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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1894)
THE COURIER 13 I 1 EAI I 8 "N Points for Useful XM AS GIFTS flj Prices ta ull the Times Will buy a Necktie. Linen CC or Silk Handkerchief or a boys Warm Cap, or a pair of SOc cotton or wool sox. Will buy a Mans Cap, or a CQlT scarf pin. 01 a trimmed night CJ robe, or Men and Hoys lined gloves and mittens. Will buy a 1.50 necktie, or ''T BT a muffler, or cuff buttons, or 7a S1.50 Silk Handkerchijf, or a handsome pair of Suspenders, ov a Mens or Boys soft hat. $Will buy a Collar and Cuff box, I or a pair of Driving Gloves, or a 81.50 Umbrella, or a Suit of Un derwear, or a Dress Shirt, or four pood pairs of Cuffs, or eight good Collars, or four of the best Collar Buttons, and articles too numerous to mention. $ Will buy a man's stiff or ff C O so't bat, of latest style. tJ or a pair of first class dress kid gloves, or ladies' dressed and and undressed kid mittens and gloves, or a S3 pair of silk suspenders, or the latest thing in silk mufflers, blue with white dots, or a handsome walking stick. $ Will buy an astrachan muff, or 2 a Pa,r ur lined gloves or mittens, or a collar and cuff portfolio, or a half dozen of 50c hand kerchiefs, oriour handsome neckties, or a fitted traveling case, or a S3 silk umbrella. 1 Will buy a S4 suit of K underwear, or an electric Jseal muff, or a set of cf'ds furs, or a fine soft hat. . Will buy a Mackintosh, guar- L anteed water proof or a sweat 9 T" er' U. N. colors, or a fur neck scarf or the best value in the city in the latest style stiff hat or a pair of fur gloves. t Will buy a Silk Hat or a Dun K C lap or Stetson, soft or stiff, or a smoking jacket or a bath robe or a fine traveling bag. $ Will buy a Fur Cape or a Yfl handsome Muff or four pieces of the best Underwear or a Seal Cap or a pair of Seal Gloves or a SI 5 Mackintosh. More or less will buy a seat in the United States 50,000 Senate. This is the Year of M Years to Buy usetm Articles. Kindly inspect our goods before mak ing your purchases. W. R. DEISMS & CO., Hatters.Furriers and Furnishers, 1137 0 STREET- OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS eram: c. zehkung Manger. ?RHGU0H GLEE, BANJO, and MANDOLIN I CLUB'S CONGER II1I EVE., DEC. II. One Night Only HEW toUSVC Seats on sale Monday at Zehrung's drug store. The next attraction at the New Funke Opera House will BLIND BOONE CONCERT on Saturday evening Dec. 29. Popular prices. ED. A. CHTJECH, Manager. This Evening A Very Funny FARCE COMEDY ( II I kit BY AN "-. EXCELLENT COMPANY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. First Publication Dec. 15th. In County Court, within and for Lan caster County, Nebraska, December term, 1894, in the matter of the estate of Henry Atkins deceased. To the creditors of said estate: Yoi are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court Koom in Lincoln, in said County, on the 3rd day of May 1895, and again on tho 3rd day of August 1895, to examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from the 2nd day of Feb ruary A. D. 1895, and the time limited for the payment of debts is one year from said 2nd day of February 1S95. Notice of this proceeding is ordered published four consecutive weeks in The Cockiek a weekly newspaper pub lished in this Btate. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this 14th davof December 1891. seal. JOSEPH WURZBURG, County Judge. n