The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 13, 1895, Page 14, Image 14

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Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk of
the district court of the Third judicial
district of Nebraska, within and for
Lancaster county, in an action wherein
Charles II, Morrill, receiver of the Neb
raska savings bank is plaintiff, and Lewis
E. Hicks etalaredefendauts.1 will, at 2
o'clock p. m., on the 7th day of May,
A. D. 1895, at the east door of the court
houpe in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska, offer for sale at pub
lic auction the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lots number one 1 two 21 three 3
four 14 five 5 six G seven 7 eight 8
nine 9J ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 12
thirteen 13 fourteen 14 nineteen 19
twenty (204 twenty five 125 twenty six
126 twenty4 seven 27 twenty eight 28
twenty nino 129 thirty 30 thirty one
31 thirty two 32 thirty three 33
thirty four 34 thirty five 35 and thirty
six 36 in section or block lettered O of
Grand View residence park in Lanoaster
county Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 4th day of
April, A. D. 1894.
5t FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff.
to the articles of incorporation of the
H. T. Clark Drug company, of Lincoln,
Notice is hereby given that at a regu
lar meeting of the stock holders in the
city of Lincoln, county o? Lancaster and
state of Nebraska on the 26tb clay of De
cember 1894 the following amendments
were adopted:
That article 2 in the articles of incor
poration of the H. T.Clark Drug Comp
any, be and the same is hereby amended
so that when amended the samo shall
read as follows.
The nature of the business to be
transacted by said corporation shall be
the purchase and sale of drugs, paints
and other merchandise and to purchase
encumber, transfer and sell such real
estate as may be necessary to the tran
section of its business and that may
come into its possession in the usual
course of business.
And that said articles be further
amended by adding thereto articles 9
which shall read as follows:
These articles may be amended by a
two-thirds vote of all the stock holders
of said corporation had in regular mee
ting of the stock holders of said corpor
ation or at any special meeting thereof
called for that purpose provided that a
written or printed notice of such amend
mendments shall be given to said stock
H. T.Clark,
NfatI President.
Isealj 0 j Daubach
4t Secretray.
mcAVtAI &. 1 ItWJt MARKsV
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
MUNIS &COM who hare bad nearly flfty Tears
experience in Uie patent badness. Communica
tions trictlr confidential. A Handbook of la
formation conccrnimr Patents and bow to ob
tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of mecaaa
leal and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Mann Co. reeerr
special notice In the Scientific Araericaa. saa
tons are brought widely bet ore the public wltai
oat cost to the inrentor. This splendid paper.
Issued weekly. elegantly Illustrated, has by farSa
largest circulation of any scientific work In taa
world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
BuUdlmr Edition. monthlT. tM a rear. Sin
copies, $ cents. ETery number contains beaa-
Order on absent
Ufa! plates, in colors, and photocrapas of sew
juices, wiia piaGH, cuaviias; oaiiaets so soow us)
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
Attar t-Law,
First Publication April 6.
For The District Op Nebraska.
At the session of the Circut Court of
the United States, for the District of
Nebraska, continued and held persuant
to adjournment, at the United States
Court room in the city of Lincoln -ou
the 28th day of March 1895 tho Honor
able Elmer S. Dundy, judge, being
present and presiding in said Court,
the following, among other procedings,
were had and done, to wit:
No. Forty-nine R.
Anglo American
Land; Mortgage.
and agency
Co., Limited.
Valley Loan and
Trust Company
et al.
Defendants j
And now, on this 23 day of March A.
D. 1895, being at the January term, A
D. 1895 of the said court, it having been
made to appear to the satisfaction of
the said court that this is a suit
commenced to enforce a lien upon real
property within the said district, and that
theValleyloan and trust company, and
Milton B. Whitney, Chas. S. Fairchild,
Harrey E Mooney, San ford B. Ladd,
and Frank Hagerman, Receivers of the
Valley Loan nnd Trust compeny, de
fendants herein are not inhabitants of,
and have not been found within the said
district, and havenot voluntarily appear
ed in this suit, ol motion of A. Bruce
Coffroth, solicitor for the said complain
ant, it is considered by the . Court and
ordered that the said defendants above
named be and are hereby directed to
appear and plead, answer or deuur to
the complainant's bill of complaint, on
or before Monday, June 3d 1895 and
that in default thereof, an order be
entered in this case, taking the said bill
pro confesso.
It is further ordered by tho Court
that at least twenty days before the
said Monday, June 3d, 1895,- a copy- of
this order be served npon Valley loan
and taust company, and Milton B.
Whitney, Charles S. Fairchild. Harrey
E Mooney, Sanford B. Ladd, and Frank
Hagerman, receivers of the Valley loan
and trust company, the said defendants
wherever found, if practicable, and also
upon tho person or persons in possesions
or charge of the real property described
in complainant's bill of complaint, if
any there be or in lieu thereof a copy of
this oroer be published for six consecu
tive weeks in the Lincoln weekly Courier.
a newspaper published and in general
circulation in said district of Nebraska.
Elmer S. Dundy
Tho United States"!
of America
District of V ss
Nebraska J
I, Elmer D. Frank, Clerk of the
Circuit court of the United States for
the district of Nebrabka, do hereby
certify, that the above and foregoing is
a true copy of an order entered upon
the journal of the proceedings of said
court in the cause therein entitled; that
I have compared the same with tho
original entry of said order, and it is a
true transcript therefrom, and of the
whole thereof.
Witness my official signature, and
the seal of said court, at Lincoln in said
district, this 28th day of March A. D.
seal Elmer D. Frank.
6t Clerk.
Notice to take
A' ornets at Law
In the District court of the third
judicial district in and for Lancaster
County. '
estate of Nebraska
- -" Lancaster county '
x Pryce Owen "
Jane E. Owen
Tho above named defendant will take
notice that on Tuesday the23ddayof
Aprill895 the said plaintiffwill take the,
depositions of Mrs. Lizzio Johnson, Mrs.
Mary J. Spencer and Charles Bodell,
sundry witnesses to bo used as evidence
on the trial of the above entitled causo
at the office Df C. M. Lee, Iron block, in
the city of Olneyville, county of Provi
dence and State of Rhode Island
between the hours of 9 A. M. and 6 P.
M., of said day, and the taking of said
depositions will be adjourned from day
to day to day, between the same hours
until they are completed.
Harwood, Ames & Pettis
3t Att'ys for plaintiff'
Attorneys at Law.
First Publication March 30.
Notice is hereby given .that by virtue
of an execution issued by the clerk
of the district court of the Third Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within and
for Lancaster county, in an action where
in Winnebago National Bank is plaintiff,
and L. C. Humphrey first name unknown
etalare defendants,
I will at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 30th day
of April A. D. 1895, at the east door
of the courthouse, in the city of Lincoln.
Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction, the following
described real estate to-wit:
Lots one (1) two (2) and three (3) in
block or section lettered Q in Grand
View Residence Park, in Lancaster
County Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 27th day
of March A. D. 1895.
Notice To Water Consumers.
The lawn season begins the 1st of
April and all parties desiring to use
water for that purpose will please call
at the office and pay for samo before
J. W. Percival, Water Com'r.
Attorney at Law.
First Publication March 30
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk of
tho 'district court the third ju
dicial district of Nebraska, within
and for Lancaster County, in an
action wherein Benjamin Lombard Jr.,
is plaintiff, and Fred Eiche et al are
I will, at two o'clock P. M.,on tho 30th
day of April A. D. 1895, at the east door
of the court house in the city of Lin
coin, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer
for sale at public auction the following
described real estate, to-wit:
Lots twenty three (23) and twenty
four (24) in block five (5) in Lincoln
Driving Park Company's' first subdivis
ion an Addition to the City of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 27th day of
March, A. D., 1895.