The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 12, 1895, Image 15

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Attorneys at Law.
First Publication Jan. 12.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an execution issued by the clerk of
the district court of the third judicial
district of Nebraska, within and fjr
Lancaster county, in an action wherein
Samuel J. Tuttle is plaintiff, and Tillie
May and David May are defendants, I
will, at 2 o'clock p. in., on the 12th day
of February A. D., 1595, at the east
door of the court houfce in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska,
oiler for sale at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
The northwest quarter (nwjij) of bec
tion numbered live i5) in township num
bered nine (9) range number seven (7)
east of the Gth P. M.; and the north
half (n ) of the northwest quarter
(nw j) f section number eight (8) in
in township number nine (9) range num
ber seven (7) east of the Gth P. M., less
and deducting therefrom five (5) acres
heretofore deeded to F. W. Little, being
the south onehalf (s1) of the southwest
quarter (sw J4) of the northwest quar
ter (nw y) of the northwest quarter
nw of section eight 8 township
nine 9 rango seven 7 east of the 6th
P.M.; and the west one-half w J of
the southwest quarter sw j of the
north-east quarter ne of section five
5 township nine 9 in range seven 7
east of the Gth P. M.; and twenty two
and one-half 22J; acres oil" of the west
side of the northwest quarter, nw J4, of
the northeast quarter, ne , and also
seven and one-half acres, 7, off of the
southwest quarter, sw J4, of Baid north
east quarter, ne li. in section five, 5,
township nine, 9, range seven, 7, east of
tho Gth P. M.. more particularly des
cribed as follows: beginning at a point
forty, 40, rods east of the southwest, sw,
corner of the northeast quarter, ne 4. of
said section Ave. 5. thence go north
eighty, 80, rods, thence east fifteen, 15,
rods," thence south eighty, 80, rods,
thence west fifteen. 15, rods to the place
of beginning, all in said section five, 5,
township nine, 9, range seven, 7, east of
the Gth P. M.; and the west half, w M,
of the southeast quarter, so A, of the
southwest quarter, sw "4, of the south
west quarter, sw J4, of section numbered
thirty-one, .'U, township ten, 10, range
seven, 7, east of the Gth P. M.; also des
cribed as follows: commencing at a
point twenty, 20, rods west of the south
east, se, corner of the west one-half
of the southwest quarter, w of sw $,
of section numbered thirty-one. 31,
township ten, 10, rango seven, 7, for a
starting point, thence go west twenty,
20, rods, thence north forty, 10, rods,
thence east twenty. 20, rods, thence
south forty, 40, rods to the place of be
ginning, all in said west one-half, w ,
of the southwest quarter, sw , of sec
tion thirty-one, 31, township ten, 10,
range seven, 7, east of tho Gth P. M.
And lots numbered four. 1, live, 5, and
six, G, in block numbered twenty-one, 21,
in Lavender's Addition to tho city of
And lots numbered seven, 7, and
eight, 8, of irregular tracts in tho north
east quarter, ne 14, of the northwest
quarter, nw J-4', of section twenty-five,
25, township ten, 10, in range six, G, east
of the Gth P. M., being a trict of one
hundred, 100, feet, frontage on O street
and one hundred and forty-two, 112, feet
frontage on Nineteenth, 19, street, at
the corner of Nineteenth and O streets in
tho city of Lincoln. And lot four, 1, of
irregular tracts in the east one-half, e 6,
of the nortwest quarter, nw J, of sec
tion numbered twenty-five, 25, township
ten, 10, range six, G, east of the Gth P
M., more particularly descrided as fol
lows: beginning at a point three hun
dred, 300, feet due east of the northeas
corner of block numbered twenty-two,
22, in Lavender's Addition to the city of
Lincoln, thence south one hundred forty-two.
142, feet, thence east fifty, 50,
feet, thence north one hundred and forty-two
feet, 142, thence west fifty, 50,
feet to the place of beginning. And tho
east five, 5, acres otT of irregular tract
number six, G, in the northeast quarter,
ne J4, of section five, 5, township nine, 9,
rango seven, 7, east of tho Gtti P. M.;
also all of blocks numbered seven, 7,
eight, 8, twenty-one, 21, twenty-two, 22,
thirty-five, 35, thirty-six, 3G, forty-eight,
43. forty-nine, 49, and tho south one-half
s J.', of block thirty-seven, 37, and also
lots numbered six, G, and seven, in each
of the following blocks, to-wit: nine, 9,
twenty, 20, twenty-three, 23.
thirty-four, 34, and also lot six, G, in
block thirty-seven, 37. and lots "A" and
"B." all of said last named lots and
blocks being inCollegoView and all of said
property herein levied upon being sit
uated in Lancaster county. Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 2nd day of
JanuarvA. D., 1895.
Attorn-y tf Law.
First Publication Jan. 5th.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk of
tho district court of the third judicial
district of Nebraska, within and for
Lancaster County, in an action wherein
Isubelle F. Mansfield, Eliza Mansfield
and Nathaniel S. Mansfield as executors
of the last will and testament of Henry
Mansfield, deceased, are plaintiffs, and
Charles Turner et al, are defandauts,
I will at two o'clock P. M., on the 5th
day of February A. D. 1895, at tho east
door of the court house, in the City of
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the
following described real estate to-wit;
Commencing at the northwest corner
of section thirty, 30, township eleven,
11, range eight, 8, east of the Gth P. M.,
and running thence south on the section
line, sixty-five. G5, rod to the northerly
line of the right of way of the Burling
ton & Missouri River Railroad in Neb
raska, thence northeasterly along said
line of right of way seventy-four, 74. rods
to the east line of the west half of the
northeast quarter of said section, thence
north twenty-six and one half, 20', rods
to tho north line of section thirty. 30.
thence west sixty, GO, rods to the place
of beginning; being seventeen and one
fourth, 174, acres in tho northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter of sec
tion thirty, 30 Also a piece commen
cing thirty-two and two-thirds, 32S3,
rods south of the northeast corner of
the west half of the northeast quarter of
section thirty, 30, township eleven, 11
north of range ight, 8, east of the Gth
P. M., being on the southerly line of the
right of way of the Burlinston & Miss
ouri River Railroad in Nebraska, and
running thence sixty-eight. G3, rods
south, thence southwesterly parallel
with the south line of the right of way
of said Burlington & Missouri River
Railroad in Nebraska thirty, 30, rods,
thence north parallel to east line of said
west half of the northeast quarter sixty
eiht, G3, rods to the southerly line of
tho right of way of tho said Burlington
& Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska,
thence northeast along said rightrof way
thirty, 30, rods to the place of beginning
being twelve and three-fourths, 127.f,
Given under my hand this 3rd day of
January A. D. 1895.
FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sate
Attoreis at Law.
iiumt 11 LOCK.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtuo
of an order of sale of attached property
issued by Joseph Wurzburg. Judge of
tho county court of Lancaster county.
Nebraska, in an action whorein Fred
Krug Brewing company is plaintiff, and
Charles R. Bertram is defendant I will
at 10 o'clock a. m. on tho 23rd day of
January A. D. 1895, at the west door of
tho court house, in tho city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction the following des
cribed goods and chattels to-wit:
100 Windsor House Boquet cigars, 325
Select cigars, 300 American Eagle cigars,
100 Dominion cigars, 150 Supreme Judge
cigars, 100 Double Eagle cigars, 200
Golden Crown cigars, 450 Colona Bou
quet cigars, 50 Columbus cigars, 400
Lincoln Motor cigars, 100 Silk Hat
cigars, 350 The Flyer cigars, 1.".0 BoIb
Choice cigars, 150 Rover cigars, 5'J Im
ported cigars. 200 Our Minnie cigars.300
broken boxes cigars, 1G cocktail glasses,
10 hot whiskey glasses, 47 wino glasses,
22 water glasses, 30 beer glasses, 8 beer
mugs, 41 whiskey glasses, 17 one-half
pint flasks, 72 pint flasks. 13l. cases
bottled beer, 'i case Apollaiuarts water,
l, dozen Maui ton water, 2 dozen
California cider, 2 sacks of corks, 1 hot
water urn. 12 cuspidors, 1 ice loxdoublo
doors, 1 oil stove and fixtures. ' rou ml
oak heating stove, 2 vases artificial llow
ers, G cane bottom chairs, 1 punch bowl,
8 punch mugs. 1 clock, 6 gallons
mustard. 11 cakes limberger cheese, 4G
boxes sardines, 13 cans Russian carviar.
20 cans frankfort sausages. 17 atis Ham
burg eels, 50 pounds of American swiss
cheese, 50 pounds Imjjorted Swiss cheese
1 box soda water. 1 dozen gingerale, 3
cans Lutbegs Beef extract, 4 doz plates.
2J tons anthracite coal.
Given under my hand this 8th day of
Januarv A. D. 1895.
FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff,
Tt.e Burlington Now Open to Billings, Kint na
Short line to Helena, Butte, Anaconda,
Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.
Our Pacific coast liver leaves Lincoln daily
at 6:20 p. m. Unsurpassed train service
and quick time. For full information apply
at Burlington &. Missouri depot or city
office, corner 10th and O streets.
G. W. Box.vkll, C. P. & T. A.
Round Ti'p Hjhday Ra es
Over the Chicago, Rock Island fc Pacific
Railway. Tickets sold Dec. 22. 23, 24, 25,
31, 1S91 or Jan. 1, 1S95 from all stations on
the line to any station on the line within a
distance of 200 miles. All tickets good to
return at any time up to and including
Jan. 2. 1S95 Fare about half rate.
Ask the railroad ticket agent for particu
lars. Skiiastia.v, C. P. A.,
When wanting a clean, easy shave
or an artistic hair-cut, try
who has an elegant barber shop
with oak chairs, etc., called "The
Annex'' at 117 North Thirteenth
Street, south of Lansing theatre.