THE COURIER WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL .;. njCT.TO.Yr4.RF AGrmndBuc1ir. o r. V . . i y V .V- m V - li : ,t "k .$ " '- m t mil -,&. x, - lHliv IX - Waawnaawaa" W V & -r BMv It , aaam BwBwBwBwawaaws994ESv2?iy aKQsW & ytfti ;-ri Messrs. S. C Wku & Co., I Roy, N. T.: "AJ3" J7 " 94 Gentlemen I have tried many different kinds of medicine without receiving any benefit, and had given up all hopes of any cure or even relief. I was troubled with constipation for years until I was a total wreck. Finally it ran into rheumatism and other trouble, and have been confined to the house, (was in bed for eight months) for two years. I have been using your Karl's Clever Moot Tea, and find that it has done me more good than anything I have ever tried. You are perfectly at liberty to use my; name as a testimonial, as I am glad to know that I have been the means of relieving others. Very respectfully, . Mrs. W. P. Worden. .s-" - - JBV. I. WIILrlAMS, ISIS O Street:. jfIjtKBL B.i- . YvawaarctV ffi vOaaijjjjjBBVa ojKJbV.dv Bwsaaut jntfTTmrlr r aaaTJ aaaaaaaar JflKXBaaaaaaaayJav' saaaf yawaaavl aaaJa iL aaaaLTaaaaaaf?09A23G3aaSBtfsrwKfE ealer in W$P RbS and Blankets. REPAIRING- A SPECIALTY. Fine harness made to order. u m, Man vna ic cava mMinUUU RBO I UnElafi Thlswondarfnl nmtdf guaranteed to ears all nervous dlsease.iucli as Weak Memory.Lossof Brain Power, Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Kmisalons. Herrotuv ness,alldralnsaadlossof powerln Generative Organs of either sex earned by overexertion, vsathral errors, excessive use of tobacco. oplam or stla ulants. which lead tolnflnnltT.Consnmptlon or Insanity. Can be earrledla Test pocket. SI per box. for OS, br mull prepaid. With a OS order wo give at wrlttea a-waraatre to core or refaad the aaoaey. Sold br all (irngslits. Ask for It. take no other. Write forfreeMedlcal Book sent sealed In main wraDDcr. Address N EKVC SEED Co., MasouicTemnie.CBK'AQO. For twin la Lincoln, by B. W. BUOWH and W.M. BkilLAKNUKU lh twist. fW aaVwamaaa jyiucaiM. suetttaor oj ine "Unabridged." Ten years spent In revising, loo ed itors employeil cil more than $380,000 expended. Everybody should own this Dictionary. It an swers all questions concerning the his tory, spelling, pro nunciation, and meaning of words. A library in Itself. itaisogiTes' the often desired Information concerning eminent persons; facts concerning the countries, cities, towns, and natural fea tures of the globe; particulars concerning noted fictitious persons and places; trans lation of foreign quotations, words, and proverbs ; etc., etc., etc. This Work is Invaluable in tb household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro fessl6nal man, and self -educator. Sold byMlJJootaellers. G. C. Xerrlam Co. Pubtuner, Springfield, Metis. y Do not boy cheap pboto trmphlc reprinu of ancient euiuona. IXTERKOTDNALl DETnOOTi lyslead for free prospectus. g is aa arbitrary word used to designate the only bow (ring) which cannot be palled oil the watch. Here'sthtidea ffi The bow has groove Y V-fCH-jy runa down inside the Wfl VS pendant (stem) and bis law tb Twive, ftrsBly locking th v vm xam anosai, that It eaaaot ba or twisted ok. r fits lato tn W It poskWelr prereats the lot of the watch by theft, sad avoids jojary to k froa dropping. IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with Jaa. Bom Filled or other watch caooa bearing this trade aaark V sJl watch dealers sell them withost extra coat, AsalsAMMtMMrwIN MtMttrMtoaaf aa aylMi KeystoneWatch Cast Co., PHILADELPHIA. H5H2IH aaaaaaaaw'B?awrrBaBaBBaaWBwl W COPYRIGHTS. CAM I OBTAIN A PATKITf fl Meant answer and aa honest oatBtoa). wrtto m M V SN dc COn who haTe bad nearly any roan eipoiU'in la tho patent hoaliiaaa. CossaMBioa. Uoos strictly confldentlal. Allaadbokof to formation cooceminr Patents) awl bow to osv tain tnem seas rree. Aisoaeacaisg leal and acientiAe books mat froa. Patents taken thraoah Mnna A Co. : oedal notice In tha Udeatlfle AaaerleaB. I Urns are brooch widely before the pobllcwNav at coot to too inroBtor. This snlsndM nasar. waned weekly. eiennUy tUwatratedThas by fartho larraat etrcalatlon of any adoatlBc work ta mm world. S3 a year. Sample eoaiea sent froa. Bnlldlnr Kdltlon. monthly. Sua a year. Stegta copies. '13 eonta. Brery number contains boa, tlfnl plates, in colors, and photographs of now nooses, with plana, enabling builders to show too latest dcslens and bccure contracts. Address HUNK CO, Sew York. 301 Broadwat