w 4- THE COURIER Tho wedding of Miss Mary Sherwood, daughter of Mr. E. II. Sherwood, formerly of Omaha, and Hon. G. M. Lambertflon of this city is to occur at Southport, Conn., at high noon, February 28. After a journey in tho east Mr. and Mrs. Lambortson will bo at homo late in March in Lincoln. i i ar t i &s2fM'& x. tfe& Wr - W yL- J3WV. s ! HHF fW w US!! rF j Miss Ola Adams, of Superior, has been the guest of Miss Enu Ricketts, at Twenty-third and L streets, for a few dayB. Miss Maude Shaw entertained tho Dramatic club of the Btato uni versity on Tuesday evening. I li fliA M' TjTTi m " ' 'f 4-47&J- wi r; i ; i r i I 1 ran UV minenco. Norman enjoyabl Society has little in store for the short period that is to elapse before a ban will bo placed on elaborate social functions by the Lenten season. Lent begins one week from Wednesday. Tho week that has just been added to tho past was marked by few affairs of pro- Tho cotillon given Mrs. D. E. Thompson in honor of Miss and Miss Brown, of St. Joseph, proved to bo the most o event of the week. Rose Cottage club mot with Miss Phebo Elliott on Wednesday morning. A pleasant time was had by tho ladies present. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Woods have returned from their bridal tour. W. Reed Dunroy, tho young Nebraska poet, will givo a reading from his poems in Omaha this evening in tho auditorium of Y. M. C. A. building. On Friday, March 1st, ho will read at Beatrice under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. at that place. Mr. Pryor Markell of Omaha spent part of tho week in tho city. Miss Grace Oakley is expected home on the 27th. Mr. Albert Watkins in Sioux City during tho past wcel Pryor Markell was in tho city Tuesday. Miss Brown and Miss Norman, who have been visiting Miss Mae Burr for the past week returned to St. Joe today. Lincoln Assembly No. 3, Pythian sisterhood, gave a pound social last Friday evening for the benefit of the poor of the city. Provis-. ions of all kinds were furnished and some one was Kind enough to give them an order for two tons of coal. They also received several cash donations all of which was turned over to Elder Howe who thanked them on behalf of tho poor of the city. The audienco were entertained with the following program: Zither duet, Misses Jetes; "Song Bird," Fay Cochran; recitation, Pearl Stieii; piano solo, Mrs. Strickland; recitation, M;ss Kelley; mucic, mandolin ciub, consisting of four young ladies; "The Whistling Coon," Miss O'Malloy; recita tion, Hazel Peters; song, "While the Dance Goes On," Sylvia Beat-ty. II. T. Clarke of Omaha is in tho city. Miss Tat u in of Omaha is the guest of Mrs. Walter B. Hargreaves. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funke have gone on an extended visit to New York. Mr. W. II. Deldine of Sioux City was in the city this week on bus-ness. Mr. C. L. Eaton entertained a few of his friends at his homo last Saturday evening with a stag party Karcher and Moore furnished some of their choice musical selections. Ernest B. Fairfield sang, as did also H. E. Mitchell. Those present were: Charlie Caldwell, II. E. Mitchell, E. B. Fairfield, Fred Karcher, Forrie Moore, Carl Gundel, C. M. Baker, Tom Teasdale, Walt Seeley, Will Pickett, Fred Longwell, Chris Camp, Georgo Gascoigne, J. S. Ferguson, Will Turner, Judge McCandless, Will Love. Edwin Lamb, Will Houseworth, and P. J. Cosgrave. Mrs. J. E. Bauin and children aro in tho city the guests of Mrs. Catharine Funke. 1021 D street. Miss McClure, of Mount Pleasant, Iowa; is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. F. Kellev. Mr. and Mrs. Otto A. Mohrenstecher returned from their wedding trip yesterday and have taken up their residence in the Baldwin Terrace, 435 south Twelfth street. Miss Lillian Saunders very pleasantly entertained a number of her friends last Friday evening at her home, 901 C street. Among thoso present were: Misses Birdie Sutton, Helen Howland, Etta Zeh, Dot Druse, Marie Joers, Ada McFall, Mabel Parish, Miriam Parks, Marietta Cook, Clara Leese, Gertrudo Morrisey, Ina Hatch, Geniveve Hathawaj ; Messrs. Harry Marr, Ed Hickey, Eugene Parks Paul Percell, Harry Mitchell, Fred Book, Georgo Joers, Charlie Caldwell, Louis Wechbech, Homer Webster, Chester Trumblo and John nickey. Mr. E. II. Criley, of Kansas City, is in the city. Mrs. Henry Branch has returned from Kansas City and is now at home at 52G South 12th street. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. B. Wright will give a reception to the members of the senate, state officials and the society people of Lincoln in tho senate chamber next Monday evening. Mrs. Charles Robinson of Chicago will assist in receiving. The reception from 8 to 10 o'clock will be followed by dancing. This promises to bo one of the most important social event of the season. Miss Katharine Kleutscb is visiting with Mrs. W. Bautnan of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs Lewis Marshall returned from their wedding trip Tuesdav. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report PnVAl Baking m r afcgggjga Powder Absolutely pure