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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1895)
NEBRASKA CONSERVATORY MUSIC (Incorporated.) Every department of Music, Art, Elocution and Languages. For catalogues and information -address O. B. HOWELL, Director. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. CAPTAIN CUTTLE'S WATCH Had to be pushed back a "halt hour in the morning and a quarter of an hour in the afternoon,' to make it a "watch seldom ekalled but never excelled." Our new stock of watches are the finest made, and consequently need no such operation. They are only ?5.00. Diamonds and Silverware, too. J. 33. Trlolcey Ss, Co. A. man cannot -o And drink at the same time. But the wide awake people who employ O'NEILL to do their plumbing can whistle at hard times and drink from the cup of success. Holiday Rates Via The Burlington Route. Decemder 22, 53, 24, 25 aud 31", and also on Jan. 1, round trip tickets to points with in 200 miles will be on sale at rate of fare and a third. Minimum rate, 50 cens. Tickets and information at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O street. The Burlhglon Now Open to Billings, Montana Short lino to Helena, Butte, Anaconna Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. Our Pacific coast flyer leaves Lincoln daily at G:20 p. in. Unsurpassed train service and quick time. For full information apply at Burlington &. Missouri depot or city office, corner 10th and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A. People going east should remember that the North Western (Elkhorn) line offers a morning and afternoon train for Chicago and the time is equal to the best. The morning train and connections enable pas sengers to reach many points in central and northern Iowa in one day. The general equipment and tracks of this line is un equalled. Try the Northwest line. THE COURIER S. L. GEISTIIARDT, Attorney a' Lew, HURK BLOCK. First Publication February 2. IM3. MOTILE TO NOK-hESIDENT DEFEND NT. To John Oeorue, Xou-Kesidcnt defendant : Yon nro hereby notified that on Octolwr '!, 1S9I,'J. F. LudwignsiiIaintitT, boirnii an action youuutt other defendants rict'eourt of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the object of which is to foreclose n certain mort RaKe on tho following land in said county, to wit: lot number 15 in block manlier 1 in V.1I. 1 nine's subdivision of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quar ter of section 36 town 10 north of rnnKotieast of tho 6th principal meridian, made by William II. 'ieorKO and Sarah K. (leoro to llio Clark A Leonard Investment Company dated Septem ber '.7,Ib&9. to secure the payment of a promiss ory note of said William II. (IcorKo and Sarah E. OeorKO to said The Clark A Leonard Invest ment Company for!U0.0U on which there is now duo $312.00 with interest from Octolwr 1, 1M)I at ID percent per annum pursuant tocouMns; Plaintiff prays for decree of foreclosure and salo of said land to satisfy said liens as afore said, for deticiency judgment and Kcueral relief. 11 You are are required to answer plaintiff's J. F. LUDWIG, Plnintiff. petition on or before tho Iltli day of March IS'.tt . liUuniti, rinintitr. Uy S. L. (iEISTHAKDT, Attorney. S. L. GEISTIIARDT, Attorney-at-Law, iiuiti: II LOCK. NOTICE TO NONRESIDENT DEFENDANTS. First Pub. Feb. 1G. To Illinois National Hank of Springfield, Illi nois, Martin Burns. S W. illis, llrst real name unknown, Mnlvina ('. 'Jurns, J. T. Crawford, lirst real name unknown, Kump11 and Company, Kdcl Brothers, A. W. Morris, first real name unknown, Simons A Kolui, 1'. Jossorand and Brother, W. I". Blancliard and Company and Edward F. Leeak, non resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that in an action begun by K. II. Pearson, as plaiu tiff, against tholSadger Lumber Company and others, as defendants, the Philadelphia Mort gage and Trust Company, as interveuor and defendant, tiled its answer and cross petition against you and other defendants in the dis trict court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the object of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage on the following lautl in the said county, to-wit: All that tract of land in the northwest quarter of section ', town 10, north of range G east of thetith principal me ridian, more particularly described us follows, namely, beginning at a iniint IS feet east of the northeast corner of block number 1! in Lav ender's addition to Lincoln, for a starting point, thenco east feet, thence south 1VS feet, thence west 2! feet, thence north 112 feet to the point or place of beginning made by Jane O. Ilutchins and Charles II. Hutchius to The Clark ic Leonard Investment Company dated July 3. liS9, to secure tho payment of a promis sory note of said Jane, G, ilutchins and Charles II. Ilutchins to said Tho Clark tc Leonard In vestment Company for $3,000 on which there is now due $WS5.22 with interest from July I, ls'J I, nt 10 per cent per annum pursuant to coupons: also a mortgage on the north half of lot 3 in block in the city of Lincoln in said county made by Jano G. Ilutchin and Charles II. Ilutchins dated Xovcmlier 30, IsS'.t. to secure the payment of a promissory note of said Jane (i. Ilutchins and Charles II, Hutchius to said Tho Clark Je Leonard Investment Company for $NJU0 on which there is now duo $s92.u with interest from June 1. IS'.' 10iercent peran uum. Plaintiff and the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Company pray for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said land to satisfy said liens as aforesaid, for tho apiniintment of a receiver, for deficiency judgment and general relief. You are required to answer plaintiff's peti tion on or before tho 23th day of March, lsU5. The Philadelphia Modtgaoe & Tbust Companv, Defendant E. II. Peaem.v. Plaintiff By S. L. Geisthardt, Attorney. DETECTIVES Bright men w n'cdtn ftVrT tiwsltt v tj.nn. ate under lmtraetions. Civil and criminal de'ectiva work. Locating debtors, collecting debts and com mercial correspondence. Forpartlcularoaddreu wlU tamp. American Detective Agencr. Indianapolis, lad. TOUND & BURR. Attorney's at Law. . SHERIFF SALE. I irst Publication January 2(5. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judi cial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action where in Alexander Lederur an.i Moses StrausH partners as Lederer and Strauns aro plaintiffs, and Rosa V. WooIIoy etalare defendants, I will at 2 o'clock p. in., on the 25th day of February A. I). 18i).". at tho east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, the following described real estate to-wit: Lot number one (I) in block number four (J) in Cottage Grove addition to tho City of Lincoln Lancaster County Nebraska. Given under my hand this 21th day of Januarv A. D. 181)3. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff When wanting a clean, easy shave or an artistic hair-cut, try u. Westerfield THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST, who has an elegant barber shop with oak chairs, etc., called "The Annex'' at 117 North Thirteenth Street, south of Lansing theatre. HE HAS ALSO VERY NEAT BATH ROOMS. THE I II O AND TENTH STREETS. Capital, gS-00,000 Stirpltis, $100,000 OFFICKKS: X. S. Harwood, President. Ciias. A. Hasxa, Vice President. F. M. Cook, Cashier. C. S. LirTiNcoTr, Assistant Cashier. II. S. Freeman, Assistant Cashier. KcraftraH A . H -W COPYRIGHTS." CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to M IJ X tc CO.. who have had nearly fifty years experience In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerninjr Patent and boir to ob tain them rent free. Also a catalogue of mecnao icnl and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbroueh Mann k Co. receive special notice in the rcieiitilic American, and thus are brought widely before the public with, out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the Unrest circulation of any scientific work in tho world. S3 a year, sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly. iiin a year. Single copies. -. cents. Kvery number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to ibow the latent design and secure contracts. Address Jlf.NN Si CO, EW YOUK. UU1 liUOADWAT- 5 3 '4 -1 $ '4 S