The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, December 01, 1894, Page 17, Image 17
1 '"VLVltl JgT' .BWWU TBpyBesqjat"1 17 THE COURIER NEW FUNKg OPERA HOUSE FRANK KHRXJJVO, Maiaaffer. -J MONDAY EVENING-, DECEMBER 3. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7. t-.vv . 9 v America's Favorite Artist MR. NAT O. GOODWIN In his Great and Successful Comedy vt k GWiOTS f 00i" Seats now on sale at Zehrung's drug store. The Great Word-Painter ME. EOBERT MCINTYRE In his great lecture "BUTTONED UP PEOPLE" A popular lecture on the follies of the day; full of sunshine, pathos and magnetic appeal. Get seats early at Zenrung's drug store. In the District of Lancaster county, Nebraska. Sarah Johnson, plaintiff, vs William L Johnson, defendant. William L. Johnson, defendant will take notice that on the 8th day of No vember 1894, Sarah Johnson, the plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the District court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the de fendant, and for the custody of their minor child, Arthur Leroy Johnson, on the following grounds First That the defendant wilfully deserted the plaintiff on the 30th day of June 1891, and has ever since that date cruelly, wilfully and wantonly refused and neglected to provide a suitable maintenance for the plaintiff, although being of sufficient ability to do so. Second That in the month of Decem ber 1892, the defendant committed adul tery with a woman unknown to the plaintiff, in a brick block on Ninth street between "N" and "Mr in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. And that the defendant is c fugitive from justice from the city of Lincoln, complaint beiag made against him for the embezzlement of money from the Clarkson Laundry company. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 17th day of Dec ember, 1891. SARAH JOHNSON, Plaintiff. STEARNS & STRODE. At wm' at lam tHEKIFF SALE First Publication Nov. 17. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Roland H. Oakley assignee is plaintiff, and Delos A. Udall et al are de fendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 18th day of December A. D. 1891. at the east door of the court house, in the city of Lincoln Lancaster county, Neb raska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to wit: Lota thirteen (13) fourteen (11) fifteen (15) sixteen (16) seve teen (17) and eighteen (18) in block fifty two (52) in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 16th day of November, 1891. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. POUND & BURR Burr Block. Charles Robert Bertram, defendant, will take notice that on tht 6th day of November 1891, the Fred Krug Brewing Company, plaintff,tiled its petition in the County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, against him the object and prayer of which are to recover the sum of $45335 upon two causes of action one for the sum of $253.35, rent due the pliantiff from said defendant upon an oral lease of premises situated at the corner of eighth and O streets in the City of Lincoln, of said County, and the other for 8170.00 rent due the plaintiff from the defendant as rent upon an oral lease from month to month of premises situated at the corner of eleventh and N streets in said city and to recover interest upon said sums from the first day of September 1891, and the first day of November 1891 respectively. You are further notified that the plaintiff has levied an attachment in said action upon the following property of the defendant to-wit; 3,775 cigars; 171 wine, beer and whiskey glasses; 89 flasks; 12 3a cases bottled beer; two dozen cases mineral water; two dozen cases cider; two sacks corks; one hot water urn; 12 cuspidors, one ice box, one oil stove and fixtures, one heating stove, two vases artificial flowers, six chairs, one punch bowl, eight mugs, one clock, one box soda water, one dozen giager ale, four dozen plates; 2 J tons anthracite coal' and stock of cheese, sausages and lurch belonging to the defendant in premises situated at the corner N and eleventh streets in the city of Lincoln in said County. You are required to answer said petit ion on or before the 7th day of January 1895. FRED KRUG BREWING COMPANY. By Pound fe Burr, Their Attorneys. w is stamped in the best watch cases made. It is the trade mark of the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia, the oldest, largest and best known factory in the world 1500 employees,capacity20oo cases daily. Its products are sold by all jewelers. It makes the celebrated jfas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, now fitted with the only bow (ring) which can not be pulled off the case the A WATCH CASE OPENES SENT FREE. m i V r