The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 08, 1894, Page 17, Image 17

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First Publication, December 1.
In re estate of Louis Otto deceased.
In tho County Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
The Btato of Nebraska to Fred Otto,
Minnie Jger, Carl Otto, Gustu Morgan,
Lena Otto, Francis Eggleston anu to
any other persons interested in said
Take notice.that a petition signed
by the abovo named persons praying
said court to grant letters of adminis
tration of said estate to W. A. Hartley
has been filed in said court; that the
same is sot for hearing on the 21st day of
December, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m. and
that if you do not then appear and con
test, said court may grant administration
of said estate to W. A. Hartley. Notice of
this proceeding shall 1x3 published threo
weeks successively in The Courier
prior to said hearing.
Wtniess my hand and tho seal of said
court this 2Gth day of November, A. D.
seal. Acting County Judge.
Attorneys at Law.
First Publication Dec. 1.
In the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
Alexander Lederer et al
Plaintiffs Notice to
vs y non-resident
Fred Reimcrs et al I defendants.
Defendants i
Carrie Linzay and William Linzay,
non-resident defendants, will take notice
that onthe 31st day of October
1891, Alexander Lederer and Moses
Strauss, plaintiff, filed their
petition in the district court
of Lancaster county, Nebraska, against
said defendants and others, the object
and prayer of which, are to foreclose a
mortgage executed by Fred Keimers and
Emily Reimersupon lot ten (10) in block
two hundred and twenty-six (220) in the
City of Lincoln in said county to secure
payment of the not" and coupons of said
Reimers, upon wnich there is now duo
to the plaintiffs 132.00 and 10 per cent
interest per anum from October 7, 1891.
Plaintiffs pray that defendants bo re
quired tD pay the same and that said
premises be sold to satisfy the amount
due, that tho defendsnts bo barred of all
right, title, interest, or lien in or on said
property and for general relief.
lou are required to answer said petit
ion on or before tho 7th day of January,
Alexander Lederer and Moses Strauss,
By Pound & Burr, their Attorneys.
First Publication December 1.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an execution issued by the clerk
of the district court of the Third Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within and
for Lancaster county, in an action where
in John Bauer, Treasurer, is plaintiff,
and James S. Parks et al are defendants,
I will at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 2nd day
of JanuaryA. D. 1S95, at the east door
of the court house, in tho city of Lincoln,
Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for
sale at public auction, the following
described real estate to-wit: Lots ten
(10) and eleven (11) in block number
seven (7) in Martin Heights addition
to tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 23th day
of November A. D. 1891.
First Publication Nov. 17.
Charles Robert Bertram, Ron resident
defendant will take notice that on the
Cth day of november 1891, Sigmund Se
ligsohn plaintiff tiled his petition in the
county court of Lancaster county
against said defendant to recover the
sum of $51.25, and interest from October
22, 1891, upon an account for goods sold
and delivered to the defendant.
Also to recover upon six promissory
notes of tho defendant payable to tho
order of tho plaintiff for tho sums of&O.
goo-Sl, $.m, 10.. 855. and 855-TG. respec
tively falling due on the 7th day of No
vember 1891, the 21st day of November
1891, the 2nd day of November 1891, tho
17th day of November 1891 tho Cth
day of December 1S91 and 2udday of De
cember 1891; and that on tho G day of
November 1891 said county court
allowed a writ of attachment against
said defendant for tho sum of $350. and
$50., probable costs, and that said at
tachment has been levied upon tho fol
lowing property of the defendant, to wit
1X, gallons assorted liquor? in demijohns
83 bottles assorted liquors; 21 bottles as
sorted wines; 71 gallons of whisky; 21
gallons of brandy, 8 gallons of gin; and
7 gallons of rum.
You are required to answer said petit
ion on or before the 7th day of January
Sigmund Seligsohn.
By Pound & Bnrr his attorneys.
1 t
Alto ney a Law.
Sheriff ale.
First Publication Nov. 17.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by tho clerk of
tho district court of the third judicial
district of Nebraska within and for Lan
caster county, in an action wherein Mary
E. Miller is plaintiff and W.G.Darden et
al are defendants,! willa2o'clockp.m.on
tho 18th day of December A. D. 1891 at
the east door of the court house in the
city of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Ne
braska, offer for sale at public auction the
following described real estate to wit:
All of lot number ten (10) of College
Hill subdivision of lot numbered twenty
nine (29) of tho northwest quarter of
section thirty six (36) township ten (10)
range six (0) east of tho sixth P. M. in
Lancaster County, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 15th day of
November, A. D. 1891.
Fred A.Miller,
Attorneys At Law.
First PublicationNovcmber 17.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk
of the district court of the Third Jud
icial district of Nebraska, within and for
Lancaster County, in an action
wherein American Exchange National
Bank of Lincoln Nebraska is plaintiff
and Claud A.R. Gordon et al aro defen
dants. I will at 2 o'clock P. M, on the
13th day of December A. D. 1891, at
the East door of the court house, in the
City of Lincoln, Lancaster Cunty, Neb
raska, offer for sale at public auction
the following described real estate to wit:
All of Blocks twenty ona (21) and
twenty two (22) in Cushman Lancaster
county Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 15th day of
November A. D. 1891.
FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff.
Attorney at Law,
First Publication Nov. 17.
To Lang Brothers, a co-partnership composed
of Isaac Lang anil Aaron Lang, Tho La Salle
National bank of Ln Salle, IlhnoU, Isabella
F. Mansllold, Nathaniel S. Mansfield, and
Eliza Mansfield in their own right anil as
executors of tho estate of Henry Mansfield,
deceased. lIcnryManstleld, Jr.. Sarah Mans
field, Isabello T. Manstlold. Eleanor Mans
llelil. Maggio Mansfield and tannie Ulakesleo,
non-resident defendants.
You and each of you aro hereby notified that in
an action pending in tho district court of Lan
caster county, Nebraska, wherein tho Farmers
JcMercliunts National bank of Galvo. Illinois is
plaintiff and Charles W. Moslier and others are
defendants. The Dix n National bank of Dizon
lllinoi and Tho Peoples National bank of
Hock Island Illinois on September 24, ISM duly
tiled their nwnser and cross-petition against
jou and other defendants, tho object of which
is to quiet and confirm the titlo of said Tho
Dixon National bank and the Peoples National
bank in and to certain property, to wit: BOO
shares of tho capital stock of tho Westorn Man
ufacturing Company formerly owned by tho
defendant Charles V . MoRhor as shown by the
certificates number SB. 40. 43, 44. and 43
of tho stock records of said company : also the
ISO shares of tho capital stock of theFarmers&
Merchants Insurance. Company, formerly
owned by tho defendant Charles . Mosher as
shown by tho certificate number 4, 1,43,50 and
5i of tho stock records of said company to
gether with all tho earnings and profits due
upon said stock: also a certain contract and
lease from the Stato or Nebraska to the de
fendant Charles W. Mosher for the Peniten
tiary grouuds and tho labor of convicts in said
Pcnitentary in tho stato of Nenraska; Also that
you and each of you may be adjudged to hare
no interest right or title in anil to th aboro
described property, and to excludo you from all
interest therein.
Said tho Dixon National bank and Peoples
Na tonal bank pray that Pray may bo ab judged
to bo tho owners of said property; that their
titlo thereto may bo Quieted and confirmed;
that tho plaintiffs in said action and their
several co-defendants and each of them may be
adjudged to hare no right, title or interest in
and to tho same: that said the Farmers Jc
Merchants Insurance Company and tho West
ern Manufacturing Company may be ordered
to transfer and deliver to said nwnsering de
fendants certificates for tho stock aforesaid
and accord to said answering defendants the
rigiits and privileges of stock holders in said
corporations; and that these answering Defen
dants muy recover judgment for any moneys
duo from said corporations against the same:
and from tho defendant 'William II. Dorgan
for any moneys duo upon said contract; and
that if tho court find that tho sale by virtue
whereof theso answering defendants have titlo
to said property if illegal and void that then
all of said property may bo sold and tho pro
ceeds applied to the payment of the judgment
held by these nusweriug defendant against
said Charles W. Mosher.
You aro required to answer and reply to the
cross-petitions and answer of said the Dixon
National bank and Peoples National bank on
or before tho 24 bay of December 1S94.
Tho Dixon National bank of Dixon. Illinois,
Peoples National bank of Rock Island, 111.,
answering defendants and croos-petitinners,
by. Pound & Burr and S. L. Geisthardt.
Br. Humphreys' Speellra are scientifically aad
carefully prepared Kemedles. used for yean la
private practice and for over thirty years by the
people with entire success. Every single Spedfle
a special cure for toe disease named.
They rare without drugging, purging or redoelaa;
the system and are ln fact and deed the Sovereign
Remedies of the World.
a. evira. rncrm.
1 Ferers, Congestions, Inflammations.. .33
3 Warms Worm Fever. Worm Colic.... ..5
3 Teethlact Colic. Crying, Wakefulness .25
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adult .35
7-Coaghs. Colds, Bronchitis .33
S-Xearalgia, Toothache. Faceache. 33
-Headache, Skk Headache. Vertigo.. .33
la Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .33
ll-Hpresed 01 Palatal Perlada... .33
13 WLitea. Too Profuse Periods - .33
13-rap, Laryngitis. Hoarseness....- .33
14-Salt Kheam, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .33
13-Kheamatisaa, Rheumatic Pains .33
1 P-Ofalarla, Chills. Fever and Ague .33
19-Catarra, infloenra. Cold ln the Head. .33
2w-Waaeping Caagk - .J3
27-Kldoey Dlaease -33
38-Nerveos Dekility 1.M
39-Vriaarr Weakiess, Wetting Bed.. .33
"The Pile OlBtmeat."-Trial Size. 23 Cla.
Sold by Dnttlli.or Mil pwt-fal rtcsfpt af
SB. HtmrauTr aucu (in ft,) "-
TCxrauTs', 11 1 a Mil