THE OOOftlEft Alleged Comicalities. Mr. Philantro My poor man, how did you Jose your eyesight? Billie Bluegog In the Government ser vice, your honor. Mr. Philantro In. what branch were you working? i Billie Bluegog I was engaged in lookin' fer marks of bullet wounds in pension applicants. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiralaut" C - BBSsV BBBBfeBSBBBBBBBBBBBBKLr' V" 1 LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPb " 27 I '(Iff , KStSSJ" J . . Tc f-:-.s- A FRIEND S-wtks throng the Bootnbay (Me.) Begittrr, . ' of Uic benelclal results lie baa received (rum . ArrEiilaMaeofJtycr'kPIUa. 'He says: "I ra feeling slrk and tired and my stmnncli . seemed all out of order. I tried a number ot remedies, but Rom seemed, to give me relief until I was Induced to fry tlie old rell.-i-We Ayer's rilK I liave taken only one box, but I feel Ilk ftnewman. 1 think lliey are the most jrieaaant and easy to takeul anything I ever nsed, being so flnely sugar coated that evea a child will take them. 7 urge upon all who are In need of a laxative to try Ayer'a Pill. Tliey will do good.' For ell disease of Uu Wosnarh. UTer, sad Bowels, take AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer a; Co., Lowell, Kan Every Dose Effective FROM PLAIN TO PEAK. There's a discription in a nut-shell of the journey to Hot .Springs, S. D. via the nurl ington route-v .,- It's one of the'pleasantests trips imagin- .Rates to Hot Springs are low, very low, now. Why not spend a week or two there? .'The .Burlidgton's local agent will gladly give yoa full particulars about Hot Springs and also if you ask for it-4 beautifully illustrated folder. J. FRANCIS, G. P. A, T. A. , ' Omaha, Neb. We have seen a number of watch chains ornamented with a pretty charm in the shape of a watch case opener, which obvi ates the ww of knife or fingernail to opes the watch. They are sent free on request by the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philapelpnia,Pa. Your jeweler here may hare one for yoa; if not, scad to Philadel phia. The Keystone Watch Case Company is the largest concern of its kind in the world. Its capacity is 2500 cases per day. It man ufactures every- description of case, but its great rrecislity is that meet popular of al' watch cases, the Jas. Boss gold filled. These are equal in beauty and wear to solid gold while they cost only about half as much. Boas and other Keystone cases are the only cases that have the non-pull-out bow or ring, which saves the watch from theft and accident, The Keystone Company does not retiil, but our local dealers handle the cases and swear by the theft-proof qual ities of the ring. Quick-Drop Dan Say, stranger, how did yer come ter take that fellow's call down so quiet-like; wasn't yer heeled? Mr. Tenderfoot (rubbing his anatomy) No. But I was pretty well toed. Von Blurner My wife has just changed her maids. Now she has a colored one. Plankington What did she get a colored onefor? Von Blumer I suppose it was because I can't see to kia3 her in the dark. Dr. Prodle Now that my patients have nearly all gone away, I tkink I shall .get off myself. Miss Summit I hope, Doctor, that you are not going to join them. Miss Pinkerly You must have a delight f ully'happy disposistion, Mr. Jagway. . , "Jagway Why? " - ,. .' Miss Pinkerly MrVCIeverton toldi me that the other night, was the first time he. had ever seen you -reallj. sober. , Jack Dashing Isn't that novel of the flesh, fleshy? Penelope Yes, but you know I'm a nirorous reader. rather oar- First Girl When are you "coming out?' Second Girl Just as soon as I grow into mamma's dresses. He Great guns! She has known me only a week and yet she has accepted me, we're engaged. . SheYou dont say so. She has known you a whole week nd sne hasn't married you yet? IOO REWARD, 1 00. The readers ot this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitHUbaal treatement Hall's Catarrh Cure" is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patieut strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its 'work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonals. Address, F.J. ChehheyA Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 76 cental Mr. Jfmvtd Bigger Chills and Fever with distressing eeata. a fata in chest, shoulder, back aaf Hood's Cures sk. Poor bottles of Hood's Sarsaaarllla aaa strength, rood aDDetite and fceaHa. David Bigoeb, Wilcox, Nebraska. H4' VMS wla new Wends dally. THE BEAUTY OF NIAGARA can never be described and it has never be described and it has never been pictured so adequately and satisfactorily as in the portfolio just issued by the Michigan Cen tral, -The .Niagara Falls Route." .It con tain': fifteen large plates from the best in stantaneous photographs, whicn cannot be bought for many dollars. These can be bought for ten cents by . sending to H. H. Marley. S. W.v Pass, agent. Union de pot, Kansas City, Mo. M.9 You Gong Si atif Then call or write for one of our t?escrip tive pamphlets on Arkansas, Texas, IZbb- ' o'uri, Oklahoma, etc issued by the Missouri, Pacific. Harvest excursion dates Sept 11th, J 25th and October 9th. City Ticket Office,- 1201 0 street. CHEAP TRAVELING. The round trip rates to Hot Springs, S. D., ofiered by the Eurlington Route are low very low, as low as can be quoted. Ask your local agent about them. SPIRIT LAKE IOWA This is the nearest popular resort to Lin coln. The lake is large and the surround ings beautiful. The fishing, boating, hunt ing and hotels excellent. Route via the 'Northwestern Line Apply at city office, 117 south 10 St SUBSCRIBE FOR tlE 60URIBR. N, ?. X- 9?. ). Y