"-r s-5,- - i-v 00 THE COURIER F. C. ZEHRUJ4Q. Tt MMc.RCNfl i - Funke Opera House, 12 th and O Sts. Prescriptions a Special ty- Toilet Articles. FINE DRUGS. Beat Soda Water Fountain in the City. Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Genuine Coal Creek Canyon and Rock Springe coal at the Whitebreast. For St. LouiB take the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O street. For California take the Missouri Pacific route, via southern route. Canon City coal at the Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. A X m. -?;lMxe Grocers, Caters for family trade only. Consequently their goods are the nicest and freshest in the market. Store 1425 O. Tel. 610. Under new management MERCHANTS' HOTEL OMAHA, NEBR. PAXTOK, HULETT DAVENPORT, Proprietors. Special attention to state trade, guest and commercial travelers. Farnam Btrcet electric cars pass the door to and from all parts of the city. MYW HOI TUT TB w bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV.,b? ipjBioilijdr '2bbbb! I bbbbbbbbbbbvi Oo .a a p. 4 t. IS. THE ONLY DIRECT KOirnVK) THE SOUTH a u. Ouuu. ap.ir.M 12)104. L ISSUED :- WEEKLY. Yob Caa't Keep Posted or Do flBslaes iBtelllgcBtly Without It. A complete epitome of all the banking and mone tary affairs of tho country ; special treasury reports including new and closed banks ; changes in offi cers, etc, also latest changes of banks, which are published immediately on receipt of adrice. Subscript ioa Price, $4.00 Per annum, STUMPT tc KTECRKR Publishers. 48 Church St,. P. O. box 411. NEW YORK BOURBON & PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere, Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. If yon cannot procure it of your draggist or liquor dealers, upon receipt of $LS0 we will express prepaid to any address a fall quart sample bottle of Old Elk Bye or Bourbon. STOU. VMMnA i CO.. MSTH1EXS. Lexington, Ky. TH SICK HEALED, WEAK MADE STRONG. If you are sick or debilitated, do not be discouraged. Compound Oxygen has wrought many wonderful cures and has given strength to many. We know this to be true from our own experience of twenty five years, and we are ready to furnish abundant proof. It is worth your while to examine the evi dence, which you can do by writing to us We will send you, free of charge, our book of two hundred pages with numerous testi monials and records of surprising cues of asthma, beonchitis, consumption, catarrh, rheumatism.jiervous prostration, nueralgia and other forms of disease and debity. Home treatment is sent out by express to be used at home. Office treatment is administered here. The effect of both treat ments is the same. Consultation free. Our success has given rise to many imita tions. Avoid disappointment and loss of money, as there is but one genuine Com pound Oxygen, by sending to DRS. STARKEY & PALEN, 1529 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa., San Francisco, Cal., Toronto. Canada. HAlsblE McDANlEb DRESSMAKER ROOM 24 .J3 N ST. I use the Taylor system and guarantee satisfaction. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBHiSBKBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaESIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&offlBBrflBBBBBBBBBBBVJfeH eBbbbbbbBBbbJsBBBsBt'-' $5 TO CALIFOKNIA Is our Sleeping Car Rate on the 1 hillips-Rock Is land Tourist Excursions from Council Bluffs Omaha or Lincoln to Los Angeles or San Francisco via the Scenic Route and Option. Car leaves Des Moines every Friday, and sleeping car rate from there is $5. 50. You have through sleeper, aod the Phillips' man agement has a special agent accompany the excur sion each week, and you will save money and liavo excellent accomodation, as the cars hare uphol stered spring seats, are Pullman build, and ap pointments perfect. Address for full particulars, JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A. Chicago. CHAS. KENNEDY, Gen. W. Pass. Agent, C. A. RUTHERFORD. C. P. & T. A. 1045 O St. Cor. 11th, Lincoln, Neb. Mp IS 1 SHORT LINE -TO- Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Sioux City St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Black Hills Towns. O O For tickets apply tn A. S. FIELDING, City Ticket Agt., 117 South 10th Street Depot Cor. S and 8th Sts. S. A. MOSHER. General Agt. IB BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA "1 - 'r