The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 16, 1895, Page 6, Image 6
THE COURIER Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Ruby, of Chicago, are visiting theirsistcr Mrs. Jno. B. Wright. Miss Alexander and Miss Leavenworth, of Omaha, are visiting Mrs. S. H. Burnham. IHiin can cl ed. The past week in society has been very lively. The Marshall-White wed ding was the mosl important event. The German given by the Patriarchs club was pronounced by all present as the most successful one ever given in the city. The Young Mens Republi- ub banquet and the Junior promenade were both well attend- The Olympic Whist club were entertained at the residence of J. W. Winger, 1248 J street, last evening. Those present were: Miss Helen Hoover, Miss Grace Huntsinger, Miss Bertha Hoddy, Miss Stella Curtice, Miss Daisy Cochrane, Miss Sadie Graham, Mies Helen Harwood, Miss Josephine Treeman Miss Grace Ashton. Miss Josephine Lottridge, Miss Flora Winger, Miss Joe Winger, Mr. Clare Young, Mr. Artie Chapman, Mr. Homer Honeywell, Mr. Harry Grupe, Mr. Frank Kitchen, Mr. George Johnson, Mr. Jno. L. Lott ridge, Mr. Wilson Winger, Mr. Ted Winger and Mr. Ernest Folsom. Mr. Howard Rathbune entertained a few friends at his home 1607 M street Wednesday evening in a most pleasing manner. High five and dancing furnished the evenings amusement after which light refreshments were served. Ihose present were: Miss Marian Parks, Miss Mildred Parks, Miss Hattio Webster, Miss Helen How land, Miss Mamie Joers, Miss Marie Feeney.Mr.Chas. Caldwell, Mr. Homer Webster, Mr. Sam North, Mr. Winthrop and Mr. Mark Rathburn. Miss. Ruby Prindle entertained at her home Thirteenth and South streets Tuesday evening. Among those present were: Misses Mina Furr, Winnie Furr, Etta Ensey, Maggie Thirbaut, Elsie Blake, Edna Pierce, Ida Herpolsheimer and Mrs. Wortham. Messrs. "W. S. Wortham, Cole, N. Lawler, A. Barber, O. G. Atkinson, William Rivers and D. M. Small. Cards, music, dancing and re freshments contributed to the enjoyment of the occasion. The Vine Sheet Congregational church held a valentine social at their church Wednesday evening. A good program had been arranged and was well rendered. Miss Churchill sang "Forget Me Not." in a manner that pleased the audience immensely and she was compelled to respond to an encore. After the program had; been carried out the guests enjoyed themselves in a secial way and were served with light refreshments. The Crokinole club was entertained last Friday evening by Mr. Will Green assistel by the Misses Green at their home on Twenty fifth and R streets. Miss Ethel Wheeler and Mr. Karl Woodward were awarded the honors of the evening after a vigorous contest. The refreshments served were dainty and the guests departed at a late hour. Those present were: Misses Alabaster, Anderson, Bell, Green, Lasch, Stearns, Upton, Watson, Wheeler. Messrs. J. A. and and W. A. Bailey, Blake, Bonebrake, Cunningham, Greeu, Helmes, Ricketts, Seybolt and Woodward. The Union club has perfected arrangements for a whist tourna ment .which will be held every Saturday evening at their rooms. The game" is played under the Chicago plan of duplicate progressive whist and the games are hotly contested. Laet Saturday evening McDonald and Blish had f he highest 6core. Those who participated "were: Messrs Harley, Walsh, Cornish, Hell wig, Alexinder, Ham mond, Hall, Baker, Folsom, McFarland, Green, Townley, Abbott Ewing, Haggard, Magoon, Dayton, Traphagan, Wilson, EdwardB. Rummons, Smith, Kighter, Jones and Spencer. One of the largest as well as the most successful germans ever given by the Patriarch club was given at the Lansing hall Wednes ovening. It was led by Lieutant Pershing and Miss Clark. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burnham, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Harwood, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funke, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Dawes, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. B. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Morrill daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Righter, Mr. and Mrs. Lieut. R. H. Townley, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Imhoff, Miss Clark, Mrs. C. H. Gere, Miss Francis Gere, Miss Ogden, Mips Alex ander, of Omaha; Miss Leavenworth, of Omaha; Miss Sarah Harris, Miss Cora Hardy, Miss Lottie Whedon, Miss Jeanette Wilson, Miss Jennie Underwood, Mrs. Jno. R. Clark, Mrs. Paddock, of Chicago; Miss Ruby, Miss Robinson, of Chicago; Lieut. Pershing, Mr. Dan Wing, Mr. C. A. Hanna, Mr. F. M. Cook, Mr. Owens, Mr. Will Meyer, Prof. White, Mr. Emery Hardy, ex-Gov. Nance, Mr. Will Raymond, Mr. C- A. Howe, Mr. Martin Aitken and Mr. Phillips, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Thompson will give a cotillon next Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Norman and Miss Brown, of St. Joseph, who are the guests of Miss Mae Burr. Thursday evening at the Lincoln hotel took place one of the pleasantest party's of the season. The occasion was the annual promenade of the Junior class at the state university. The dining room was fitted up for the dancing and was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Decorations were furnished by the fraternities and societies of the college. Over the door was the emblem and colors of the Sigma Chi fraternity. At the north end of the hall was the emblem and colore of the Beta Theta fraternity. On the west side of the hall company B ha 1 a large troohy of guns and flags. At the south end of the hall was a beautiful panel in royal purple and old gold on one 6ide, the colors and emblem of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and on the other side was a panel in light and dark blue the colors are the beautiful Hour de les of the Kappa Kappa Gamma society. On the centre, the sideboard was draped in in the university colors of scarlet and cream and the class of had its colors of saphire and salmon with the date 9G in a conspi uous place. On the east side of the ball the Delta Tau Delta frater nity had a large floral emblem and their colors. A long dancing program was arranged. The grand march was led by president of the board of regents, Hon. C. H. Morrill and lady. About sixty couples were present and the dainty costumes of the ladies with the severe but elegant full dress of the gentleman made it a delightful scene. The patrons of the promenade were Mr. and Mrs. Morrill, Chancellor and Mrs. Canfield, Prof, and Mrs. L. A. Sherman, Prof, and Mrs. AnBley, Prof, and Mrs. Ward, Prof. Taylor and lady. Prof, and Mrs. Allen, Prof, and Mrs. Fling, Lieut. Pershing and lady, Prof, and Mrs. Barbour, Prof, and Mrs. Richards and Miss Ellen Smith. The Ravolla club entertained the Empire club in the Lansing hall last Friday evening. The Pleasant Hour club gave the largest party of the season at the Lincoln hotel last Friday evening. Mrs. J. H. Inman and daughter, of Broken Bow, are visiting Mrs. L. P. Gould. Rheumatic Twinges Are escaped by the use of HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC NO. 15. The infalliable cure for rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. For sale by all druggists. 25c. I i. -W fc. i f Mi