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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1895)
16 THE COURIER 1E lMSU& f HWUt JI A. CHURCH, Manager. Wx -A s V Thursday and Friday evenings, Feb. 21-22. GREAT SPACTACULAR PRODUCTION- "OFF THE EARTH" The cast contains some very strong people such as utove fox, MTC. vlrc, m. THE GREATEST PKODUCTIOX OP ITS KIND EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY- iC Saturday evening, Feb. 23. erx i,.;i 7Z-e BY BROTHERS BRYNE. is THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (The only art periodical awarded a med al at the World's Fair.) Invaluable to all who wish to make their 1 living by art or fo make their homes beautiful. """ FOR 10 CENTS We will send to any one mentioned this publication a specimen copy, with superb color plates (for copyinc or for framing) and 8 supplementary pages of de signs (regular price, 35 cents). Or FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS We will send also 'Tainting for Begin ners (90 pages). .MONTAGUE MARKS, - 23 Union Square, X. Y. BROWN & LEESE At o n-ts at Law. SHERIFFS SALE First Publication January 2G. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of tho third judicial district of Nebraska, with in and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein S. K. Martin Lumber Company is plaintiff, and Joshua P. Gibbons et al are defendants. I will at two o'clock P. M .. on tho 2Gth day of February A. D. 1895, at the east door of tho court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to-wit; Lot number ten (10) in block number four (4) in Iloutzand Baldwin's Sub--division of the west half of the north west quarter of southwest quarter of section nineteen (19) township ten (10) north, range seven (7) east of the Gth P. M. in Lancaster County Nebraska. Given under my hand this 24th day of January A. D. 1895. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. SPEEDY mmA "LASTING RESULTS. ,FAT PEOPLE.ZX l No incomrenience. Simolc u .i.m "sure. ABsawnr rjiil?! from anr injurious substance, m. XMa, M LAaZ ABSQKZK3 SZS7SZS. Wo GUARANTEE a CURE or refund year aiemr. Price SS.OOper bottle. Send 4c far trM&sa. TUXaiUHT JLEDIUAX VU., JtOCtOB, . wS wu gs I vw.y Jas. Boss Pilled Watch Cases are all gold as far as yon can see. They lookC, like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and are solid cases for all practical purposes yet only cost about half as much out-and-out solid gold case. Warranted to wearjbr 20 years; many in constant use for thirty years. Better than ever since they are now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great bow (ring) which cannot bt pulled or foisted .UlC UUG UK Bf!! 10w rmr ivi Can only be bad on the cases stamped with this trade mark. All others have the old-stvlo mill.. which is only held to the case by friction, and can be twisted off with the fingers. Sold onlr through watch dealers. Send for a watch case opener to tho manufacturers KeystoneWatch Case Co- PHILADELPHIA. rri 'ST ;"-"?