THE COURIER 13 G. M. LAMBERTSON, Attont, HUBK BLOCK. LEGAL NOTICE. First Publication, Feb. 23. To John Warner, Frank W. LowiB, John Frain, Abbio H. yolcott, John S. Gregory, E. Alary Gregory, Lizzie H. E. Wilkins, Egbert Starr, trustee, A. Stone anil Fred O. Ellis. You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the 4th day of December, 1894, Silas II. Burnham, trustee, as plaintiff, began an action against you and other defendants in the district court jf Lancaster County, Nebraska. Plaintiff in his petition alleges that on or about the 7th day of August, A. D., 189.1, James H. McMurtry and Amanda E. McMurtry executed and delivered to Silas H. Burnham, trustee for the American Exchange National Bank, certain warranty deeds for the following described property, to-wit: Lot No. 30 in the southeast quarter of section .10, township 10 north, range 7 east of tho Gth principal meridian; also lot 2 except 25 .by 42 feet in the northeast corner in block 2 of McMurtry's addition to Lin coln, Nebraska; also lot 3 and the west 33 feet of lot 6 in block 2, McMurtry's addition to the city of Lincoln, Nebras ka; also lots B, C, D and E in McMur try's subdivision of block 1 in McMur try's addition to Lincoln, and the west half of tho south 132 feet of lot 1 and tho east 11 feet of the south 132 feet of lot 2 in block 1, McMurtry's Addition to the city of Lincoln, Nebraska; also lot 10 in block 4, McMurtry's addition to Lincoln, Nebraska; also lot 10 in block 2, McMurtry's addition to Lincoln, Nebraska. All of said premises and other proper ty conveyed by said deeds and other property described in tho petition of flaintiff is situated in the county of Lancaster and state of Nebraska. Said deeds were absolute in form, but were intended by both the said Silas II. Burnham and tho said James H. Mc Murtry and Amanda E. McMurtry, to stand as security for an indebtedness due, and notes executed to the Ameri can Exchange National Bank of Lin coln, Nebraska, as was evidenced by an agreement made and entered into on said 7th day of August, 1893, at the time said deeds were executed by James II. Murtry and Joseph R. Webster, part ies of the first part, and Silas II. Burn ham, party of tho second part, whereby it was stipulated that said deeds were in fact only mortgages and given to secure the payment of indebtedness due said bank. The object of said action is to have the court decree that said deeds ard in struments, though absolute in form, are in fact mortgages, and to foreclose said mortgages on the land described above, and other property described in the said deeds and plaintiff's petition. The further object of said action is to have tho court reform said deeds and correct tho misdescriptions of said prop erty, in order to carry out and effect the agreement and understanding entered into between tho parties to paid instru ments. Said deeds, instruments and mort gages were given by the 6aid James H. McMurty and Amanda E. McMurtry to secure the payment of the following promissory notes given to the American Exchange National Bank, viz: One of James H. McMurtry and D. T. Coffman, for the sum of 81450, on which there is now due the sum of 1450 with 10 per cent interest from January 19, 1894. One of C. E. Loomis and James II. McMurtry for tho sum of $900.00 on which there is now due tho sum of 8900.00 and interest at the rato of 10 per cent per annum from the 3rd day of May, 1894. Ono of John S. Gregory and JamesII. McMurtry for tho sum of 81S75.00 on which thero is now duo the sum of 81875.00 and interest at 10 per cent per annum from tho 3rd day of May, 189-4. Ono of D. B. Howard and James II. McMurtry for tho sum of 8G00.00 on which there is now duo tho sum of 8000.00 and interest at 10 per cont per annum from April 12,1894. Ono of G. B. Skinner and James II. McMurtry for tho sum of 81000.00 on which there is now duo the sum of 81000.00 with interest at 10 per cent per annum from tho 12th day of April, 1894. Ono of G. B. Skinner and James II. McMurtry for tho sum of 8800.00 on which there is now duo tho sum of 8800. with 10 per cent interest from tho lGth day of April. 1894. One of James McMurtry for tho sum of 89000.00 on which thero is now due tho sum of 89,000. and interest at 10 per cent per annum from tho 9th day of April, 1894. One of James II. McMurtry for the sum of 810,000.00 on which thero is now duo tho sum of 810,000 with ten per cent interest from tho 9th day of April, 1894. One of J. R. Webster and James II. McMurtry for tho sum of 85,.'50.00 on which thero is now due the sum of 83,350. with 10 per cent interest from the 14th day of May, 1894. Ono of O. P. Davis and James II. Mc Murtry for tho sum of 8500.00 on which thero is now duo tho sum of S500, with 10 per cent interest from tho 19th day of June, 1894. Ono of Alexander Hogeland and James K. McMurtry for tho sum of 8200.00 on which thero is now duo tho sum of 8200.00 with 10 per cent interest from tho 14th day of June, 1894. And one of R. Munford and J. II. Mc Murtry for tho sum of 8150.00 on which there is now duo tho sum of 8150.00 with 10 per cent interest from July .'JO, 1891. Plaintiff prays for a decree of fore closure and the sale of said land to sat isfy said liens aforesaid and for a do Hcioney judgment and general relief. You aro required to answer this peti tion on or before tho 1st day of April 1893. Silas II. Buk.nham, Tnfttco. PlaintifL By G. M. Lambcrtson, attornoy. BROWN & LEESE Attorneys at Law. SHERIFFS SALE. First Publication March 2 Notico is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale issued by tho clerk of tho district court tho third ju dicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein Tho Ballon Stato Bank ing Company is plaintiff, and F. A. Chapman et al aro defendants. I will, at two o'clock P. M., on tho 2nd day of April A. D. 1895, at tho east door of tho court house in tho city of Lin coin, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction tho following described real estate, to-wit: Lot number three (3) in block number four (4) in W. G. floutz's Addition to Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 1st day of March, A. D., 1895. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. Three Months Absolutely Free! St. Louis Globe Democrat. Eigrt Pages Tuesday and Friday. Sixteen Pages Every Week. Beyond all comparison the biggest and brightest news and family journal pub Iifhed in America. Price, One Dollar a Year. Will be sent Fifteen Months for $1. to any reader of this paper not now a sub scriber of the Globk-Demoorat. This blank must be used to secure the benefit of this extraordinary ofier. I It is worth three months free subscription to the Glohe-Dkmockat. Fill in your name, Post-Office and State, and mail with one dollar (Bank Draft. Post Oflicr or Express Money Order or Regis tered Lette), direct to GLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sample copies of the Globe-Democrat will be sent free on application. ORDER BLANK. To GLOBE PRINTING, CO., St. Louis, Mo. Herewith find $1 for which send to address given below The Globe-Democrat, twice every week, for fifteen months as per your special offer to readers of The Courier published at Lincoln, Nebraska. Name of subscriber Postoffice State Be sure to use this blank. It is worth three months free subscription. i i 1 i ji