weir administration.
Ono who was permitted to gaze upon
Col. Harry Hotchkiss. secrotary of tho
Commercial club, has taken time from
the onerous social duties which he
for a better life? Just the late S. J. Odell in the days of his imagines are the chief occupation of
glory, only a few years ago, could hardly
have believed that the splendor was
soon to vanish, and Unit Odell would
sink to the condition in which he has
lived for two or three years, and in which
he died this wee'. This man was one
secretary of a business club, to dis
tribute beet seed to farmers in Lancas
ter county. And this 6eed distribution
is, so far as I can learn, all that has
been done by tho club along the line of
the purpose for which it was organized.
same corner. The attitude of tho im- 0f the most striking figures in Lincoln, for some months. The Coubier has
in the palmy days. He was a restau- already given voice to a feeling that is
rant king. Money seemed tobewafted entertained among a large number of
into his pockets by every breeze. He the members, i e.. that the club is fall
rode on the crest of the wave of fortune, ing far short of its real purpose; and
There was nothing too good for Mr. there does not appear to be anything
Odell then. He made a collection of further to say at the present time. A
fast horses and big diamonds, and I member of the club who nrrilxo tn th
pray to God! And so the service went don't think the thought ever ocured to alitor or The Cocbieb complaining of
on. By stepping a few feet one could him that he would not be driving fast the sad state into which this organize
hear the sound of a gospel hymn being horses and wearing big diamonds all the tion that started out so auspiciously has
sung at the other street meeting. Re- re9t of his life. His boom was at all fall J,.,t fnllna t, r.n,L.. tw
times more showy than secure, however, have appeared in these columnp. His
and after awhile it burst. The restau- request that an effort be made to stir up
rant, which for a time, was a veritable the club ha? been placed on file. When
mint, lost its paying qualitiesjthe horses there is the slightest indication that a
promptu congregation was generally
respectful. Another young man. quite
as intelligent and zealous as the other
took off hishat and prayed at Eleventh
and O, the heart of the city, in the
middle of a busy afternoon a hundred
men lingered to hear the young zealot
ligion meets the citizen of Lincoln
good deal more than half way.
Ftirring up would be of any avail The
Cocbieb is ready to "stir." Just now the
desuetude is so intense that the task of
revivification appears hopeless.
Secretary Morton has introduced
"arbor day" in the District of Columbia.
The first observance of this dav in
An examination of policemen in this
city, and of applicants for a position on disappeared, and the diamonds flickered
the force, not as to their knowledge of out of sight. Misfortunes followed each
Latin or Greek, but as to their acquain- other and Odell's luck constantly grew
tance with the city, might disqualify a worse. Other restaurants were started,
large number. It would at least dis- but somehow he could never catch on
close the inexcusable ignorance of one again; his half dozen or so ventures
patrolman. Last week when the Mich- after leaving the building on N street
igan university boys were being enter- were all failures, ne has done little or
tained at the Commercial club I left the nothing for the last year or two, and the Washington came on Mr. Morton's sixty
building at a late hour and ran into a Odells have had a hard time of it. third birthday, and the secretary with
policeman who was standing on the his own hands planted a number of
sidewalk in front of the club, stick in William E. Smythe, a former Xebras- trees. There can hardly be any founda
hand, in open mouthed amazement, kan, has an interesting article in the tion for the report that following the
Light was streaming from every window May Cen tury on irrigation. Mr. Smythe publication of Mr. Morton's interview
and there was a sound of revelry dis- is editor of the Irrigation Age, and his on the financial question, the president
tinctly audible in the street. "What Boston brain has absorbed about all advised his secretary of agriculture to
kind of a place is that?" asked the there is to know about irrigation. Six let silver and gold alone in .the future
officer, pointing to the club building years ago when the town of Kearney and stick to dirt. But it is easy to
with his stick. "I have been hearing was undergoing its boom Smythe was imagine that Mr. Cleveland was annoyed
the music and noise for two or three editor of the Enterprise, and for a year by Mr. Morton's loquacity.