THE COURIER A L BICYCLE RIDNG SCHOOL W. M. BARNUM ... High Grade Bicycles, Relay and Aluminums .... HT Omaha Guards Armory. MIS. EflTUN X IMS, aaOHouth Eleventli t. Telephone fidl. . . Knoiiis 208 and 309, ( Diseases of Women. Speialties: Orificial Surgery. ,'IM ol,N (Venereal Diseases. neii. HOTEI. lOAJLV, 121 S. 14lh St. ... Lincoln, Neb. -:- Under the management of -:- I. OPPENHEIMER. Elegant rooms, fine tablo. The only first-class fnily hotel in Lincoln. When wanting a clean, easy shave or an artistic hair-cut, try 8. F. Westerfield THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST, who has a shop in basement of Burr Block, also one called "The Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth Street, south of Lansing theatre. HE HAS ALSO VERY MEAT BATH ROOMS. nliniLU a first-class Cripple Creek Gold Mining stock. Address, DELANY AND DELANY, Mining Brokers, Colorado Springs, Col. Low Rate Harvest Excursf n. On the above date, agents of Missouri Pacific Railway on the central branch U. P., and in Nebraska on Lincoln and Crete branch and Pacific railway in Nebraska will sell low rate Harvest Excursion tickets to points in Tennesse, Mississippi, Ala bama, Louisiana. Arkansas, Indian Terri tory, Oklahoma and Texas, and points on the K. C. Ft. S. & M. east of Springfield. The territory to which thi6 rate is in effect embraces the finest fruit growing, farming and stock raising regions in the United States. See local agents for full particulars. H. C. Townsend, General Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. E EAL ESTATE BARGAINS! Four Room cottage 28 and Hitchcock, full lot. SGOO. Four Room brick, full lot 28 and Hitch cock. $700 Five room cottage with barn, cor. 25tb and Garfield, beautifully located $1CC0. We have some liret class city property for sale or trade Chase Bros. Room 4, 1113 O St MCINTOSH SHOULD BE YOUK PRINTER. CHA8. B. FERRIW, Attorney at Law, ROOM L 1113 O ST. Not lxx yearn . . . . have colored shirts been so popular, nor the designs so varied and in good taste as they are this season. A visit to our es tablishment will enable you to see all the late products of foreign markets. J. H. EVANS, Nebraska Shirt Co. Exclusive Custom Shirt Makers.) Telephone 908. 1515 Farnam Street, Omaha Missouri Pacific Hai rest Excursion. On September llth, 25th and October 9th the Missouri Pacific will sell tickets to Tex as, Arkansas, Southern Missouri, Okla homa. Louisana, Florida, Tennessee, Ala bama, Indian Territory and other points at one fare for the round trip plus 82.00. Stop overs allowed enroute. For descrip tive pamphlets of any of the above states or,, for further information call at city ticket office, 1201 O street. F. D. Cornell, C. P. & T. A. Rudy's Pile Suppository is guarauteed to cure Piles and Constipa tion, or money refunded. 50 cents per box. Send two stamps for circular and Free Sample to Martin Rudy, Registered Phar macist, Lancaster, Pa. No postalB answer ed. For sale by all first-class druggiest everywhere. H. T. Clarke Co., wholesale agents, Lincoln, Neb. (Vfrf' Sheridan CountfrWyominq, (only J recently opened up for settlement ! by the completion of an extension ( of the .Burlington itau- TLn road), offers greater andi I 1 1 Fa more profitable opportun- ities to farmers, business ( men,investors and prospectors than J any other section of the United, States. Finest agricultural and, stock-raising region under the sun. 270,000acresofmagnificentirrigated land, fertile as the valley of the Nile. A million acres and more still Uaiiiav vacant, waiting IIgWoI the com" ingofthe B husband man. Brisk, rapidly-growing towns. Rich mineral fields less than a hun dred miles from the county seat. Perfect climate, pure water, cheap fuel coal and woodl Send for free .descriptive pamphlet; thirty two pages t&sz Nnrrhwest and map. J. FRANCES, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Nebraska, DR. Mf. QUEEN IVQnHB JESPECWlia CANCERS. Its scientific treatment and removal in twenty minutes without knife, pain or loss of a drop of blood DR. QUEEN cares PUm aad Ta mora without pain, lraife or loss of s drop of blood; he alio cures Catarrah, Troat, Langs, Heart sad Nervous De bility. DR. QUEEN haa made diseases the Stomach, Kidney, Liver, Blood aad Diseases of Women a specialty for thirty-five years. He haa restored hearing to the deaf aad sight to taa blind. DR. QUEEN is the specialist of the northwest ia the Treatment and Car of all Chronic and Private Ailment having lived in Lincoln and Lancaster county for thirty-four years. By applying to Dr. Queea, the Klas 'rician, yoi can get Instant Belief aad a Cure from all Paia from Rhenmatisss Nenraliga and all Chronic Alhaeatt after all medical remedies have failed. Instituts and Elsctrlo Bath loossa, Union BlodcN.E.Cf . lothfcO LINCOLN, NEB. Reduction in Price. mHOUIL 1.Q Gents per week without Sunday. Cents f Sunday. 1 C' Cents per week with Clieap in Price. Beast in Quality. MME.A.RUWERT'S FACE BLEACH MME.A. RUPPERT Bays: I appreciate the fact that there are many thou BandsofladlealntbeCnited fetatesthat would like t try my World-Itenowned Face BLEACH: bi baTO been cept iroui uoinK so on ao 3 countof price.wblchlsFI.00 per bottleor 3 bottles taken together. S5.00. In order that al 1 of these may bare an opportunity, I will sire toeTery caller, absolutely free, a sample bottle, and rinorder to supply those out ofclty.orlnanypartof the wnrld.I will send It safely picked In plain wrapper all charges prepaid, f or 25 cents, silrer or stamp." In every cae of tt eeklea. pimples, moth, sal-Iownefts,bIackhends.acne,eczema.olllness.rouKb-ness, or any discoloration or disease of the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression. Face Bleach removes ab-olutely. It does not cover np, as cosmetics do, but Is a cure. Address KABAME A. SMTPPERT. (BrscOJ NO. East 14th 8t.. NEW YOP.K CITY. FREE MsjfcUsaA air) 2 jMrr af rfcja-j