The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 01, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Mrs. C. Hurd and daughter, Mrs. John Gillespie ar
rived home Sunday after u six months visit in Michigan.
Miss Louise Adams went to Omaha Thursday.
Miss Kelley came down from Omaha Thursday to at
tend the Pleasant Hour party.
Miss May Moore has returned from a pleasant visit
with friends in Newark, Ohio
Supt. and Mrs. Goudy left Wednesday for Crawford
to attend the second annual meeting of the northwest
Nebraska educational association.
The fifth annual banquet of the V. and II. debating
society of the high school was given Wednesday oven'
ing in the high school building.
A jolly Thanksgiving spread was givon by the Pallad
ian society in its hall at the university on Tuesday
evening. There wero about seventy members present.
: ----- i
1 Sho Forgive me ! Forgive me ! I
can never be your's. I am another's.
A very pleasant reception was tendered Dr. Hunting
ton of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church on Tuesday
evening. The church was artistically adorned with chrysanthe-
mums and palms, and dainty refreshments were served during the Ray Welch spent Sunday in Omaha.
evening. Rev Howe gave the address of welcome and Rev. Doane
followed with a very enjoyable talk. W. E. Meyer was in Omaha Thursday,
2 Ah, false heart bewaro ! I will
destroy myself ! I will go to the Sand
witch and
At the meeting held on Saturday evening the new orchestra
changed ite name from "The Philharmonic to "The Philharmonic
Society." Mr. Willard Kimball was elected president. Mr. Hagenow,
conductor; and Messrs. Robert Brown, Rudolph Strassman and
J. G. Sayre members of the executive committee.
The Cheese and Cracker club spent Saturday afternoon with Miss
Mae Burr.
Henry Oliver will go to Atlanta, Ga., Monday, to bo gone six
Miss Cora McDowell spent Thanksgiving in Fairbury.
The Ladies' Banjo club has reorganized for the winter and meets
every Wednesday evening at tho Nebraska conservatory.
Mrs. McKenzie, of Harvard, is visiting in the city.
W. H. Mallory, of Omaha, was at the Lindell Monday.
The university seniors gave a hop at the conservatory on Monday
The first student's public recital of the conservatory
of music of the .university of Nebraska took place in
the chapel Tuesday evening.
Miss Bain entertained a number of university
students at her home on Wednesday evening. Dancing
was the principal amusement and about twenty couple
participated in the-merry whirl.
Mr. Joseph J. Cox was tendered a most delightful
surprise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hargreaves
on Tuesday evening. Several members of the Commer
cial club were present and presented Mr. Cox with a
handsome leather couch. A course dinner was served
at? o'clock to which all did ample justice. Mr. and
Mrs. Hargreaves are noted for their hospitality; so it is
needless to say that a delightful evening was jpent by
all present.
Hon. J. O. Cramb of Fairbury was in the city Tnes-day.
Mr. A. V. S. Saunders of Denver was in the' city one
day the past week.
3 She Great heavens ! he has joined
the army and is really going to the Miss Richardson will give a song recital Tuesday
Sandwitch Islands (faints). evening.
4 "To think that I should have driv-
him to it."
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