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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1894)
15 NEW FUNKB OPERA HOUSE FRANK O. EHRUjVG, M!irxfi:e:i THE COURIER - A "tS -Y ONE NIGHT ONLY ' TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. PAULINE HALL And her Brilliant Company, presenting for the first time in this city the New Operatic Comedy, 66 99 By Harry Paulton (author of Ermine) and Edward Paulton. Music selected arranged and original music composed bv MAX IIIRSCHFELD. DISTRIBUTION OP CHARACTERS. Arnold, Lord Lambourno Mr. William Broderj: Lord Beauregard, his friend, passing as Master Roland, the Secre tary Mr. J. Aldrich Libboy Lubin Mugby, miuo hosto at Lambourno Ames-Mr. 0. II. BraJshaw Meredith, steward of the Lambourne cstato Mr. Downing Clarko James, footman at Lambourno Hall Mr. Charles Earl Jawkins, ye 'ostler of Lambourno Arms Mr. Charles Meyer Dora, Lady Lambourne Miss Jeanetto St. Henry Griselda, her nurse and companion Miss Kate Davis Dorcas, newly married to Lubin Mugby Miss Kate Trayer Joan, maid to Lady Honoria Miss Mabel Florenco AND LADY HONORIA sisterof Lord Lambourne, Miss PAULINE II ALL Box and Logo seats first threo rows in Dress Circlo 81.50; "balance of Dress Circle and Parquette 81.00. Balcony 50c Gallery 25c. Seats on Sale at Zehrung's drug Btore, Saturday at 9 a. m. BROWN & LEESE Attorneys at Law. First publication October 27. In the District Court, Lancaster County Nebraska. John P. Haziett 1 Plaintiff vs !k Notice. H. E. Noble and Ella L. Noble I Defendants. J Notice to non-resident defendants. To Henry E. Noble and Ella T. Noble, non-residents: You will take notice that John P. Haziett, on the 20th day of September A. D. 1894. filed his petition in the Dis trict Court of Lancaster County, Neb raska, against you, the object and prayer of which are to recover a judgment against you for the sum of 8838.80 Dol lars as a balance due plaintiff on a prom issory note for 82,000.00 executed and de livered by the defendants to the Bal lou State Banking Company, on May 25, 1889, and due May 1, 1894, with ten ier cent, interest thereon from January .30, 1894, which said note and the moneys due thereon were on June 21, 1894, duly assigned to John P. Haziett, the plain tiff, and on the said 20th day of Septem ber, 1894, an order of attachment was issued out of said District Court, and levied on lot 10, block 87, in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. That on the 2Gth day of October, 1894, a summons in garnishment was issued in said case and Samuel McClay has been garnished on the 2Gth day of October, 1894. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, the third day of December, 1894. John P. Hazlett, Plaintiff. By Wm. Leese, his attorney. Can you read? If you can, read The Courier prize offer. Just think of it, we give away 8500, cash. NOTICE OF PROBATE WILL. First Publication Nov. 10. In the county court of Lancaster county, Nebraska. In the matter of the cstato of John II. Meyer, deceased. The State of Nebraska, to Henry J. Meyer, Wm. H. Meytr. Herman H. Meyer. Louis E. Meyer, Emilie Meyer. John J. Meyer, four children of Lena Kruser, deceased. Emilie Rausch, Johnnie Rausch, Will iam, Henry, Eddie and Herman Schum utte and to any others interested in said matter: You aro hereby notified that an instru ment purporting to be the last will and testament of John H. Meyer deceased, is on file in said court and also a petition praying for the probate of said instru ment, and for the appointment of John J. Meyer and Henry J. Meyer as execu tors. That on the 3rd day of December, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m.. said petition and the proof of the execution of said instrument will be heard, and that if you not then appear and contest, said court may probate and record the same, and grant administration of the estate to John J. and Henry J. Meer. This notice shall be published for threo weeks successively in The Courier prior to said hearing. Witness my hand an'' otlicial seal this 2nd dav of November. 1894. - seal. I.W.LANSING, County Judge. NOTICE Of PETITION FOR LETTERS. First Publication, November 10. In re estate of Henry Atkins deceased. In the County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. The state of Netiraska to Martha J. Courtnay and to ar.y other persons in terested in said matter. Tako notice, that a petition signed by Martha I. Courtnay praying said court to grant letters of administration of said estate to hor has been filed in said court; that the same is 6et for hearing on the 1st day of December, 1894, at 10 ocl oc't a. m. and if you do not then appear and contest, said court may grant administration or said estate to said petitioner. Notico of this proceeding shall be published three weeks successively in The Courier prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 3rd day of November, A. D. 1894. I. W. LANSING. seal. County Judge. In the District of Lancaster county, Nebraska. Sarah Johnson, plaintiff, vs William L Johnson, defendant. William L. Johnson, defendant will take notice that on the 8th day of No vemberl894. Sarah Johnson, the plaintiff herein, filed ho petition in the District court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the de fendant, and for the custody of their minor child, Arthur Leroy Johnson, ontlie following grounds: First That the defendant wilfully deserted the plaintiff on the 30th day of June 1S9 1, and has ever since that date cruelly, wilfully and wantonly refused and neglected to provido a suitable maintenance for the plaintiff, although being of sullicient ability to do so. Second That in the month of Decem ber 1892. the defendant committed adul tery with a woman unknown to the plaintiff, in a brick block on Ninth street between "N"' and "M' in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska. And that the defendant is c fugitive from justice from the city of Lincoln, complaint being made against him for the embezzlement of money from the Clarkson Laundry company. You aro required to answer said peti tion on or before the 17th day of Dec ember, 1S94. SARAH JOHNSON. Plaintiff. LOOK UP THE COURIER'S PRIZE OFFER. IT WILL PAY YOU.