IS IBMkj mUz-zS23 -ansBs?t71rBw n -i" I.. PWMM iMMff Svii?0 S(ViHE BfKH HoVlSE NTO SftKIRll., Corner ltla ctncl. AX Sta. - Lrinooln, a?elt TURKISH, RUSSIAN, ROMAN, ELECTRIC, CABINET AND HOT SALT BATIIS. People taking these baths will find the best possible appointments. Throughout the building everything is clean and wholesome M assage is given understandingly and trained attendants are to be found in every department The mineral waters from the Artcsiaa wells are particularly refreshing to those who are tired or overworked. For the cure of liver, kidney, stomach and nervous diseases and all chronic complaints, and especially for Rlxetxrxia.t:lai33. these waters have proven most efficacious. The great plunge, 50x142, and 3 to 10 feet deep, tilled with mineral water, is a splendid place to learn to swim. Lessons taught by men and women. ThU water, though constantly changing, is kept at an even temperature the year around. In connection also is a fine barber shop and hair dressing department, both complete in every particular; scalp treatment and sham i are given, ine nair arrangea ior pomes, oeaa tor lurcner particulars. DESIGNING, ENGRAVING, 1 ELEHYPING. Let Jm Make Tour Letter Heads, Catalogue Illustrations and Advertising Designs. Prices Low. Good Ideas. Always on Top. WALLACE & L0CKW00D N. W. Cor. 14th and P Sts LASTING XXSULTS. FEEDT TX FAT PEOPLE "A PRIVATE WIRES. )f 1. HOLLINGER X (0., NTH ANON STS. COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS :; CORRESPONDENTS: :-: F. Q. Logan & Co., Chicago. -D. R. Francis Commission Co., St, Louis. Hubbard, Price & Co., New York. IVHarkets furnifbed country dealers on request. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hr-nphrera' Specific are scientifically and carefully prepared Bemedtes, used for yean In prints practice and for orer thirty years by the people with entire success. Erery single Spedfle a special core for the disease named. They care without dragging, purging or redaetag the system and are In fact and deed the Sorereira Btaacclee of the World. ao. craxs. rncaa. 1 Fever Congestions. Inflammations.. .25 2 Werass, Worm Perer, Worm Colic... . 3 3 Tee thing Colic, Crying, Wakefulness J23 4-Dlarrbea, of Children or Adults...... .33 7-Conghs, Colds, Bronchitis .23 8-Kearalgia, Toothache, Faceacbe. 23 9-Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo- .23 le-Dyspeastn Biliousness. Constipation. .23 ll-Sareeaed or Falnfal Perieaa... .23 12-Wkltee, Too Profuse Periods - .23 13-Creaa, ltarvBaitle, Hoaaeaess...... .23 14-Salt Rkeasa. Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .23 13-Rkeaasatlsas, BbesataUo Faint ..... .23 16 Malaria, Chilis, Ferer and Ague .23 19-Catarrk, Inflnensa, Cold in the Head. .23 29 Wkeeaiar Caagh........ ....".. 23 27 KMitf Disease ..................... .23 28-Nerveaa Deklllty l.Sf 30-BriaaryWeakBeaa, Wetting Bed.. .23 HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL Oil The Pile Hatmeat,,,-Trial fifae. 13 Cta. acliVTtrttm,trmlpm nil wertH sC Brtsa, Be. H nrnnr sutit (M asm,) uui 1TpecTfics. THE LINCOLN- flRTIflCII i Stone hnd The Co. UiCORrOBATKD. Ilxioolnt - a?3txo.aalceaa R. B. Graham, Pres. and Treat. J. H. Graham, Secretary. F. Reixers, Manager. Paving:, Curbing-, Lawn Walks, Carriage Drives, Side Walks, Main and Tiled, Encaaa- tlc Tiling-, Building-Stone, Window Cap and 8111s, Ven ered Work, Factory, 16th and X Streets. Telephone 599. Office, No. 1201 O Street. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON 8HORT NOTIOS, rplS3jH3 ppOLOCKSl JUUKflftt AND Samcp of Health fAN- wiwioi'm oi -JLLUSTRATr MAGAZINE- 0F- A X l." M fam bhiw mnstanrr m. a J noocxB. m MMMMTEE CUBE er raft FOWLER & WELLS CO., S5 East Slat Street, Mew York. MTk MEDIC ssjsaBaSj MNVv saa OU.W.I fetMMi