The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 16, 1895, Page 13, Image 13
U!UWjJWtf. 1 1 . mmi'Jfci U ?s J" &: ,S?-i" j :JT- STEWART & HUNGER Attorneys at Law ltUKIt I! LOCK. 07VC TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. In the District Court of County, Nebraska. Hollis E.Wood, Lancaster Plaintiff, vs Abner G. PrestQn, Charles S.McKeu ney, Emma Preston, and John R. Pres ton, Defendants. John R. Preston, defendant, will take notice that on the 12th day of Novem ber, 1894, plaintiff filed a petition in the district court of Lancaster county. Neb raska, against the above named defen dants, the object and prayer of which are that the conveyance of the south half of the southeast quarter of section 22, town 9, rango G, Lancaster County, Nebrabka, from Abner G. Preston to John R. Preston, and the conveyance of the north halt of the southwest quarter and the south half of the northwest quarter of section 23, town 9, range G, Lancaster county, Nebraska, from Ab ner G. Preston to Ed. P. Brown and from Ed. P. Brown to Emma Preston be cancelled and set aside and held for naught, and that said property free from encumbrance be declared to be the property of Abner G. Preston, and that the same bo sold under execution to satisfy a judgment in favor of said Hollis E. Wood and against said Abner G. Preston and Charles S. McKenny, the amount of which is S2o0.00 and costs drawing 10 per cent interest, because said conveyances arc without consider ation and made for the purpose of de frauding the plaintiff and other credit ors You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 18th day of March, 1895. Dated this Gth day of February)lS9o. Hollis E. Wood, By Stewart & Munger, his attorney. MASTER'S SALE First Publication February 2. Docket O, Number 2S1. In The Circuit Court of The UniM States, for the Disti ict of Nebraska. Ashley B. LaFluek, complainant, vs Jackson E. Montrose et al, defendants In Chancery. FoRECLOsunE Of Mortgage. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance and by virtue of a decree entered iii the above cause on the 9th day of July 1891, I, E. S. Dundy, Jr., Master in Chancer' of tho Circuit Court of the United States for the Dis trict of Nebraska, will, on 20th day of March, 1895, at tho hour of ten o'clock in tho forenoon of said day at tho east door of the Lancaster county court hous" building in tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, stato and district of Nebraska, sell at auction for cash the following described property, to wit: All of section number two (2) in town ship number nine (9) north of rango number seven (7) cast, of the sixth (G) principal meridian, excepting therefrom one acre thereof, bounded and describ ed as follows, namely: Beginning at a point on the south line of said section, distant fifteen (15) rods east from the S. W. corner of the S. E. quarter of said section, end running thence north 220 feet, thence east 198 feet, thence south 220 feet, thence 193 feet to the point of beginning, together with all and singul ar, the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. All in the County of Lancaster and State of Nebraska. E. S. DUNDY, Jr., Master in Chancery. HARWOOD AMES &PETTIS, Solicitors for Complainant. THE COURIER MCCLURE'S NAGAZ1NE FOR 18O0. VJume III begins December, 1894. A splendidly illustrated life of NAPOLEON, the great feature of which wdl bo SEVENTY-FIVE PORTRAITS of Napoleon, showing him from youth to death; also portraits of his family and con temporaries and pictures of famous battle fields; iu all nearly 200 PICTURES Begins in November and runs through eight numbers. Tho Eight Napoleon Numbers, $1.00. TRUE DETECTIVE STORIES by authority from tho archives of tho PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY. Lincoln and Pinkerton (Nov. 1891); the tho Molly Maguires; Allan Pinkerton's Life; Stories' of Capture of Train-robbers, Forgers, Bank-robbers, etc.; each complete in one issue, 12 in all. Short Stories y W. D. Howells Rudyard Kipling Conan Doyle Clark Russell Robert Barr Octave Thanet Bret Harte Capt. King Joel Chandler Harris and many others. Xotecl ContrlUtttort. Robert Louise Stevenson F. Marion Crawford Archdeacon Farrar Sir Robert Ball Prof. Drummond Archibald Forbes Thomas Hardy Send thrco 2-cent stamps for a sample copy to the publishers S. S. McCLURE, L't'd, 30 Lafayette Place, New York. TWIGF. CROWNED A VICTOR. Dr. Price's Biking Powder Wins at World's and M,dwmter Fait s. Another signal triumph has been ncheiveu by Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. At the Culifornia Midwinter Fair of 1S91 as at tho World's Columbian Exposition of 189.'$, it surpassed all competitors. An expert ury, after careful analysis and exhaustive tomparison, awarded it highest honors and a special medal. The award was for high est leavening power, perfect purity and cral excellence. It was sustained by tho unanimous voto of tho judges. Coupled with tho victory at Chicago, the achiovo ment at San Francisco confirms Dr. Prico's as "Tho Foremost Baking Powder in tho World." It now stands supreme. Cheap Excursions to Eh horn R. R. Points. December 1th and lGth tho Elkhorn Lino will sell tickets to nil points on its lines in Nebraska at ono fare plus $2 for tho round trip. Wo have seen a number of watch chains ornamented with a. pretty charm in tho shape of a watch case opener, which obvi ates the use of a knife or fingernail to open tho watch. They are 6ent free on request by the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philapelphia, Pa. Your jeweler hero may havoone for you; if not, send to Philadel phia. The Keystoco Watch Case Company is the largest concern of its kind in the world. Its capacity is 2500 cases per day. It man ufactures every description of case, but its great speciality is that most popular of all watch cases, the Jas. Boss gold filled. These are equal in beauty and wear to solid gold while they cost only" about half as much. Boss and other Keystone cases are the only cases that have tho non-pull-out bow or ring, which saves the watch from theft and accident. The Keystone Company does not retail, but our local dealers handle the cases and swear by the theft-proof qual ties of the ring. Consumption was formerly pronounced incurable. Xow it is not In all of the early stages of the disease Scott's Emuls will effect a cure quicker than any other known specific. Scott's Emulsion pi-o-inotes the making of healthy lung-tissue, relieves inflammation, overcomes the excess ive waste of the disease and gives vital strength. For Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Consumption, Scrofula, Asamia,' Loss of Flesh and Wasting Diseases of OMldren. Buy only the genuine with our trade- TRADE MARK. ...w v.v. -.- ... "ff w Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FCEE. Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and SI. U i 4 H J 4 f j ' f-tm Jl'l 1 -HSfi, -