12 THE COURIER IF I i ABBOTT SELLECK &, LANE. At lor my s at Law, IJURR IJLOCK. First Publication Feb. 9. SHERIFF SALE. Notico is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the District Court of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action whtiroin Charles- II. Morrill, Receiver of the Nebraska Savings Bank is plaintiff, and Mattie F. Guiwits ct al are defend ants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. in., on the 12th day of March A. D.1S95, at the east door of th courthouse, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, oiler for sale at public auction the following de described real estate to wit: Forty (40) feet oir the west side of lot eleven (11) in block eighteen (18) in Pecks Grove Addition to the City of Lincoln, accord ing to the recorded plat thereof, in .Lancaster County, Nebraska Given under my hand this 8th day of February A. D. 1S95. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. ABBOTT S-iLLECK & LANE. Attorney At Law. BURR BLOCK. First Publication Feb. 9th. SLfti F SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of two (2) orders of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third judicial district of Nebraska, within and for.-Lancaster County, one in an action wherein The Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Company is plaintiff, and William Strong et al are defendants, and one in an action wherein The Lin coln Savirgs Bank and Safe Deposit Company is plaintiff, and Luther C. Humphrey et al are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 12th day of March A. D. 1895, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to-wit: Tho west one quarter (J) of the west ono half (J) of the northwest one quar ter) of section rive (5) township nine (9) range six (G) east of the Gth P. M. in Lancaster County Nebraska Given under m'vhand this 8th day of Februarv, A. D. 1S93. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. BROWN & LEESE. Attcrnn 's at Law, First Publication Feb. 9. In the District Court Lancaster County Nebraska. Caroline Cope Plaintiff, vo Alonzo M. Cope Defendant. NOTICE To Alonzo M. Cope Non-resident Defen dant. You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of February 1895 Caroline Cope filed a petition against you in the District Court of Lancaster County Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds that the defendant being of sufficient ability to provide a suitable maintenance for the plaintiff but that you have grossly, wantonly and cruely refused to do so and that the plaintiff bo restored to her maiden name. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of March, A. D. 1895. Caroline Cope. by Wm. Leese, her Attorney. G. M. LAMBERTSON, Attorney at Law. burr BLOCK SHERIFF SALE. First Publication February 9. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of tho -third Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein Lincoln Loan and Building Association is plaintiff, and Samuel C. Coolov is defendant. I will, at two o'clock P. M. on the 12th day of March A. D. 1895 at the east door of tho court house, in tho City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction tho following described real-estate to-wit; Lots numbered four (1 five (5) six (6) seven (7) eight (8) nine (9) and ten (10) in Cooley's addition to the City of Lin coln Lancaster County, Nebraska. Given under my hand this Gth day of Febuary A. D. 1895. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. Articles of Incorpo atht of the Nebraska St te Band end 0 c estra. First Publication February 9th Know all men by these presents, that we, Roy C. -Howell, Harry T. Irvine, John Franklin, William S. Fulton, S. E. Barber and Harry Knight, do associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation in the state of Nebraska for the transaction of business hereinafter described. Article 1. The name of the corpora tion shall be the Nebraska State Band and Orchestra. The principal place for the transaction of its business shall be in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county and state of Nebraska. Article 2. The nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation snail be to acquire and own musical in struments, books, unformsand all acces sories, which shall be necessary for the equipment of a band and to furnish music for tho public and for private en tertainments at such times and under such conditions as the Board of Direct ors or Manager shall deem proper. For tho transaction of business the corpora tion may buy, sell or lease real estate or personal property. Article 3. The authorized capital stock of said corporation shall be 82500 and shall be divided into 100 shares of $25 each, 10 per cent of which shall be paid in at or before the commencement of businoss of this corporation; the bal ance or any portion of it shall be paid upon the vote of all tho stockholders at such time and in such amount and under such circumstances and conditions as may be prescribed for in the by-laws. Article 4. The existence of this cor poration 6hall commence on the 3rd day of December and continue for a period of 25 years unless sooner dissolved. Article 5. The business of said cor poration shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, not less than three in num ber, to be elected by the stockholders; such election to take place at sometime and in such a manner as shall be pre scribed by the by-laws of the corpora tion. Article G. The officers shall bo a President. Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Conductor and Manager who shall be elected by the stockhold ers and shall hold office for a period of one year and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Article 7. At no time and under no circumstances shall this corporation subject itself or become liable for any debt or indebtedness exceeding 20 per cent of the capital stock. Article 8. The manner of holding meetings of the said stockholders shall be as provided for in the by-laws. ' Rov C. Howell Harry T. Irvine Harry G. Knight John Franklin Will S. Fulton S. E. Baruer. ss State of Nebraska, ) Lancaster County. Now on this 14th day of December, 1894, personally appeared before me, William B. Price, a notary public, Koy C.Howell. Harry T. Irvine, John Frank lio, William S. Fulton, S. E. Barber and Harry Knight, to mo personally known to be the identical persons who sub scribed their names to the foregoing ar ticles of incorporation, and acknow ledged tho same to be their voluntary act and deed. William B. Price, Notary Public. Signed and sealed in my presence this 14th day of December, 1S94. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. 'First Publication January 2G. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that on the 17th. day of January, 1895, the H. M. Leavitt Coal Company duly incorporated with its principal placeof business at Lincoln, Nebraska, and the general nature of the business to be transacted vas dealing in coal and all kinds of fuel and the hold ing of such real estate as might bo necessary to properly carry on said business. The capital stock of said company is ten thousand dollars (81000); &eventy-nvc per cent (75) per cent of Raid stock to be paid in at the time of commencement of business; the balanca of said capital stock to bo paid in at tho call of the directors. Said. company shall commence busin ess on the 17tb day of January, 1895, and continue for a period of ten years (10) or until tho 17th day of January, 1905. The highest amount of indebtedn ssto which hjs incorporation shall at any time subject itself was six thousand dollars (SGOOO), Tho affairs of said corporation shall be conducted by a board directors, four (4) in number, President, Treasurer and Secretary. Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, January 21, 1895, Attest: H. M. Leavitt, Sidney P. SrENCE. President. Secretary. POUND & BURR Attorneys at Law. First Publication Feb. 9. Master's Sale Docket Q Number 172. In The Circuit Court Of The United States, for tho District of Nebraska. Joseph G. Rounds, Complainant, vs Louie Meyer et al, defendants. In Chancery. Foreclosure op Mortgage. Public notico is hereby given that in pursuance and by virtue of a decree entered in the above cause on tho 17th day of January 1895, 1, E. S. Dundy Jr., Master in Chancry of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, -will, on the 18th day of March 1895 at the hour .f one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the east door of the Lancaster County Court House building in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County, State and District of Nebraska, 6ell at auction for cash tho following described property, to-wit: Lots ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block numbered two hundred and forty three (243) in the city of Lincoln County of Lancaster and State of Neb raska. E. S. DUNDY, Jr., Master in Chancery Pound & Ijurr, Solicitors for Complainant.