17 THE BURMNGTON ROUTE PLAYING CARDS THE COURIER I O AND TENTH STREETS. Capital, 400,000 Su.xrlvis, 100,000 OFFICKKS: X. S. Harwood, President. Chas. A. Hasna, Vico President. ' F. M. Cook, Cashier. C. 8. Lipfikcott, Assistant Cashier. H. 3. Freeman, Assistant Cashier. MASTERS SALS. First Publication February 2. Docket O, Number 281. In The Circuit Court of The Unit States, for the Diati ict of Nebraska. Ashley B. LaFluer, complainant, vs Jackson E. Montrose, et al, defendants In Chancery. Foreclosure Of Mortgage. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance and by virtue of a decree entered it the above cause on the 9th day of July 1894, I, E. S. Dundy, Jr., Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Dis trict of Nebraska, will, on 20th day of March, 1893, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at tho east door of the Lancaster county court hous" building in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, state and district of Nebraska, sell at auction for cash the following described property, to wit: All of section number two (2) in town ship number nine (9) north of range number seven (7) east, of the sixth (6) principal meridian, excepting therefrom one acre thereof, bounded and describ ed as follows, namely: Beginning at a point on the south line of said section, distant fifteen (15) rods ea&t from the S. W. corner of the S. E. quarter of said section, end running thence north 220 feet, thence east 193 feet, thence south 220 feet, thence 198 feet to the point of beginning, together with all and singul ar, the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. All in the County of Lancaster and State of Nebraska. E. S. DUNDY, Jr., Master in Chancery. Harwood ames APettis, Solicitors for Complainant. HARWOOD, AMES & PETTIS, attorneys-at-law, 145 SOUTH ELEVENTH street. NOTICE. First Publication March 9. To Jane E. Owen, non-resident defen dant: You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of March, 1895, Price Owen filed a petition against you in the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the objpet and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for the term of two years last past and upon the further grounds of drunkednees and extreme cruelty. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, the 15 day of April. Price Owen, Plaintiff. By Harwood, Ames & Pettis. Til America's Foremost Newspaper DAILY, SUNDAY, WEEKLY. Independent and fearless; bigger an! more attractive than ever, it will be an in valuable visitor to the homo, the office, tho club or the workroom. THE DAILY HERALD All the news of the world from pole to pole, gathered by a vast army of cor respondents and reporters, and sent by unequalled cable and telegraphic facil ities, 83 a year. THE SUNDAY HERALD A masterly magazine of contemporan eous literature, with articles by the leading writers of the world, embellish ed with beautiful colored and half-tone illustrations. $2 a year. THE WEEKLY HERALD A perfect family journal. All the news of the week, sketches and continued stories, valuable information for farm ers and departments devoted to women and children. Remember the Weekly Herald is Only One Dollar A Year. Send for a sample copy. Address OMI HERALD, Herald Square, New York. Those elegant cards of tho very best quality, only I ft cents per deck. For sale at 15. & M. dejot or city ticket ollico, corner Tenth and O streets. To California in a Tomst Sleeper. The Burlington Route's personally con ducted excursions to the Pacific Coast are Just tho thing for peoplo of aioderato means Cheap, respectable, comfortable, expedi tious. From Omaha and Lincoln every Thurs day. Through to Los Angeles and San Francisco without change. Experienced 'excursion managers and uniformed Pull man porters in charge. Second class tick ets accepted. Cars are carpeted and uph ol stered and have spring seats and backs, mattresses, blankets, curtains, pillows, tow els, etc Only 85 for a double berth, wide enough and big enough for two. The route is over the "Scenic Line of the World,' through Denver, Salt Lake City and Sacramento. All the wonderful canons and peaks of the Rocky Mountains nro passed during the day. If you are going west jou should arrange tojoinoneof these excursions. They are the best, the very best, across tho conti nent. Information and advertising matte on application to the local agent or b addressing J. FRANCIS, Gon'I. Pass'r. Agent, Omaha, Neb 4 -,! - HflFsf 5r55 iX m V ft Messrs. S. C. Wells & Co., Le Roy. N. Y.: TIS lASS" January ist, 1894. Gentlemen I have tried many different kinds of medicine without receiving any benefit, and had given up all hopes of any cure or even relief. I was troubled with constipation for years until I was a total wreck. Finally it ran into rheumatism and other trouble, and have been confined to the house, (was k21 r eight months) for two years. I have been using your KarF Clover Root Tea, and find that it has done me more good than'anything I have ever ?ej yu are Perectly at liberty to use mv name as a testimonial, as I am glad to know that I have been the means of relieving others. Very respectfully, Mrs. W. P. Wordex.