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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1894)
THEOOUROtft Mr. and Mrs. NC. Abbott entertained the member of the whist club on Friday evening. Those present Messrs. and Mesdamas E. S.Hawley, R. A. Perry, J. B. Wright, .P. Holmes, J. H. Hurley, I. M. Eaymond, R H. Oakley, N. C. Brock, Carl Funke, W. C. Wil son and S. H. Burnham. There k a wedding to occur January 1 in which the younger members of society are interested, that of Boss Curtice and Miss Grace Burr, two of the most popular young people in society circles The opening reception and dance of the Pleasant Hour club was given Thanksgiving evening at the Lincoln hotel. It was without doubt one of the most brilliant dances that the club has ever given. The party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Beeman Dawes, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Burr and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kelly. Mrs. Dawes was gowned in blue tulle over silk, Mrs. Burr was charming in her wedding gown of white silk mulle and carried white roses. Mrs. Kelley wore a pretty blue brocaded silk. After the reception, sweet strains of sweet music came floating through the corridors and soon the grand march was formed. The ladies were bewitching in their new gowns. Among the toilets noticed were: Miss Mills, of Cin cinnati, blue brocaded silk, carried pink roses; Miss Chambers, of Omaha, black tulle; Miss McFarland, of Davenport, la , black satin with lavender trimmings; Miss Kelley, of Omaha, embroidered chiffon over white silk; Miss Griffith, white china silk; Miss Moore, flowered Organdie; Miss Curtice, grey accordion, plaited silk; Miss Burr, white Swiss with black ribbons; Miss Huntsinger, white swiss; Miss Winger, flowered dimity; Miss Marie Jones, pink silk; Miss Emerald Jones, blue silk; MissLatta. black satin; Miss Wilson, bro cade silk with green velvet; Miss Wasmer, of Grand Island, blue ilk with black cords; Miss White, black tulle over green silk; Miss Underwood, white organdie over yellow silk; Miss Mary Under wood, pink dotte of swiss with pink ribbons; Miss Brock, yellow silk with black chiffon; Miss Hoover yellow silk; Miss Carson, embroid ered chiffon; Miss Burr, yellow crepe with royal purple velvet and violets; Miss Hooper, simple gown of white mulle; Miss Steen, yel low flowered silk; Miss Lillibridge, a combination gown of lavender silk and yellow tulle; Miss Cowdery, blue organdie; Miss Carmedy, a -costume of brown cloth with blue trimming; Mrs. Ogden, yellow silk v ith fur trimming; Mrs. Funke, baby blue silk; Mrs. O. Funke, yellow and black silk. Thegentlemen present were: Messrs Zehrung, Welch, Clough, JohnBon, Honeywell, Avery, of Sioux City; Curtis, Evans, Houtz, Meyer, Burr, Owen, White, Lyons, Joyce, Dorgan, Woods, Lee, Askin, Baldwin, Westermann, Marshall, Aitken, Polk Clark, Sherman, Howe, W. F. Kelley, Nunke. B. G. Dawes, C. G. Dawes, Chas. Burr, Ogden, Carl Funke. Among the spectators were: Messrs and Mesdames C. C. Burr, L. C. Burr, A. D. Burr, lima iitnbbj 1). E. Thompson, Will Leonard, Benton; Mesdames O. R. Oakley, J. A. Marshall. C. L. Hooper, S. C. Wilson, Baldwin, S. E. Moore, Brock and Misses Ethel Hooper, Cora Talbot and Maggie English. We can show you the gems of all the masters in sound less melody. Our holiday stock of perfumes is complete. McCall &. Burch, pharmacists, 1229 O street. Fresh chocolates and bonbons. McCall & Burch, pharmacists, 1229 O street McCall & Burch, Preeriptionists, 1329 O strret The great clearing Rile of dress goods and cloaks (prior to inventory) begins Monday, Dec. 3rd, at Herpolsheimer & Co's. when a five dollar bill will do the work of ten dol lars. Watch daily paperfor particulars. Nebraska is coming to the front in the manufacture of blankets. An a)! vwool four pound blanket, color gray plaid one-fourth size for 12.75 at Herpolsheimer &. Co's. They are made at Fremont, Neb. The child at school while studying can sit erect, the eyes are not strained and stoop shoulders are avoided by using our patent book-holder convenient for home reading, can be used as a music rack and can be carried in a book. It weighs four ounces. Price, 10 cents. Sold exclusively at The Backet, 1016 P street. Only three more weeks in which to secure votes in our cash contest, The 9500 is given away the day before Christmas. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Donnelly and Girad will present for the tirst time iu this city their new farce comedy "The Rainmakers," Thursday evening at the Lansing. Friday evening, at tha Fanke opera house, Roland Mclntyre, of Denver, will deliver his celebrated lecture on "Buttoned Up People." Ezra Kendall, so long identified with the funny " Pair of Kids' comes to his many friends this season with a new play. "The Substitute" which wilfde presented at he Lansing Theatre Wed nesday evening . As its name suggests it is written upon an inci dent of the war, but unlike the usual run of that class of plays comedy is the dominant feature, as anything Mr. Kendall under takes would be likely to be. It has a well sustained plot with strong dramatic fituations and climaxes which give the comenian an ipportunity to display the higher abilities with which he is universally credited. The company is a stsong one. including the well known little favorite Yennie Dunn. The cast throughout has be warmly praised for its excellence. THE COURIER'S VOTNG CONTEST FOR $500 GASH. Miss Carrie Wasmer 42 MissEffie Steen .""..""...... 3073 Miss Cora Talbot -."....!!..." "."".. ".511 Mr. Chris Camp oq Mr. Chas. Hurd 189 If holders or Cockier No 4142,3067 and 142 will bring them to The Cockier office we will pay $5.00 for each. No one has yet produced last week's number. Look and see if you have it. We now have three numbers out standing, each worth $5. They are numbers 4142, 3067 and 142. Please look at yeur copy and see if you haven't one of these. We want them badly. Bring them in and we will pay you $5 for each. Under the new tariff there are many reductions placed upongoods coming in our line, such as novelties in cut glass, sterling silver, etc Diamonds are also cheaper. We are prepared to show precious stones of rare brilliancy, without a flaw that can be had this week for less money than they could ever be bought for before; In fine gold watches we hold the lead among the jewelers of Lincoln. Our stock embraces a variety seldom seen outside of tne largest New Ycrk houses. Our aim is, and it always has been, to be just a little in advance of the procession when it comes to having anything in stock obtainable in a first class jewelry house. Only a good watch or clock always keeps its hands on time. Our's do and never lose time either. Remember your lxt girl if-you are single or your wife if you are married, and buy them an elegant Christmas present at ourBtore. E. Hallett, 1143 O street "Woan sum ob de bredertrn please ter 'waken up sister Watkine, en ax her to go to sleep in de key ob C? Dat high F snorin' don't jest cord wife de vox-humana ob yer pastor's Toice." t Cr .1-' 4 . "iiiiB