14 THE COURIER CALIFORNIA AND UTAH EXCURSIONS The Burlington runs on every Thursday a tourist sleeper, leaving Lincoln at 12:15 p. m. for Salt Lake, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Only $5 for a double berth, Lin coln to Los Angeles. Three excursions have proved very successful from the fact that they are conducted personally by a Burlington employee. For full information regarding tickets, apply at Burlington fc Missouri depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and O streets. We have seen a number of watch chains ornamented with a pretty" charm in the shape of a watch case opener, which obvi ates the use of a knife or fingernail to open the watch. They are sent free on request by the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philapelphia, Pa. Your jeweler here may have one for you; if not, send to Philadel phia. The Keystone Watch Case Company is the largest concern of its kind in the world. Its capacity is 2500 cases per day. It man ufactures every description of case, but its great speciality is that most popular of all watch cases, the Jas. Boss gold tilled. These are equal in beauty and wear to solid gold while they cost only about half as much. Boss and other Keystone cases are the only cases that have the non-pull-out bow or ring, which saves the watch from theft and accident. The Keystone Company does not retail, but our local dealers handle the cases and swear by the theft-proof qual ties of the ring. Rudy's Pile Suppository is guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipa tion, or money refunded. 50 cents per box. Send two stamps for circular and Free Sample to Martin Rudy, Registered Phar macist, Lancaster, Pa. No postals answer ed. For sale by all first-class druggisst everywhere. H. T. Clarke Co., wholesale agents, Lincoln, Neb. HMDS. Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland offer superior inducements to persons Beck ing pleasant and profitable homes. Low priced farming and grazing lands, timber and mineral lands, manufacturing sites, business locations, etc. Farms, convenient to eastern markets, are offered at prices which can't be dupli cated elsewhere. A special list of Shenan andoah Valley, Maryland and West Virgin ia property is now ready for free distribu tion. Western people can take half-rate excursions to the Shenandoah Valley, over the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, from Chi cago, St. Louis, Cincinnati and all B. & O. points in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. For full information, given free of charge write to S. P. Kretzer, Land and Immigra tion Agent, B. &. O. R. R, Philadelphia, Pa. nBTBITIlfBfi Bright men wanted tn UK I IIC9 crery locality to oper ate aader utstrnetlona. Clrll and criminal detecUvs work. Locating debtor, collecting debt and com- re 111 correspondence. Forpartlcalara address wlUt Jkmmrmm jhctit jascaej. IalaaaUa. la. S. L. GEISTHARDT, Attorney -at-Law, BURR BLOCK. NOTICE TO HON RESIDENT DEFENDANT. First Pub. Mar. 16. To Alexander S. Porter, non-resident defendant You are hereby notiQod that on August 16, 1894. The tVmnocttcut River Savings bank as plaintiff began an action against you and other defendants in the -district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the object of (which is to forecloso a certain mortgage on the following land in the said county, to-wit: Lot number seren (7) in block number thir teen 13 in Kinney's O street addition to Lin coln made by P. J. Kennedy to B. A. Gibson, dated March 20, 1393, to secure the payment of a promissorry note of said P. J. Kennedy to said B. A. Gibson for $10,000 on which thera is now duo $10,410 with interest from May 1, 1S94. -t 10 per cent per annum pursuant to coupons. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of 6aid land to satisfy said liens as aforesaid, for the appointment of a receiver, for deficiency judgment and general relief. a You are required to answer plaintiff's peti tion on or before the 2?nd day of April, 1895. The Connecticut Kiver bAvrxos Bank. Plaintiff. By S. L. Geistliardt, Attorney. SnERlFr SALE. First Publication March 16 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancastar County, in an action wherein Philip D. DuBois is plaintiff, and S. W. Beardsley et al are defendants. I will, at two o'clock P. M., on the 16 th day of April A. D. 1895, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer at public auction the following described real estate to-wit: Lots numbered five (5) and six (6) in block numbered one (1) in Chase and Beardsley's Park Hill addition to the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 13th day of March A. D., 1895. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. A. B. COFFROTH. ATTOKNEr AT LAW, First Publication Mch. 16 SHERIFF SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the District Court of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein John H. Fisher is plaintiff, and Malinda D. Hayden et al are defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 16th day of April A. D.1895, at the east door of the courthouse, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following de described real estate to wit: Lots seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) in block two (2) of Lincoln Driving Park Company's first sub-division of part of the west half of the south east quarter of section twenty-four (21) township ten (10) north, range six (6) east of the 6th. P. M. an addition to Lincoln Lancaster County, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 15th day of March A. D. 1895. FRED A. MILLER Sheriff. STEWART & MUNGER Attorneys at Law. BURR BLOCK. First Publication Mch. 16th In the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. Nebraska Wesleyan University, Plaintiff vs Amasa C. Calkins et al, defendants Amasa C. Calkins and Mary L. Calkins his wife will take notice that on the 20th. day of December, 1891, the Nebraska Wesleyan University, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Lancaster county, Nebraska against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mort gage executed by defendants Amasa C. Calkins ( as A. C. Calkins ) and Mary L. Calkins to the plaintiff upon lots 6even (7), and eight (8), in block one hundred (100), University Place in Lancaster county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of three promissory notes, dated June 12th., 1890, for the sum of 8201.33 each, and due and payable on the 14th. day of March 1892, 1894, and 1896 res pectively, that there is now duo upon said notes and mortgage the sum of 8603.99. with interest thereon from June 12, 1890, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to bo sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, and that a receiver may be appointed to take charge of rents and profits of said prem ises and the same may be applied to the payment of plaintiff's claim. You are required to answer said petit ion on or before the 22nd day of April, 1895. Dated March 15, 1895. Nebraska Wesleyan Universitt, By Stewart & Munger Its Attorneys. ARTICLES OF INCORORATION OE THE LINCOLN CYCLE COMPANY. 1. Notice is hereby given that the name of this corporation is The Lincoln Cycle Company. 2. That the principle place of trans acting its business shall be the city of Lincoln, Nebraska. A brach place of business may be esablished at any point in any state or territory in the United States. 3 The general nature of said corpor ation shall be the buying selling, owning, storing and leasing of bicycles and bi cycle sundries. Tho amount of 'capital stock authorized is $10,000., $2500., ot which shall be paid into said corporat ion upon the commencement of business thereof, balance upon call of the direct ors whenever they may deem it neces sary and proper. 4. The time of the commencement of this corporation shall be the 31st day of January 1895, and shall continue for a period of fifty years. 5. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation shall at any one time subject itself shall not exceed two third- of tho amount of capital stDck actually subscribed. 6. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a board of direct ors, not more than ffve, nor less than three in number chosen from tho stock holdars and -entitled to act until the annual meeting of stock holders next succeeding their election, and the incor porators shall act as a board of directors until the first board has elected and organized. The officers of the corporat ion shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer chosen for a period of one year, or until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Any vacancy may be tilled by the Board of Directors. Geo. A. Crancer B. G. Dawes Incorporators. L. M. (Jrancer -1 vs Jl