The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 3
THE COURIER THE NATIONAL) GAM News of the Week Among the Ball Players. Frcddio Barnes has been signed by Mr. Ebright and has showed his good eenso by doing so. Last year Freddie was the second best pitcher in the western association and there is no reason why he should not pitch good ball next year. t The Sioux City club will be managed hext year by Joe Cantillion and he is a good one. President Boyer showed his good judgment in getting Joe. t Last Thursday afternoon Freddie Barnes told Ed. Young's Indian that ho was going to sign a Des Moines contract aad when the Indian telephoned it to The Courier we believed the report waB authentic and printed it, Freddie changed his mind and signed with Mr. Ebright. t It will be a race between Kimerer and Barnes next season, eachnvill try to win the most eames. Barnes has the ad Serenader singing: Open thy lattice my truo love, gaze with thy bright orbs on me And sho azed. vantage of a year's experience in professional company but Kimerer will try and keep his end up. t The infield has been completed by signing James Sullivan to play the initial bag next year. Sullivan batted nearly as well as any first baseman in the association last year and his fielding average was something for him to be proud of .963 In the last half of the past season Sullivan earned the title of "Home Run Jim" by his long safe drives. t Last season the fielding average of our infield was .817, batting average .276. Next season if the infield that has been signed play as well as they did last year they will have a fielding average of .918 and a batting average of .310. These figures show that tho infield has been strengthened .39 in fielding and .31 in batting which is a great advantage over last year. t The Codrier scribe overheard Ed. Young lecturing his Indian last Sunday morning and it ran something like this: "Say Chris. (Ed. always calls him this when he wants to make him feel serious) you will have to quit talking base-ball to any of these newspaper fellows who drop in here. Of course you are here all of the time and whenever Mr. Ebright sends out a contract you see it, and tho first time that Dobbins, Cutright, Mason or Fairfield ask you if you know anything new, you tell them air that has happened. Now last year you beat the Lincoln club out of the services of Whitehill when we most needed them and last evenings paper contained an account of how Jake Strauss and Archie Cole had been signed, and this morning's paper says we have signed Ernie Gragg. Now don't you know that Dave Rowe takes every paper published in Lincoln and the first thing he does when he gets up in the morning is to go to the poetofBce and get the Lincoln papers to see if we are after any good ball players, and if we are he immediately offers them 'steen dollars more per month. Now after this when these' reporters want to know anything new refer them to Manager Ebright. And another thing, don't let them borrow any more tobacco from you." t If Lincoln gets both Cole and Strauss we will have four outfielders. Tommy McCarthy left last Wednesday for his homo in San Fran cisco, where he will remain for the rest of the winter. Tommy has a good many friends in thiscity who would like to have had him play in Lincoln noxt year but Mr. Ebright fo getting hitters this year and could not made room for him. t Manager Ebright has been negotiatiug with Archie Cole to play center field for Lincoln next season and Colo told him that if he was not successful in securing tho management of the St. Joe club that he would come to Lincoln. St. Joe having signed Con Strotb ere it is probably true that Archie will be one of us next year. t Among the players who have played in Lincoln and have grad uated into the big league are Beckley and Hart now of Pisburg, Wilson and Stafford now of New York, Burkett now of Cleveland. T The St. Joe club held their meeting last Sunday and raised the amount of cash to over twelve hundred dollars and signed Con Strtohers to captain and manage the club for them. Con is a hustler and a good ball player with about as many friends as enem ies. Ho will be remembered in Lincoln as the first baseman of the Jacksonville club who always had the audience half mad on account of his coaching. t If you don't think Hill and Hollingsworth are pretty fast look at the stolen base column of last year's ecores. Hill had forty-six Btolen bases and Hollingsworth forty-six, Hill had 516 chances and and Hollingsworth 883. t The young Colonel who writes the base ball slush for the ' World Herald had better pull in his horns and get posted on base ball be fore he attempts to throw Lincoln out of the association because this city has no Sunday ball. If any person wants to real bad they can prevent Sunday games in Omaha. t Paste this in your hat. Dave Rowe will not be the president of tho western association "next season. Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report V . !- n DrMJ Baking tL tr 22SSS3 Powder AB&OLUTELY pure -'. ? 9 r'i