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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1894)
11 o r - ' 3 POUND & BURR Burr Block. In the County Conrt of Lancaster, county Nebraska. Edward A Church, plaintiff, VB The Paulino Hall Opera Company, et al defendants. To the Pauline Hall Opera Company, non resident defendant. You will tako notice that on the 20th day of Novem ber 1894, Edward A. Church, plaintiff herein filed his petition in the County Court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to re cover from you and the defendant George B. McLellan the sum of $213.00 and interest from said 20th day of November 1894 now due by reason of a written con tract made and entered into by and be tween the plaintiff and the defendants herein on the 12th day of Juno 1893 whereby you the said defendants agreed to furnish for a period of one night to wit Monday January First 1894 The Paulino Hall Opera Company to give a Ejrformanco in the Laming Theatre at incoln Lancaster County Nebraska, of which Theatro said plaintiff is manager, and in said contract it is agreed that the receipts from the sale of seats for said perform ance of said Pauline Hall Opera Com pany were to be divided as follows twenty five per centum thereof to belong to said plaintiff and seventy five 75 per centum thereof to belong to said defen dants and plaintiff and defendants were to have and receive their respective shares of said receipts as aforesaid. Under which contract there is now due and owing the plaintiff from the defendants and each of them by reason of their failure to perform their part of said contract, although plaintiff at all time stood ready and willing to preform his part thereof, the said sum of $213.00 and interest from said 20th day of Nov ember 1894 at 7 per cent per annum and costs of this proceedings which is now due and owing to the plaintiff from the defendants in said action and that on the 20th day of November 1894 the plaintiff caused an order of attachment to be issued out of said County Court and that the sheriff of said county to whom said order of attachment was delivered being unable to find any prop erty on which to levy said attachment served a notice of garnishment upon one Frank C. Zehrung, commanding him to retain and hold any moneys, credits, goods and property that he might have belonging to you and the said McLellan and that said money so belonging to you and said McLellan has been garnisheed and attached under said order and that this case has been continued by the County Judge of said county until the February term of said Court. You are required to answer said petit ion on or before the 5th day of February 1895. EDWARD A. CHURCH, plaintiff. By PoinfD & Burr, His Attorneys. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT. First Publication Dec. 15. In the county court, Lancaster coun ty, Nebraska. In re estate of Sarah Moaner, deceased. The State of Nebraska to all the heirs or next of kin of the . said deceased. Take notice, that S. J. Alexander has filed a final report of his acts and doings as administrator of said estate, and it is ordered that said matter be set for hear ing on the 7th day of January A. D. 1895, before said county court, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which time any person interested may ap'pear and contest the same; and notice of this pro ceeding is ordered published for three weeks consecutively in the Courier, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Lancaster county, Nebraska. THE COURIER In witness whereof, I have hereunto sot my hand and have caused to be aftiixed the seal of said county court, at Lincoln this 8th dav of December, A. D. 1894. seal. Joseph Wurzburg, County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. First Publication Dec. 29. Dr. S. W. Jacobs, first name un known, will tako notico that on the 20th day of December 1894, L. A. McCandlass, a justico of iho peace of Lincoln, Lan caster county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for tho sum $27.50 and costs in an action pending before him, wherein William J. Trump is plaintiff and Dr. S. W. Jacobs is defendant, that property of the defend ant consisting of notes and chattels in the hands of D. F. Osgood and J. II. Hodgman has beon attached under said order, said causo was continued to tho 29th day of January 1895 at 9 o'clock a. m. W. J. Trump, Dec. 24th 1894. Pro So. NOTICE. First Publication December 29. Articles of Incorporation of Tr.e Travelling Men's Business Bloc't Compiny. First, Tho name of this corporation shall be the The Travelling Men's Bus iness Block Company. Second. The principal placo for the transaction of its business shall be the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb raska. Third. The general nature of the business to be transacted by said cor poration shall be that of buying, selling, running, owning and holding business and city real estate in the city of Lin coln, county of Lancaster, state of Neb raska, for profit tho issuing of mort gages, bonds and preferred stock upon the credit of said real estato, the manag ing of real estate for other owners for compensation, making collections, the investment of funds upon commission in said real estate and such other busi ness as may be necessary to further carry out the above general purpose. Fourth. The amounf of capital stock authorized shall be $100,000. Seventy five per centum of which must be paid in to said corporation before the com mencement of the business thereof, the balance of said capital stock to be paid in under such rules and regulations as required by the Board of Directors. Fifth. The time of the commence ment of business of this corporation shall bo not later than January 1, 1890, or soon after the filing of tho articles and the publication of this notice as the seventy live per centum of said stock shall be fully paid in; and 6aid corporation shall continue to do busi ness for a period of fifty years unless otherwise terminated by law or a vote of a majority of the stock holders. Sixth. The highest amount of indebt edness or liability to which the corpora tion shall at any one time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the capi tal stock actually paid in. Seventh The business of said corpor ation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less than two or more than five in number to be elected by the stockholders and from said Eoard of Directors shall be chosen a President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasur er. Said Board of Directors shall also appoint a trustee for said corporation who shall neither be director nor stockholders. Dated at Lincoln this 29th day of December 1894. G. M. LAMBERTSON. Attor.ny-at-aw. BURR BLOCK. SHERIFF SALE. First Publication Dec. 29. Notico is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of tho third judicial district of Nebraska,within and for Lan caster county, in an action wherein Lincoln Loan and Building Association is Plaintiff, and Samuel 0. Cooloy is defendant, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m. on tho 29th day of January A. D. 1895 at tho east door of tho court house in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Neb raska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to wit: Lots numbered four 4 tlvo 5 six G seven 7 eight 8 nino 9 and ton 10 in Cooloy 's Addition tc the City of Liu coin, Lancaster County, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 27th day of December, A. D. 1894. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. BROWN & LEESE. Attorneys At Law. MC MURTRV BLOCK. SHERIFF SALE. First Publication December 29. Notico is hereby given that by virtu o of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of tho Third Jud icial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein Badger Lumber Company et al are plaintiffs, and John T. McDonald et al are defendants, I will at 2 o'clock P. M, on the 29th day of January A. D. 1895, at tho east door of the court house, in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County,'Nebraska,offer for sale at public auction ' the following described real estate to-wit: Lots numbered thirteen (13) and four teen (14) in block number nine (9) in Sunnyside Addition to the City of Lin coln Lancaster County Nebraska. Given under my hand this 23th day of December A. D. 1894. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. People going east should remember that the North Western (Elkhorn) line offers a morning and afternoon train for Chicago and the time is equal to the best. The morning train and connections enable pas sengers to reach many points in central and northern Iowa in one day. The general equipment and tracks of this line is un equalled. Try the Northwest line. THE I I Bl O AND TENTH STREETS. Capital, $400,000 Surplus, $100,000 OFFICERS: X. S. Harwooo, President. Cras. A. Banna, Visa President. F. M. Cook, Cashier. C. S. LrmscoTr, Assistant Cashier. H. 8. Fkeekan, Assistant Cashier.