The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 22, 1894, Page 19, Image 19
19 THE COURIER i, m a v- M L- h j aNj- ' T- S vv. jut. barkccjaj: High Grado Bicycles, Relay and AluminumB .... E3?Omaha Guards Armory. Hotel Ideal, 121 8. 14th St. ... Lincoln, Neb. :- Under the management of : I. OPPENHEIMER. Elegant rooms, fine table. The only first-class fvnily hotel in Lincoln. When wanting a clean, easy Bhave or an artistic hair-cut, try u. HESTERFIE ID THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST, who has a shop in basement of Burr Block, also one called "The Annex" at 117-North Thirteenth Street, south of Lansing theatre. HAS ALSO VERY MEAT BATH ROOMS. OMAS. S. FERRIS, Attorney at Law, Reduction in Price. ROOM 4. 111S O ST. DRS. Ell I S30 South Eleventh St. Telephone 5G1. - - Koomi 208 and 209. ( Diseases of Women. , , Speialties: Orificial Surgery. "col (Venereal Diseases. neb 1 1 Q Gents per week without 1 IT Cents per week with Sunday. Cents Sunday. Clieap in. Price. Best in. Quality, MME. A. HUBERT'S FACE BLEACH MME. A. RUPPERT ays: "lappreclate the fact that there are many tbou andsofladieslntbeCnlted States that would like to try my World-Benowned Face Bleach: dp, have been cept irom coins; so on to 3 count ot price .which IsRJX) per potueorsDOtues taken together, S5.00. In order that all of these may hare an opportunity, I will giro to every caller, absolutely free, a mm Die bottle, and ln order to supply those oat of clty.or In any part of the world.I will send ttaafeiy packedln plain wrapper al 1 charges prepaid, for 25 cents, silver or stamp." In eTerycaseaf freckles, pimples, moth, sal-lownes,blackheads,acne,ecsema,olllne8g.rouB:h-neaa, or any discoloration or disease of the skin, anu wrinkles (not caused by facial expression; Facs BUCACH remores absolutely. It doe not corernp, as cosmetics do, but Is a cure. Address lUBAME A. KUFPEKT.(Bta.J NO. Esst 14th St., NEW YORK CITY. FREE VtVTU VlrfsBBsV Swl PN Rudy's Pile Suppository is guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipa tion, or money refunded. 50 cents per box. Send two stamps for circular and Free Sample to Martin Rudy, Registered Phar macist, Lancaster, Pa. No postals answer ed. For sale by all first-class druggisst everywhere. H. T. Clarke Co., wholesale agents, Lincoln, Neb. flWli Sheridan County, Wyoming, (only recently opened up for settlement ( by the completion of an extension ( of the Burlington Rail-, TL road), offers neater andi I II K more profitable opportun- ities to farmers, business men, investors and prospectors than any other section of the United, States. Finest agricultural and, stock-raising region under the sun. 270,000acresofmagnificentirri gated land, fertile as the valley of the Nile. A million acres and more still MfillfflsP vacant, waiting II uW El the com ingofthe husband man. Brisk, rapidly-growing towns. Rich mineral fields less than a hun dred miles from the county seat. Perfect climate, pure water, cheap fuel coal and wood. Send for free-descriptive pamphlet; thirty- two pages with illustrations and map. J. FRANCES, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Nebraska. Northwest Msrrlr " l iiMimS i Corner 14txi a.zi.d S Stas. - - Xiroolxi.9 lVel?. TURKISH, RUSSIAN, ROMAN, ELECTRIC, CABINET AND HOT SALT BATHS. People taking these baths will find the best possible appointments. Throughout the building everything is clean and wholesosM Mirwnrtt is given understandingly and trained attendants are to be found in every department The mineral waters from the Artesiaa wrikare particularly refreshing to those who are tired or overworked. For the cure of liver, kidney, stomach and nervous diseases and all chronic complaints, and especially for Rtxexxxxxekt-lrnxxx these waters have proven most efficacious. . lue great plunge, 50x142, and 3 to 10 feet deep, tilled with mineral water, is a splendid place to learu to swim. Lessons taught ay j Thu n-nfpr thoucrh constantly chamr'uur. is keot at an even temperature the year around. In connection also is a fine barber shop and hair drossinc department, both eonplete in every particular; scalp treatawnt i -agaj 9n girea. The hair arrangea ior panics, oeaa itx tmnmm fimwnra. X H' Yl -ii