The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 17, 1894, Page 16, Image 18
17 THE COURIER STEARNS k STRODE. At era ' at Law ZK-, iMERIFF SALE FirBtPubliearJovNov. 17. Notice is hereby givfca: tbit by vjrtue of an execution issued -by ibe clerk of thejdistrict court of the TbircT Judicial district of Nebraska, within liud for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Roland JHU-Qakley-ussignee is plaintiff, and Delos A. 'Udall et al kre de fendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 18th day of December A. D. 1894, at the east door of the court bouse, in the city of Lincoln Lancaster county, Neb raska, offersor sals at public auction the following -described real estate to wit: C j -- Lots thirteen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (16) seve teen (17) and eighteenWJ in block fifty two (52) in the cityot'jincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. - Given -under my hand this 16th day of November, 1891. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. ' 'POUND & BURR . Burr Block. Charles 'Robert Bertram, defendant, will take notice that on tht 6th day of November 1894, the Fred Krug Brewing Company, plaintff.nMed its petition in the County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, against him the object and prayer of which are to recover the sum of (45335 upon two causes of action one for the sum of $25335, rent due the pliantiff from said defendant upon an oral lease of premises situated at the corner of eighth and O streets in the City of-Lincoln, of said County, and the other for (170.00 rent due the plaintiff from the defendant as rent upon an oral lease from month to month of premises situated at the corner of eleventh and N streets in said city and to recover interest upon said sums from the first day of September 1894, and the first day of November 1894 respectively. Yuo are further notified that the plaintiff has levied an attachment in aid action upon the following property of the defendant to-wit; 3,775 cigars; 174 wine, beer and whiskey glasses; 89 flasks; 12 J cases bottled beer; two dozen cases mineral water; two dozen cases cider; two Backs corks; one hot water urn; 12 cuspidors, one ice box, one oil stove and fixtures, one heating stove, two vases artificial flowers, six chairs, one punch bowl, eight mugs, one clock, one box soda water, one dozen pager ale, four dozen plates; 2 14 tons anthracite coal and stock of cheese, sausages and lurch belonging to the defendant in premises situated at the corner N and eleventh streets in the city of Lincoln in said County. You are required to answer said petit ion on or before the 7th day of January 1895. FRED KRUG BREWING COMPANY. By Pocwd fc Bubr, Their Attorneys. . l: geisthardt. Attorn r . t Lam. BCRB BLOCK. Sheriff Sale. First Publication Oct. 20. Kotice is hereby given that by virtue of an orderof sale issued by the clerk of the district coortof the Third judici J district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein The Clark and Leonard Investment Company et al are plaintiffs and William A. Pike et al are defendants ; I will at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 30th day of Novesnber, A. D. 1S4. at the east doorof the court house, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at eblic auction the following- described real es tate to-wit": Lot umber four (1) block number two (2 in Walnut Park Addition to Lincoln, Lancaster eoaaty, Nebraska. Gircn akder my hand this-17th day of Oc tober, A. D. 18M. FRED A. MILLER. Sheriff. POUND & BURR BCRB BLOCK. First Publication Nov. 17. Charles Robert Bertram, non resident defendant will take notice that on the 6th day of november 1894, Siginund Se ligsohn plaintiff filed bis petition in the county court of Lancaster county against paid defendant to recover the sum of 831.25, and interest from October 22, 1894, upon an account for goods sold and delivered to tho defendant. Also to recover upon six promissory notes of tho defendant payable to the order of the plaintiff for the sums of&40. 835.33, S30., 840.. 8.5. and 8356, respec tiely falling duo on the 7 day of No vember 1894, tho 21 day of Novomber 1894, the 2 day of November 1894. the 17th day of November 1894 the 6 h day or December lfc94 and 2 day of De cember 1894; and that on the 6 day of November 1894 said county court allowed a writ of attachment against said defendant for the sum of $33u. and g50., probable costs, and that said at tachment has been levied upon the fol lowing prperty of the defendant, to wit 7J gallons assorted liquor) in demijohns 83 bottles assorted liquors; 24 bottles as ported wines; 74 gallons of whisky; 21 gallons of brandy, 8 gallons of gin; and 7 gallons of rum. You are required to awnser paid petit ion on or before the 7 day of January 1895. Sigmund Seligsohn. By Pound & Unrr his attorneys. 4 t A. B. COFFROTH Aito ney ai Law. sheriff Sale. First Publication Nov. 17. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the third judicial diBtrirt of Nebraska within and for Lan caster county, in an action wherein Mary E. Miller is plaintiff and W.G.Darden et al are defendants,! will a.2 o'clock p.m. on the 18th day of Decerning A. D. 1894 at the east door of the court house in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Ne braska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate to wit: All or lot number ten (10) of College Hill sub-division of lot numbered twenty nine (29) of the northwest quarter of section thirty six (36) township ten (10) range six (6) east of the sixth P. M. in Lancaster County, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 15th day of November, A. D. 1894. Fred A.Miller, Sheriff. BROWN-& LEESE. Attor:es At Law. MO MURTRY BLOCK. SHRlFF SALE. First PublicationNovember 17. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of the Third Jud icial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein American Exchange National Bank of Lincoln Nebraska is plaintiff and Claud A. R. Gordon et al are defen dants, I will at 2 o'clock P. M, on the 13th day of December A. D. 1894, at the East door of the court house, in the City of Lincoln, Lancaster Cunty, Neb raska, offer for sale at public auction the following described real estateto wit: All of Blocks twenty ona (21) snd twenty two (22) in Cushman Lancaster county Nebraska. Given under my hand this 15tb day of November A. D. 1894. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. S. L. GEISTHARDT, Attrutt at Uw, BURR BLOCK. First Publication Nov. 17. To Lang Brothers, a co-partnorslup composed of Isaac Lang and Aarou Liing, The La Salle. National bank or La Salle, Illinois, I sa belle F.Mansfield, Nathaniel S. Mansfield, and Eliza Manstleld in their own right and af executors of the estate of Henry Mansfield, deceased, Henry Mansfield, jr., harah Mans field, Isabelie T. Mansfield, El.-atior Mans field, Maggie Mansfield and Faunia Ulakcsleo, .non-resident defendants. You and each of j ou are hereby notified that iu an action pending in the district court of Lan caster county, Nebraska, wherein the Farmers Merchants National bank of Galva, Illinois is plaintiff aud Charles V. Mosher and others are defendants, The I)ix n National bank uf Dixon Illinois and Tho Peoples National bank of Rock Island Illinois on September 24.1MMduly filed their awus.T and cross-petition against you and other defendants, tho object of which is to quiet and confirm the title of said lha Dixon National bank and the Peoples National bank in and to .certain property, to wit: 500 frhnrrs of the capital stock of the Western Man ufacturing Company formerly owned by the defendant Charlis W. Mosher as shown by the certificate number 238, 40. 43, 44. atd 45 of the stock records of paid company : also the 25u khares of the capital stock of the Farmers & Merchant Insurance, Company, formerly owned by tho defendant Charles V. Mustier as shown by tho certificates number 4, 43, 48, 50 and 5i of the stork records of said company to gether with all the earnings and profits due upon said stock : also a certain contract and lease from tlis State of Nebraska to the de fendant Charles W. Mosherfor tha Peniten tiary grounds and the labor ol convicts in said Pemtentary in the state of Nenraska; Also that you and eicb of you may bo adjudged to hare no interest right or title in and to th above described property, and to exclude you from all interest therein. Said the Dixon National bank ar J Peoples National bank pray that Pray may boabjudged to be tho owners of said property: that their title thereto may be quieted and confirmed; that the plaintifis in said action ard their several co-defendants and each of them may ba adjudged to have no right, title or interest in and to the same; that said the Fanners & Merchants Insurance Company and the West ern ManufacturingCompany may be ordered to transfer and deliver to said awnscriug de fendants certificates for the stock aforesaid and accord to said answering defendants the rights and privdegos of stock holders in said corporations ;anu that these answering befen dants may recover judgment for any moneys duo from said corporations against tho same: and from tho defendant William H. Dorgan for any moneys due upon said contract: and that if the court find that the sale by virtue whereof these answering defendants have titio to said property is illegal and void that then all of said property may be sold and the pro ceeds applied to the payment of the juc-ment held by these answering defendant uainst said Charles W. Mosher. You are required to answer and reply to the cross-petitions and answer of said the Dixon National bank and Peoples National bank on or before the 24 bay of December 1S94. Tho Dixon National bank of Dix'in, Illinois, Peoples National bank of Rock Island, 111., answering defendants and croos-petitioners, by, Pound & Burr and S. L. Ueisthardt. Attorneys. HUMPHREYS' Br. Humphrey' Specific are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In private practice and tor over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every slnglo Spcdflc a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging, purging or reducing the lystem and are In fact and deed the 6ov erelga Resaeaies of the WorU. jro, crmu. racn. 1 Ferera, Congestions, Inflammations.. .25 jj Wrsaa Worm Fever, Worm Colic... . 5 3-Teetkiagi Colic, Crying. Wakefulness JtS 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25 7-Caagfcs, Colds, Bronchitis .25 8-Nearalgla, Toothache, Faceache. 25 -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 1 Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constipation. .25 ll-8ppresed o. Paiofal Periods)... .25 12 Whites, Too Profuse Periods .. .25 13-Croap, LaryBgltlfl. Hoarseness...... .25 14-SaltUheara, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .25 15-Khemsaatism, Rheumatic Pains .25 It-Malaria Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19-Catarrk, Influents, Cold In the Head. .25 24-WapiaK Coagh - 27 Kidney Diaeaaes 25 28-Nerraas Debility l.f 30-TJriaary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The Pile Plata eat-TrUl Size, 25 CI. 8ol4 by DracctsU.or t pot-fW oa rwlpt of prka, Ba. Unnun' MtuL (114 pacts.) Buxs rus. aHamwTru.caiiiiiswBXw&tirwTau. SpecTfVcs- X :Ti 8? S K v