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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1894)
5 ' V? c "f J " sWwL .egsBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBssPSBSBSBSBsfessVfesrWJN ' sj? ' (. TPPJHfTSBrl gsw"i ltsgstssasari Tdasrf- wrMsiyjly iji v -3 Ussl 4sfl ' ui i irlnibuj --- - - - - : - - - .. - ; J" j." . --. Cornerltb and &t 8t., - -' tlrioolii", Neb. TPElhs ELECTRIC; CABINET AND HOT SALT BATHS. '" -People taking.theee baths will find the best possible appointments. Throughout the building everything is clean and wholesome ICaasage is given understandingly and trained attendants are to be found in every department The mineral waters from the Arteeiam weUa are particularly refreshing to those who are tired or overworked. For the cure of liver, kidney, stomach and nervous diseases and all afaronic complaints, and especially for R&x&xxxxo.t.lmTxa. these waters have proven most eScacioua. The great plunge, 50x142, and 3 to 10 feet deep, filled with mineral water, is a splendid place to learn to swim. Lessons taught by mm god women. Thu water, though.eonatantly .changing, is kept at an even temperature the year around. . In connection also is a fine -barber shop and hair dressing department, both complete in every particular; scalp treatment and shaaa ess are given.- The hair arranged for parties. Send for further particulars. 1 ELEHYP1. Iet XJm Make Your Letter Heads, Catalogue Illustrations and Advertising Designs. Prices Low. Good Ideas. Always on Top. WALLACE & L0CKW00D N. W. Cor. 14th and P Sts IT ui ZJaSTHrO RESULTS. CATDCnDI B7 rwm rmr mmmm-w- - Amounts iil''J At. "X I pl PRIVATE WIRES. Dura , HEU 0L I ITH AND N STS. COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS :-; CORRESPONDENTS: :-: F. Q. Logan & Co., Chicago. D. R. Francis Commission Co., St. Louis. Unbbanl, Price & Co., New York. y Markets furnUhed country dealers on request. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hn-nphrev' SpeciSce srescleetlacallyaad carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In prtTsta practice and tor orer thirty years by the people wltti entire access. Every stogie Spedfto m special cure for the disease named. They care without dragging, purging or reflating the system and are In fact ana deed the Sorerelga Remedies of the World. O. CCBSS. rSMBE. 1 Ferem, Congestions. Inflammations.. .25 a Warms, Worm Ferer. Worm Colic.... .: 5 3-Teetklag Colic. Crying, Wsrefntaasi .23 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25 7-Ceagks, Colds, Bronchitis .25 8-Nearalgla, Toothache. Faceacbe.. .23 -Headaches, Sick Headache, Tertlgo.. .25 lf)-DysBMla. Biliousness, Constipation. .23 11-SaaaresaedorFalafalPerlada... .23 12-Wkltea, Too Profuse Periods .25 13-Craa. laryngitis. Hoarseness...... .23 14-Salt Khean, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .23 15-Rheaasatlsm, Bbeomatlc Pains ..... .25 IS Malaria, Chills, Ferer and Agae .25 19-Catarrh, Influensa, Cold In the Head. .25 28 Wheeping Ceagh .......... 2S 27 Kidaer Diseases ................. .25 28-Nerraaa Debility ! 3e-TJrinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEIt OTL, " The Pile Olatm eBt."-Trlal Size. 35 Ctt. Bold kr DrwsM. r scnald nolpt T I THE LINCOLN- in 1 8w mn Tile Co., x riKconroaiTKn.1 iKCO&rOBATKD. X4nooln i&tyreta R. B. Graham, Pres. and Treaa, J. H. Graham, Secretary. F. RriXKRs, Manager. PaTlng, Cnrblag, Laws Walks,'Carrlagj DrlTM, Side Walks, Plata and Tiled, Eaeasa tie Tiling, Bolldlng Stone, Window Cays and sills, Ven ered Work. Factory, 16th and X Streets. Telephone 599. Office. No. 1201 O Street ESTIMATE8 FURNISHED ON 8H0RT NOTKM. Volume 9TUJ wjpoLoaoii JUUWL AND 7 Saracir of Health AN- JLLUSTrVOIIr- MAQAZINE- OF- .1E Y bb. uuinun- ainu (in ft",i " wmm TpecTFics UHI AKXW0S UDTCXB. sr F0WLEH& WELLS CO., SB East Slat Street, New York. m 8MMUWTEE CWE f Hi t )MT WWW. Mm St.Wrbettta. mi Actm fcsaass. OUKMOXT MKDICX CO.. (torn say iaimrioui tnbitance. KtHwiCfOl MCAP