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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1894)
16 THE COURIER A. max, cannot whistle And drink at the same time. But the wide awake people who employ O'NEILL to do their plumbing can whistle at hard times and drink from the cup of success. CAPTAIN CUTTLE'S WATCH Had to bo pushed back a ''halt hour in the morning and a quarter of an houi in the afternoon,' to make it a "watch seldom ckalled but never excelled." Our new stock of watches are the finest made, and consequently need no such operation. They are only $3.00. Diamonds and Silverware, too. j. B. Trlokey s Co. CHRISTMAS: Comes but once a year and when it does you should make an effort to make every one happy. Nothing could make some" people more happy than one of our 811.50 combination book-case and secretary, solid oak and well-made. A splendid array of bargains, reaching out to all classes, and appealing to every body's common 6ense, intelligence and pocket book. Hardy XTvtwxltuAsre Co., 211 South Eleventh Street. NEBRASKA IS ERVKTORY Mill (Incorporated.) Every department of Music, Art, Elocution and Languages. For catalogues and information-address O. B. HOWBLIs, Director. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. IMUny Hate Via The turlingtjn Route. Decemder22,53,24,25 auJ 31, and also on Jan. 1, round trip tickets to points with in 200 miles will be on sale at rate of fare and a third. Minimum rate, 50 cens. Tickets and information at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O street MCCLURE'S NAGAZINE FOR 1808. VJume IV tegitu December, 1894. A splendidly illustrated life of NAPOLEON, the great feature of which will bo SEVENTY-FIVE PORTRAITS of Napoleon, showing him from youth to death; also portraits of his family and con temporaries and pictures of famoue battle fields; in all nearly 200 PICTURES Begins in November and runs through eight numbers. The Eight Napoleon Numlters, $1.00. v TRUE DETECTIVE STORIES by authority from the archives of the PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY. Lincoln and Pinkerton (Nov. 18J4); the the Molly Maguires; Allan Pinkerton's Life; Stories of Capture of Train-robbers, Forgers, Bank-robbers, etc.; each complete in one issue, 12 in all. Short Stories y V. D. Howells Rudyard Kipling Conan Doyle Clark Russell Robert Barr Octave Thanet Bret Harte Capt. King Joel Chandler Harris and many others. Xoted CotitrlbtitorH. Robert Louise Stevenson F. Marion Crawford Archdeacon Farrar Sir Robert Ball Prof. Drummond Archibald Forbes Thomas Hardy Send three 2-cent stamps for a sample copy to the publishers S. S. McCLURE, L't'd, 30 Lafayette Place, New York. TWICE CROWNED A VICTOR. Dr. Price's Baking Powd-r Wins a Wo Id's and M dw-nter Fai s. Another signal triumph has been acheived by Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. At the California Midwinter Fair of 1894 as at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, it surpassed all competitors. An expert jury, after careful analysis and exhaustive tomparison, awarded it highest honors and a special medal. The award was for high est leavening power, perfect purity and oral excellence. It was sustained by the unanimous vote of the judges. Coupled with the victory at Chicago, the achieve ment at San Francisco confirms Dr. Price's as "The Foremost Baking Powder in the World." It now stands supreme. Cheap Excursions to Elk horn R. R. Points. December 4th and 16th the Elkhorn Line will sell tickets to all points on its lines in Nebraska at one fare plus $2 for the round trip. We have seen a number of watch chains ornamented with a pretty charm in the shape of a watch case opener, which obvi ates the use of a knife or fingernail to open the watch. They are sent free on request by the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philapelphia, Pa. Your jeweler here may have one for you; if not, send to Philadel phia. The Keystone Watch Case Company is the largest concern of its kind in the world. Its capacity is 2500 cases per day. It man ufactures every description of case, but its gre'at speciality is that most popular of al watch cases, the Jas. Boss gold filled. These are equal in beauty and wear to solid gold while they cost only about half as much. Boss and other Keystone cases are the only cases that have the non-pull-out bow or ring, which saves the watch from theft and accident. The Keystone Company does not retail, but our local dealers handle the cases and swear by the theft-proof qual ties of the ring. Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, General Debility and all forms of Emaciation are speedily cured by Scott's Emulsion Consumptives alwavs find great relief by taking it, and consumption is often cured. No other nosrishmsnt restores r strength so quickly and eliectively. Weak Babies and Then Children are made strong and robust by Scott's Emulsion when other forms of food seem to do them no good whatever. The only genuine Scott's EmuLion is put tip in salmon colored wrapper. Refuse cheap substitutes! Send j or pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and SI. l. r