The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 03, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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"The Pacific Mail" which William H. Crane has produced at the
Star theatre, New York, owes its existence to the fact that the lead
ing character, played of course by Mr. Crane, masquerades as some
body else and consequently has to shoulder tb5 troubles that belong
to some other fellow. Incidentally th. -..-luaruder enters the
wrong room and gets on the suspected 1UI. All of which is old
enough to be embalmed. The piece not uoC excite the audieuce
for the reason that the characters rush (inclusions which a sane
person, outside the glare of footlights, eouiu not reach. The piece
iB an adaptation by Paul M. Potter, of Tom Taylor's, "The Overland
Route. It contains allusions to the Lexow comraittc; it may be said
therefore, to be up-to-date.
Daniel Frohman says: "The rumor that E. H. Sothern is to star
next season on his own account is without foundation. Neither
have I any idea of placing Grace Kimball, his leading woman, in a
similar position in the Lyceum stock company next season. It is
more likely that she will continue in Mr. Sothern's company just
as usual.
Beatrice Selwyn, one of the beauties of the London stage, has
been engaged by Mrs. Langtry for her forth-coming American tour.
This seems to indicate that the Jercey Lily has not lost faith in her
own facial superiority.
Francis Wilson will sail for England in April, takiug, with him
his entire light opera company. He will open on April 29th at the
Lyceum theatre, London, and will appear in that city throughout
the fashionable season, which beginB about that date. He will be
under the immediate management of A. H. Canby, who has been
his manager ever since he became a star. The engagement, how
ever, will be under the general direction of Henry E. Abbe. It is
likely the London engagement of Mr. Wilson will have for its first
night the production of a new comic opera upon which Brandon
Thomas, author of "Charley's Aunt and Jackobowski. composer of
"Ermine, are now collaborating for him. Mr. Wilson will thus be
taking a leaf from the book of Lillian Russell, who has just now
been appearing at the Lyceum, thanks to Mr. Abbey's influence,
and he will have the distinction of being the first light opera comed
ian to appear in the English metropolis at the head of his own or
ganization. Mr. Wilson should make a hit in London for English
comedians, with the exception of George Grossmith and Arthur
Roberta, are essentially wooden or cast-iron in their method of so
called fun-making.
Pauline Hall's tour is to take her through the west and northwest.
In Cleveland, Louisville and other large cities in that section of the
country her new musical comedy, "Dorcas," has been breaking box
office records and using up the favorable adjectives in the critic's
vocabularies. Seorge M. McLellan, Miss Hall's manager, says the
production is by far the most successful the organization has made.
William Furst, composer or Seabrooke's "The Isle of Champagne"
and Delia Fox's "The Little Trooper," is at work on an Irish oper
etta. Theheorine kisses the Blarney Stone and the comedian
tumbles over it.
"Hoyt's Big 3" as Tim Murphy, Richards and Canfield style
themselves played to a $70 house in Bridgeport on Monday night.
So, after all, when you come to think it over carefully, Hoyt must
have had something to do with the success they made.
Purdon Robinson, the baritone, is arranging to give a series of
songs in New York, Philadelphia and Boston.
Stars sometimes have confidence in some other performers. Law
rence Barrett managed Edwin Booth. Stuart Robson backed
Thomas Q. Seabrooke in "The Cadi. Buffalo Bill 'put up' for
Katherine Clemmons. Edwin Arder is managirg Thomas W. Keene.
De Wolf Hopper has only recently withdrawn his pecuniary support
from Tim Murphy. Nat C. Goodwin seems to have been sage in
becoming the 'angel for John H. Russell's current production of
"The Review."
The Bostonians will produce their new opera. "Prince Ananias,"
at the Broadway theatre, New York, on Tuealay evsning, November
20th. A novel character will be the tho king that never smiled.
Victoria Herbert, the composer of the work, will lead the orchestra
the opening night.
Current productions in London are: "Miretto at the Savoy, "A
Bunch of Violets" at the Haymarket, "The Derby Winner" atDrury
Lane, "The Fatal Card" at the Adelphi, "The New Boy" at the Van
deville, "Little Christopher Columbus at the Lyric. "The New
Woman" at the Comedy, "The Foundling' at Terry's, "A Gaiety
Girl" at Daly's, Claude Duval at the Prince of Wales, "The Profes
sor's Love Story" at the Garrick, "A Trip to Chinatown" at Toole's.
Lucius Henderson, tho talented actor-pianist will execute some
new and difficult selections in his piano recital during the perform
ance of Edwin Milton Roylo's charming comedy-drama "Friends."
The announcement will be welcomed by all true lovers of music,
who had the pleasure of hearing this gifted artist when "Friends"
wae last produced here. It was generally conceded that the organ
ization which came to this city last season presenting "Friends"
was fully equal to the best New York stock company's. The ladies
and gentlemen composing this company are honored members of the
dramatic profession, whose years of experiece has gained them a
leading recognized position on the American stage. A permanent
oiganization composed of these players for the production of plays
from the pen of Edwin Milton Royle, has been effected. Encourag
ed by the success "Friends" met with Mr. Royle has written two
new plays which he thinks worthy of attention. One a romantic
play of historic interest, and the other a comedy-drama of contempo
rary interest after the analytical and psychological method. Before
the termination of the present dramatic season, they will be pro
duced by the present company. "Friends" will be given a revival
here Monday November 5, at the Lansing theatre.
The friends of Louis Wertz should turn out and patronize the
show this evening for his benefit. The orchestra and stage hands
have donated their services as well as all those who will participate.
The cast is made up of the best talent ia this city.
In Conroy and Fox one will find a decided improvement over the
ordinary slap stick comedians, for tbey are easy and natural, and
entertain with a constant flow of wit and humor. They are very
popular in all the large cities and draw their patrons from In? elite.
Their new comedy entitled "Hot Tamales," is chock full of new
songs, catchy music and splendid dances. Miss St. Geo. HuBsey, as
Millie Kelley, is ludicrous in the extreme. In thiB line of character
work with her songs and dances she has no equal. The Allen Sis
ters, a recent importation from London, are wonderful dancers.
Thos. Wat jn, a quaint little comedian, is also a very clever dancer,
chile the singing is ably rendered by Josie LaFontaine, Harry
Fairbanks, C. E. Lorraine and others. At the Lansing Tuesday
November G.
An exceptional entertainment is promised on Thursday night,
November 8th, at the Lansing theatre, when "Oh! What a Night,"
will be presented. The company is led by the most unctious of
German dialect comedians, Charles A. Loder, in his puccessful
character creation of Judge Herman Pottgeiser, which has gained
for him a world-wide reputation, and has placed him at the head of
all his rivals. Mr. Loder has always been surrounded with an ex
cellent cast, but this season he has outdone all his previous efforts
by having the most select company of ladies and gentlemen ever
seen in "Oh! What a Night" They are Warren W. Ashby, H. C.
Cashman, Bert Null, George Thayer, Morris Lester, Frank Clayton,
Banks Winter, Prof. Chas. L. Willis, Misses Evelyn Temple, Alice
Marshall, May Duclos, Mabel Maitland, Lula Aimes, Mattie Lock
ette and Mrs, Chas. A. Loder.
Mrs. Mary C. Crydeman, London, Neb., has long been a friend of
Hood's Sarsaparillr, which was the means of giving her good health.
She has recently written to the proprietors of Hood's Sarsaparill a as
follows: "I am as a firm friend of Hood's Sarsaparilla as I ever was.
It cured me of rheumatism and dizziues. I am also troubled with
sore throat aud ulcers, and Hood's Sarsaparilla does me a great deal
of good. The doctor here has recommenced me to take Hood's Sar
saparilla." J
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