The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 22, 1894, Page 20, Image 20

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In accordance with the conditions of the
contest, the polls will open on Monday at 9
a. m. and close at. 6 p.m. The state of the
contest will be made known at frequent
intervals throughout the day, and at 6 p.
m. after the count is completed, the win
ners will receive the cash prizes, $250,
$150, and $100. The polls will be held in
THE COURIER office in the new Call build
ing, and all friends of the contestants are
invited to be present
Burr Block.
In the County Conrt of Lancaster,
count Nebraska.
Edward A Church, plaintiff,
The Pauline Hall Opera Company, et al
To the Pauline Hall Opera Company,
non resident defendant. You will take
notice that on the 20th day of Novem
ber 1891. Edward A. Church, plaintiff
herein filed his petition in the County
Court of Lancaster county, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which are to re
cover from you and the defendant George
B. McLclIan the sum of $213.00 and
interest from said 20th day of November
1891 now due by reason of a written con
tract made and entered into by and be
tween the plaintiff and the defendants
herein on the 12th day of June 1893
whereby you the said defendants agreed
to furnish for a period of one night to
wit Monday January First 1894 The
Pauline Hall Opera Company to give a
performance in the Lancing Theatre at
Lincoln Lancaster County Nebraska, of
which Theatre said plaintiff is
manager, and in said contract
it is agreed that the receipts
from the sale of seats for said, perform
ance of said Pauline Hall Opera Com
pany were to be divided as follows
twenty five per centum thereof to belong
to said plaintiff and seventy five 75 per
centum thereof to belong to said defen
dants and plaintiff and defendants were
to have and receive their respective
share, of said receipts as aforesaid.
Under which contract there is now
due and owing the plaintiff from the
defendants and each of them by reason
of their failure to perform their part of
said contract, although plaintiff at all
time stood ready and willing to preform
his part thereof, the said sum of $213.00
and interest from said 20th day of Nov
ember 1891 at 7 per cent per annum and
costs of this proceedings which is now
due and owing to the plaintiff from the
defendants in said action and that on
the 20th day of November 1894 the
plaintiff caused an order of attachment
to be issued out of said County Court
and that the sheriff of said county to
whom said order of attachment was
delivered being unable to find any prop
erty on which to lsvy said attachment
Berved a notice of garnishment upon one
Frank C Zehrung, commanding him to
retain and hold any moneys, credits,
goods and property that he might have
belonging to you and the said McLellan
and that said money so belonging to you
and Baid McLellan has beeu garnisheed
and attached under said order and that
this case has been continued by the
County Judge of said county until the
February term of said Court.
You are required to answer said petit-,
ion on or before the 5th day of February
EDWARD A. CHURCH, plaintiff.
By Pound & Burr, His Attorneys.
First Publication Dec. 15.
In the county court, Lancaster coun
ty, Nebraska. In re estate of Sarah
Moaner, deceased.
The State of Nebraska to all the heirs
or next of kin of the said deceased.
Take notice, that S. J. Alexander has'
filed a final report of his acts and doings
as administrator of said estate, and it is
ordered that said matter lie set for hear
ing on the 7th day of January A. D.
1895, before said county court, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which time
any person interested may appear and
contest the same; and notice of this pro
ceeding is ordered published for three
weeks consecutively in the Courier, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation
in Lancaster county, Nebraska.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and have caused to be
affiixed the seal of said county court,
at Lincoln this 8th dav of December,
A. D. 1891.
seal. Joseph "Wurzburg,
County Judge.
Attorn ty at Law,
burr block.
First Publication Dec. 15.
To LedererA Strauss, a co-partnership. Flor
ence C. Jacobs and Stephen W. Jacobs, her
husband, non-resident defendants:
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on October 31, 1891, The Philadelphia Mortgage
& Trust Company, as plaintiff, began an action
against you and other defendants in the dis
trict court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, tlio
object of which is to foreclose a certain mort
gage on the following land in said county,
to-wit: Lot number IS in block number 1 in
Kennard's Addition to the city of Lincoln made
by Benedict Weber and Lizzie Weber dated
December 10, 1888, to secure tho payment of a
promissory note of said Benedict Weber and
Lizzie Weber to The Clark & Leonard Com
pany for $S00 on which there is now duo $$07.20
with interest from December 1, 1893. at 10 per
cent per annum. Plaintiff prays for decree of
foreclose and Bale of said land to satisfy said
liens as aforesaid, for deficiency judgment and
general relief.
Yon are required to answer plaintiffs petition
on or before the 21st day of January, 1893.
The Philadelphia Mortgage & Trust Com
pact, Plaintiff.
ByS. L. Geisthardt, Attorney.
Attor itf-at-Law.
First Publication Nov. 21.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk of
the district court of the third judicial
distinct of Nebraska,within and for Lan
caster county, in an action wherein
Lincoln Loan and Building Association
is Plaintiff, and Samuel C. Cooley is
defenant, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m. on
the 26th day of December A. D. 1891 at
the east door of the court house in the
city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Neb
raska, offer for sale at public auction
the following described real estate to
wit: Lots numbered four 1 five 5 six 6
seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 and ten 10 in
Cooley's Addition, tc the City of Lin
coln, Lancaster Count', Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 20th day
of November, A. D. 1891.
FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff.