The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 13, 1895, Page 5, Image 5
inr-iw THE COURIER 83; at business meeting, 95; at religious services, 534; at entertain ments, 480; applications for work, 37. It was decided to organize a tennis club in connection with the association. Misses Jennie Morrison and Cora Ward were make a committee on athletics. The woman's club met Monday afternoon. There was a business session presided over by Mi68 Phoebe Elliott, during which the sub ject of federation dues was discussed at length. It waB decided to make contributions to the federation voluntary. The regular pro gram was taken up with Mrs. Pound presiding. Miss Rissenr opened with a piano solo, a march from Tannhauser. Dr Phillbrick delivered an address on hypnotism. Mrs. Johnson read a paper on wind, Miss Stevens read one on Clouds and Mrs. Church read one on Cyclone". Miss Fairbrother also made an address. The first commencement of the medical department of the Cotner university will be held at the Central Church of Christ, April 17 at 8 o'clock. The program will be as follows: Prayer and Rondo Weber William Lamprecht's violin class. Invocation Rev. D. R. Dungan Doctorate Address Dr. B. J. Alexander Quartette, "Annie Laurie," Medical Students Class History Arthur B. Zediker Vocal Solo, "One Hundred Fathoms Deep," Shattuck G. H. Walters. Valedictory Harry Strettcn March Fumebre Chdpin Conferring of Degrees Chancellor Dungan Awarding of Prizes Dean Latta Conferring of Decrees Eclectic Medical Quiz Sosiety Violin Solo, The Famous Air Varie Henrie Vieuxtemps Benediction .Rev. A. D. Harmon About two months ago an announcement was made that Omaha was to have a University club. Five young men in this city well acquainted with the past disastrous history of like efforts, yet believing that those failures were due solely to mismanagement have taken hold of this bugbear and "hoodoo" and are staking their reputation upon its financial success, at least. The now University club is wholly the work of these fivo men, who have installed themselves as directors for the coming year, and who intend to run the club according to notions laid down in the articles of incorpor ation and the by-laws. These men are Lysle I. Abbot, president; Frank Crawford, vice president; Charles L. Thomas, secretary; Hugh A. Myprs, treasurer, Randall Brown, director. The charter members of the club are S. C. Cowin, Victor B. Caldwell, Richard S. Hall, W. D.McHugh, J. R. Clarkson,R.W. Patrick, I.F. Congdon, Frank Crawford, Charles L. Thomas, Lysle I. Abbof, Hugh A. Myers, A. W. Jefferis, J. W. Broatch, Lee W. Spratlin, H. N. Mc Grew J. J. Mullen, S. G. V. Griswold, John L. Pierce, John L. Webster, William T. Nelson, Ernest Itner. In the inception of the club it was thought that it would be difficult to get more than one hundred members, but so many questions have been asked and so much interest has been displayed in the matter, in spite of the effort to keep everything quiet and to solicit no subscriptions, it is probably true that at least 200 applications will be received and approved. The main ultimate object of the club is a social one, and though athletics will probably always be a feature they are made a means to that end. It is the intention of the directors that its members shall consist of university men of the city and certain others who are acceptable to them. These are either associate or honorary members and when once they have their share of Btock they cannot be deprived of membership for ordinary reasons, providing they keep up their dues. It is likely that after this year nobody but university men will be accepted and associate members will all be made honorary members. The intention is to have a club of young men of congenial tastes who can meet together and have better opportunities for getting acquainted than they have now in Omaha, where the young men are divided into so many coteries and cliques socially; that there might be in this city a place where college men might nuet and talk over Ihe joys and sorrows of college life, and further where a member might entertain a visiting friend and facilitate his acquaintance with representative college men of the city Omaha Excelsior. When the ico man comes be sure the name LINCOLN ICE CO., is on the wagon, they have no pond ice. 1040 O Street. MUSICAL NOTES. The last public appearance of Mr. Sievoking will tako placo Sat urday evening in tho university chapel. He will be assisted by Mr. Hagenow and orchestra, Miss Clara Anderson and Mr. C. Bruco Smith. He will then go on au eastern tour with Boston Festival Orchestra extending over a month. Miss Emma Snelling of tho university Conservatory has received a visit from her mother from Marshalltown, Iowa; also Miss Hansen enjoyed a visit from her father from Fairbury. The two great musical orgauizations, Thomas Orchestra and Gilmore's Band have no suporiors in tho country and these are musical treats which should be embraced by all who love music. A pupils recital will bo givon in tho university chapel in the near future, also a recital by tho string department. Miss Scofield will play tho C minor concerto by Beethoven at tho next Philharmonic Concert. The program for Mr. Sieveking's recital Saturday evening is as follows: Program Orchestra Largo Handel Mr. Hagenow and Orchestra Conducted by Mr. Sievoking "Nymphs and Shepherds' Purcell Miss Clara Andersen Rhapsodie in G minor Brahms Piece Rodocoe Moszkowski Expansion (by request) Moszkowski Mr. Sieveking Recital and Aria from "Tho Voyage of ColumbuB" Buck Mr. C. Bruce Smith March Heroique Saint-Saens Two pianos Miss Perkins and Mr. Sievking "Wild and Sweet" Strauss Miss Clara Anderson Minuet Boccherini String Orchestra MAKING THE BEST OF IT. "Mother, may I go out to wheel?" "Yes, my darling daughter; I suppose, of course, you won't wear skirts, Although I think you oughter." THE CREATION. Written for The Courier. God kissed the waters and the day was born, A maiden white and fair, He called tho rosy smiling infant Morn, And touched her yellow hair. When she grew weary and her blue eyes drooped. He spread her with a veil, And from it's folds a shining army trooped, Her wakening to hail. His mighty voice upon the silence fell, The great initial sound, Lulling the daughter that He loved so well. And melody was found! Isabel Richey. "77." Dr. Humphreys' Specific "77" for grippe and colds is now on every tongue. It will "break up" an obstinate cold that "hangs on." For sale by all druggists.