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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1895)
THE COURIER There was an immense crush at the wedding of Miss Nellie White and Mr. Louis C. Marshall which was colebrated Tuesday evening at Holy Trinity church. In fact the crush wa bo great that many people holding invitations wore unablo to gaia admittance, the doors being locked after a certain timo for the prott&Uon of those already in the church. The Marshall-White weddini;learly do monstrates that Lincoln is getting to be something more'than a small town and that it will bo necessary in future at all large'-nnd fashionable church weddings to issue cards of admittance and to insist upon their being presentod at tho door. The wedding cere mony was most imposing. Seldon has so much care been taken in tho ante-nuptial arragements and the ceremony was marked by its beauty. Tho boy choir led tho bridal procession. Tho gowned choristers appeared at the southwest corner and proceeded down the aisle Bwestly singing Lohengriif's wedding march followed by tho ushers, Mr. Frank Burr, Mr. Sam E. Low, Mr. C. P. A. Clough, Mr. R. M. Joyce, Mr. Fred W. Houtz.Mr. Mattson Baldwin, Mr. Will Meyer and Mr. Fritz Westcrman. Then camo tho bride's maids Miss Marie Marshall, sister of the groom; Miss Mamio Carson, Miss Mae Burr and Miss Gahans. of Grand Island, all attired in cream satin and making a very pretty appearnce. Miss Carrie Wasmer, of Grand Island, was tho brides maid or honor. Miss White is one of Lincoln's prettiest girls and she made a beautiful brido. She wore a handsome gown of white satin and tulle veil and entered on tho arm of her father and was joined at the chancel by tho groom who entered from tho vestry with his best man, Mr. Will Clark. Rev. Mr. Hewitt peformed tho beautiful Episcopal marriage ceremony in a very impressive manner. Immediately after the ceremony a re ception was given at tho homo of tho brido to tho immediate friends and relatives and the happy couple left on the 9:."0 train for Chicago and the east to be gone about three weeks. The bride and groom are both well known in Lincoln. Miss White is an accomplished and extremely attractive young lady and tho only daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. E. White and Mr. Marshall is a young man prominent in business and social circles having grown up in Lincoln. J. II. O'Neill .has returned from Decatur, 111. At rhe reception immediately following tho ceremony thoso present were: Kev. and Mrs. Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wheeler, or Omaha; Mr. and Mrs B. P. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney J. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Burr, Mrs. Sarah E. Marshall, Miss Marie Marshall, Miss Mae Burr,Mi68 Bessie Gahan.of Grand Island; Miss Carrie Wasmer, of Grand Island; Mrs. George Miller, of Omaha; Mrs. Dr. McGahan. of Grand Island: Mrs. H. H. Dean, Miss Ellen Smith, Mrs. Glover, of Grand Island; Mrs. Fiske, Mrs. Will Chapman, Miss Alice Cowdery, Miss Lucy Griffith, Miss Olive Latta, Miss Kitty Cowdery, Miss Hallie Hooper, Miss Brown and Miss Norman, of St. Joseph; Mr. Will H. Love. Mr. Geddes, of Grand Island, Mr. Chas. Baker, -f Beatrice; Mr. Sam McGath, of Omaha; Mr. Fred Breckenridge, of Omaha; Mr. T. Emery McMeans, of Grand Island; Mr. Johnson, Mr. Frank S. Burr, Master Hadie Thompson, Mr. Sam E. Low, Mr. Frank Cowdery, Mr. C. P. A. Clough, Mr. Frederick W. Ashton, of Grand Island; Mr. Robert M. Joyce, Mr. Mattson Baldwin, Mr. Will Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall will be at home after April 15th at 1523 L street. Sheriff Fred A. Miller and his wife were tendered a surprise party last Tuesday evening, it being Mrs. Miller's birthday bihI the eighth anniversary of their wedding. High five and dancing were in dulged in, after which the guests were served with an elegant re past. Sylvia Batty and Fred Krone won the royal prizes while Willie Sizer and Miss Carlson were awarded tho booby prizes. The following were present: Messrs. and Mesdames'. S. T. Cochrune, Will Hopkins, J. W. Percival, N. G. Ensey, Albert Dillon, C II. Hoxie, F. L. Leighton; Mrs. II. L. Barkdoll, Mrs. Miller, Miss Lulu Krone, Miss Minnie Hale, Miss Bertha Larson, Miss Clara Brown, Miss Jessio Carlson, Miss Sylvia Batty, Miss Kate Hale; Fred Krone, Fred Ludvvig. C. E. Woodward, J. L. Meyers, Willie Sizer, U. B. Lefler, and Mr. Nolan. Mrs. A. S. Churchill is at the Lincoln. x Last Monday evening the Lincoln .Light1 Infinity wa presented with 'u: handsome silk Hag liy their lady friends. Mrai Rohlandor made a very pretty presentation speech after which -all" enjoyed' 'an informal dance. Among tho ladies present wero: '"MestlamcB R. W. Richards, R. O'Neil. W. O'Shea, B. John Barber,. Fredllallott. George Risdon; Misses Cora Talbot, Amber Barnaby, Tiillie Peters Graco Ramsey, Loretta Kelley, Hattie Beckor, Myrtle Lyon; Edna Carpenter, Louiso Fowler, Elvia Blake, Maggie Stevenson, Daisy Burks, Graco Burks. Lottio Clark, Alice Sheldon, Kato McClay, Josephine Lottridge, Myrtle Roberts, Louiso Taylor, .FraiiHe Stile, Stella Ho t. Ida Gunnison. Lottio Cooper, Mand Tyler. ',- A. L. Burr, one or Alma's best business men was in tho city this week. .! Mr. E C. Snjder, who for several years past has been tho dra matic critic on the Omaha Ike, has been appointed private secretary to senator John M. Thurston. Mr. Snyder will assume tlie duties of otlice the 4th of next month. ProfS. A. Dulliold.of Boston, Mas., is visiting with. F. M. Rich: ardson and family. . , . t ThoHotTamale supper given by the gentleman of the-Hofy" Trinity church Monday evening was a success in every particular. Mr. F. G. Richardson acted as head waiter and was assisted by C. II. Rudgu, K. R. Sizr. J. A. BuckstalL C. C Waldon, Geo. Walsh, Dr.S B D.iflhhl. Jkjj Njrth, Walter K'O.i. E. P. Brown and A Bruce CoiFroth. ' . . Sheriff Miller is back from Texas. Mrs. Runyan and Mrs. Ricketts, of Ddiiver, Colorad ;'aro visiting with Mrs. A. Hogeland, at 1803 south Twenty-fif th street. ' Mr. Thos. Ewing is in Chicago. ti .'. A. R. Samson, ex-deputy commissioner of Public Lands fc Build ings, has removed to Boise City, Idaho, where ho will engage in tw abstract business. ' A very pleasant surprise party was given at the homo of Mr. J. II. Bird last Saturday, it being his thirty-ninth birthday anniversary. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Reynolds and Mrs. Clark of Pacific Junction, la.; Messrs. and Mesdames J. Boothe, J. P. Boothe. E. II. Derr, Stopher; Messrs. Frank Boothe, Floyd Bird and W. K. Boothe; Misses Mona and Ada Boothe, A I Fee and Lottie Giuthers, Dora and Mollie Bird. Miss Ella Bruner, sister or Professor Bruner. and at one time a student at the state university, was married February 9th at West Point, Neb., to Dr, E. J. DeBell. The wedd'ng occurred at the handsome home of the bride's parents. Mr. Do Bell as a physician at R isel'ud agency. The wedding J rip includes a visit to Florida. Judge Leese lectured yesterday afternoon before the christain associations of the university on "The Relation of Law to the Bible." About forty law students were present. Next Sunday af ternoon in the chapel Prof. Braes will lecture on "The Theological ' Significance of Some Recent Scientific Results." ' Judge Chapman was in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ilolderman of South Twelfth street entertained the Fortnightly club on Friday evening. High five was the orderof the evening, Mrs. Kilborn and Henry II. Barth carrying off the royal honors and Mr. J. Michael the consolation. Among those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames H. II. Barth, Kilborn. Evans, Jl Wl"' Michael, Chas. Ben&oa, 3Ieinzer; Miss Ella Heminghaus and Dr. G. M. Smith. ' : Miss Rose Polwosky is in Witchita, Kas. ; 1 i i ! 1 " i 3 rjl jm Wfg?qF?g."l',l.;' ilaUl! Z. '"'.. -""" -mm a "