THE COURIER The first vocal recital by Miss Clara Richardson on Tuesday even ing was one of tho most cnjoyablo musical events of tho season. Miss Richardson was in excellent voice and her company was en rapport with her. She was accompanied by Miss Marie Hoover, whose delicato touch and appreciation added no little to the effect. Mrs. Will Owen Jones furnished four numbers to tho program and a great deal of enjoyment to the guests. Mrs. Jones played with her usual brilliancy to which was added the daintiness that makes her playing such a pleasure to her many friends and admirers. She was recalled after her group of threo numbers and played tho "But terfly,"' Gregh, 'vhich is lightness and daintiness combined Miss Richardson sang for one of her oncoies "In the Spring' by Sievr king, which added much to the honor of both composer and the fair cantatrice. It would be harl to specify which number of tho pro gram was the most satis- factory for tho pleasuso and artistic rendering were both complete. The program was as follows: La Zingara Donizetti Miss Richardson. Tarantello Liszt Mrs. W. O. Jones. Mrs. Josoph J. Cox spout Tuesday in Omaha. Mr. Paul Clark was called to Boone county on Saturday by tho news of tho death of his aged mother. Miss Belle Condell of Springfield, 111., is visiting her sister, Mrs, Georgo W. Lowroy, 1701 E street. S. II. Stull of David City was at the Windsor Tuesday. Mr. C. A. Whito returned from Denver Monday. By the Beehive Ehlert Solveig's Song Greig Miss Richardson. Salve Regina Duna Let tho Bright Seraphim Handel Miss Richardson. ( Morgenstimmung Greig Krakowiak Padericski ( Eglogue Raff Mrs. Jones. Tho Robin ) ,T .. Spring Song idlmger Miss Richardson. Polacca from Esmeralda A. G. Thomas Miss Richardson. Among the guests were nearly all the musical lovers in the city as well as the charmed circle of Miss Richardson's intimate friends. .,f- -J C. S. Richards of Hebron registered at the Lindell Monday. Miss Fannio Newman of Chicago is visiting her mother, Mrs. Angie P. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry New man of New York City are tho guests of Mrs. Angio P. Newman. I Mrs. Harsh of Creston, la., is tho guest of her sis ter, Mrs Van Pelt, at tho Western Normal. Geraldine-Oh yonder comes Mr. Baggpants. Are you acquainted with him? Clementine No, that is, only partially. Wo were in the mountains last year, and as h was tho only man at the hotel, w. were engaged during June, Ju y and August. Jt was only a passing acquaintance, however. Manager Ed Church of tho Lansing and a part of the original Griffith's "Faust' company returned home Tuesday. Tho Matinee Musical met with Mrs. J. B. Wright on Monday af ternoon. Tho attendance was large and appreciative and the pro gram fully keeping up the interest of the former ones was as follows: Gluck 1714-1787. Biographical Sketch Mrs. A. W. Jansen Gavotte Mrs.E. l. Barbour Che fero senza Eurydice Miss Lillibridge Gluck's Operas Mrs. D. A . Campbell After the program Mrs. Raymond had a chorus recital which is being prepared for the open meeting to take place in January. The club grows in interest unci profit to its members and promises much for the future. The English club of the state university held a very enjoyable meeting at the home of Miss Proyton Saturday evening. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Regnier, a son. The holiday season promises to be very gay this jear. Manj par ties are talkeu of and a wedding or two wiil add to tho interest. The Empire club will give a dance at tho Lansing hall Monuay evening. Our 'oods rise in merit as they fall in price. Famous. tK yoxxr Ixoacl oooli iidefrf 1213 0 STREET- OUR WINTER FOOTWEAR- Is the proper thing for you. Come skxxCL See. CORK SOLES. TTl X J ft Beauty Health Comfort HAND SEWED. $4.00 and $5.00. J.' 1-8J.J-JJ