The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 09, 1895, Page 10, Image 10

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Only t!se Scars samain.
"Among Ilic many tesnmr-nuii wnich I
fee In repinl to certain mem iu uerform-
lug curws, cleansing the uiu k writes
VliiMtv Hudson, ol uu t.-. i Smith
Woolen aasaurwy Co.,
J Impress u- -uan my
jTla owncuu . "& years
! had suuiuiwu come on
my legs. .em trruKe and
, became .... kores.
Ourfailllu. rr..-.-Tr:nii CQIlld
do me in. m-u mi it was
feared bones
would)" Atlast,
my good uiu mutfaer
Bijtd me to try Ayer'
Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles,' the sores' healed,
sad I hare not been
1 troubled since; Only the
car' restate; sad the
armory of the past, to
remind me of the good
Ayer's Sarsaparilla hut done me. I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am in the best of health. I have leen on the
road for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer Sirsripnrllla advertised In all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas,
tire In telling what good It did for me."
For the enre of all diseases originating in
Impure blood, the best remedy is
AYER'S SarsapariHs
Prepared by Dr. J.ajVyer&C".,Ix)ie:,3Ia8.
Cures other, wi'! cure you
14 m
m mi
Win K
Its scientific
and removal
in twenty
pain or
loss of
a drop
of blood
- DR. QUEEN earss Kiss ud Tu
on without pain, kaife or less of
drop of blood; me also cures Catarrab
Troat, Langs- Heart aad Narrows De
bility. DR. QUEEN baa made diseases ai
the Stossaca, Kidasy, Liver, Blood aad
Disease of Women a specialty for
thirty-five Tears. Ha baa restored
brariBf to the deaf aad sight to the
DR. QUEEN k the specialist e the
aorth west ia the Treatmeat and Cars
of all Chromic aad Prirato Ailmeats
haviaf lived ia Liacola aad Laacastar
county for thirty-! oar years.
By applying to Dr. Qaeea, the Rise
triclsm, yoi earn (si Iastaat Relief aad
s Care frost all Paia froas Ihenwsti
Nearaliga and all Chronic Ailmeats
after all medical rssmedies have failed.
Iatitat aad Elsetria Bath Recess,
Uslos . ih O
a first-class Cripple Creek Gold
Mining stock. Address,
Mining Brokers,
Colorado Springs, Col.
How Senator Palmer Fooled His OM
Friend, the Judge.
An old Republican judge from Illinois
on hU way west from New York stop
ped over in Washington long enough to
have, as ho intended, a little fun with
his old friend. Senator Palmer. The sen
ator h comniitteo room was rather full
when tlio judge entered, and he felt a
bit diffident. Still, after clasping the
senator's hand in a grip of friendship,
ho said, with a grin:
"What do you think of the election?"
"Hey?" tho senator, with bis hand
behind his ear, replied. Tho judge,
something surprised at this, to him, the
first sign of deafness in his old friend,
said in a lender tone:
"I say, what do you think of the
"Sir?" said tho senator, with bia
hand still behind his ear and beudinr
near tho judge.
"I say," the judge loudly responded,
turning a bit red as ho saw that every
one had stopped talking to listen to
him, "I say, what do you think of
the election the election the elec
tion?" The senator looked pained, as he docs
when ho has to turn down a needy of
fice seeker. Ho glanced around, as if to
read tho judge's question in the faces of
thoso present, and then, apparently fail
ing, ho turned again to the judge, and
without even so much as a twinkle in
his eyes thrust his ear to the judge's
mouth and said:
This drovo the spirit of victorious
and gloating f nn from tho judge's mind.
"Dear me," ho said in a low voice
full of sympathy and regret, "I had no
idea that my old friend John had be
come deaf."
Then hoMicok the senator's band and
left tho ro .ii, whereupon the senator
turned to thoso present and winked the
other eye. Washington Post
A Great Big Swear.
Dicky Dogwood Did you swear off any
great evil this year?
Charley Poonwigh Indeed I did. I
swore off being in debt.
Dicky Dogwood That was well. How
did you do it?
Charley Poorpcigh Took an oath in
supplementary tiroccedings that I had not
a cent in tho world. New York World.
SI 00 REWARD, SI 00.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatement. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patieut
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of Testimonals.
Address, F.J. Chenney& Co., Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by druggists, 76 cents.
til A
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m.4 !32- UK ?..
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SSffll jHS.H
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Mr. Oeorge W, Tuley
Benjamin, MlssourL
Good Advice
Quickly Folloived
Cured of Rheumatism by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" I was taken down with rheumatism over a
year ago. I was sick for over six months.
Often I would have such pains tint I could
hardly endure them. A Irleml came to me ami
advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 took
him at his word and got a bottle of it, and since
have taken eight bottles of It.
It Has Cured Me
When the doctors could dome no good what
ever. After being benefited so much from this
medicine I describe Hood's Sarsaparilla as a
wonderful medicine. I also advise every one
who Is troubled with rheumatism not to be with-
outllood's Sarsaparilla. I am a farmer, and
the medicine has given me much energy and
strength to jiarform my wcrk." GOi:ge w.
Tuley, Benjamin, Missouri.
Hood's P!!l3 are hand made, and perfect
in proportion and appearance. 25c a box.
The First of American Newspapers.
The American Constitution,
The American Idea,
1 he American Spirit.
These first, last, and all the time, forever
Daily, by mail - - ?G a year
Daily and Sunday, by mail - 28 a year
The Weekly - - - $1 a year
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the
Price, 5c. a copy. By' mail, $2 a year.
Address THE SUN, New York.