The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, February 09, 1895, Image 1
VOk 10, No. S. PRIGE FIVE CENTS Mr 7 M wm y .. . . Aktto LINCOLN. NUB., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1S95. Wlbb IT EVER BE ATTAINED? ing stations ditto. TT PROMINENT city official dozed before the luxurious mTvT grate firo in the parlor or the Commercial club. He Ji . had just linishcd a 6omevhat elaborate repast including a bottle of his favo-ite Appolliunris, and he was comfortable and happy from the tip of his toes to the peak of his cranium. Jle saw that garbage and every kind or tilth was promptly remov ed by the city authorities. He saw the city laid with sidewalks that wore no longer indecent. No. ho was not asleep; ho was only dozing. But his mind wander ed a little for all that an 1 in a few minutes time he saw some strange things. He saw Lincohrafter a wave of genuine reform had rolled over the town; after corruption had been swept out and honesty in stalled in all branches of the city government. Ah, it was a wonder ful change! Ho saw needed public improvements economically made. He saw the city beautified and brightened in many was without increased cost to the taxpayers. He saw the rights of the citizens and the privileges of the city powerfully protected. This is what he saw: A city council composed of fourteen of the city's most ablo and respectable business men, a mayor and other city officials selected from the best citizens. Ho saw justice and equality and good government in their work ing clothes. Hosaw the agents of railway companies and other Incorporations He was interrupted in his doze and wonderful vision by a brother asking for improper privileges. He ?aw them hold out large sums ollirial who tapped him on the shoulder and said: "Don't forget to of money and various kinds of rewards, and he saw them repulsed be at Blank &. Blank's oflice at ." o'clock this afternoon to arrange in every instance, their money spurned and themselves despised by a!out that deal." the honest guardians of the city's welfare. He saw cupidity lurking in the dark, afraid to show its face in the light. Ho saw morality and honesty in all the public offices. He saw everything connected with th' city's business conducted in an open, straightforward manner. He saw the finances of the city in a rejuvenated condition. He saw hundreds of thousands of dollars in the city treasury money saved b the care and watchfullnessand honesty of the city officials. Ho saw hundreds of holes, where the public money used to leak away, plugged up, and he saw that every cent was accounted for. SMI LBS. "Dojou expect to ever get ahead if ou go on-drinking like this?" "Great Scott! all I am sure of is getting a head." Let us all be up and doing. Though there may be some who scon". But every one will need to hurtle Keeping snow drifts on" the walk. He saw harmony in all departments of the municipal government everybody drawing a salary from the city woi king together for the public good. He saw self-interest put in the background in the general cesire to promote the public welfare. He saw politics relegated to the rear, and fitness the only test for appointment to a position in any department of the government. Madge Oh, dear, it's s hard to decide. Alice What Wi Madge -Why, whether Charlie ought to save his money to build us a house in the spring or take the monep to go sleigh riding once this winter. He saw a model police force, managed by an able chief, tho men all above suspicion. He saw that the city's streets and allexs were clean, that cleanli ness and health obtained everywhere even in the city "Did Jones get anything for his laht poem?" "Yes: a good, strong hint that no more of his work was wanted." !! saw the sewers and drains in perfect condition, and the pump- Mrs. Sliinley How delightful: 1 1 t ou have a bicycle, too. I go every morning because doctor sas I ill certainly grow stouter. "Perfectly lovely, dear. We'll 40 together. I go because doctor tells me it will decrease my weight." Chicuyo Inter-Ocean. 11 i I ) i 3 I 1 1 -, T " 7 IjiTi . aewweawesr