THE COURIER 15 AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN, N B. kl ! i ! i i BEST Condensed News, Stories, Miscellany, Answers to Correspondents, Women's Department Children's Departments, Agricultural Depaatments, Political Departments, Editorials, Everything, WILL BE FOUND IN THE WEEKLY 1IR-I11 A ten-pajre, eight-column Democratic Newspaper. HEXRY WATTERSOX is the Editor. Price $1.00 per year. Tho Weekly Courier-Journal makes very liberal terms to Agents. Sample copies of the paper and premium supplement sent free to any adress. Write to COURIER JOURNAL CO., Louisville, Ky. THE' S&BRIBR And The Weekly Gourier Journal WILL BE SENT TO ANY ADRESS FOR $2.50 Adress THE COURIER, Lincoln, Neb. BROWN & LEESE Attorneys at Law. SHERIFFS SALE. First Publication January 26. Notice is hereby given that by virtuo of an order of salo issued by the clerk of the district court of tho third judicial district of Nebraska, with in and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein S. K. Martin Lumber Company is plaintiff, and Joshua P. Gibbons et al are defendants. I will at two o'clock P. M.. on tho 20th day of February A. D. 1893, at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the. following described real estate to-wit; Lot number ten (10) in block number four (1) in Houtzand Baldwin's Sub -division of tho west half of the north west quarter of southwest quarter of section nineteen (10) township ten (10) north, range seven (7) east of the Gth P. M. in Lancaster County Nebraska. Given under my hand this 24th day of January A. D. 1895. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. SPEEDY aad LASTING RESULTS. kFAT PEOPLE, I No inconrenjence. Simple, i (sure. ABS3LUTZLT fSIXl from any injurious substance. LAB0I ABD0K1OT 2XSTCXB. Wa GUARANTEE a CURE or refund tour monev. Price SS.OO per bottle. Send 4c. for treatise. XBEMONT MEDICAI CO., Boetoa, Maaa. T I can gat j VV rTZ. 1 eaa ativ WttkV I.M. K.WMOND 'resilient. I II THOMPSON. Vice 1'resiilcnt S. H. KUKNHAM.. . ('aoliier. O. F. FUNKE. -ml Assistant Cashier. (i WING, Assistant Cashier. CAPITAL,, $250,000 SURPbUS, $15,000 Director I. M. IJajmoinI, E. E. lirown, S. II. Ituniliam, D. E. Thompson, (' G. Dawea, L. II. .Morrill, A. J. Sawyer, Lewis Gregory, N. '. Snell. G. M. LainlterUou, D. G. Whig, S. V. liurnliam. G. I. Faucou. DPRICE'S USJaPowder The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years thf Standa-- Savannat, N. Y., Mr ch iSth, 1894. Messrs. S. C. WELLS & Co., Le Roy, N. Y.: - , , - GENTLEMEN I was pronounced by my home physician as having tubercolosts, and I went South without any app re nt benefit. I was recommended to use SI-HoIi'm CoiicumptWiil t're, at (1 its results have been wonderful. I cheer fully recommend it to any - .:. ring frum lung trouble. James W. GoSS. --J yr-fvrytj&zgZBmf&e&tKsfr