.- 16 THE COURIER 0 SALE OF COLLATERAL SECURITY First Publication October 13. Notice is bereby'given that the under signed will on Monday the 12th day of November 1894 at 2 o'clock p. m. ot eaid day, cell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following collulriul security to-wit: One note vl dati- Lin coln Nebiaeka, October 14th 1869, loa the sum of One Thousand dollun-(fcl.lCO) with iuleiest at the rate ot 8 per centum per annum from date of paid not until paid, due on or befoie October 14 h 1892, signed ly J. M. Scott and Hannah E. Scott payable to Reese F. Dngett and endoised by said Reese F, J 'ceU which note is now due and payable. Said sale will take place at the east door of the Lancaster county court house in the city of Lincoln. Nebraska. ALBERT RAY. Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, October 10, 1894. AM OHDIKMCE. Authorizing the iaaue of district paving bonds of the city of Lincoln, for the puipose of paying the cost. of pavir.g the several streets and alleys-and parts of streets and alleys in paving district number 26 in said city, ex clusive of intersections and spaces opposite alleys. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the city of Lincoln, Ne braska. Section 1. That for the purpose of paying the cost of paving in the several streets and alleys and partB of streets and alleys respectively, excepting inter sections of streets and spaces opposite alleys in the paving district of the city of Lincoln hereinaf tersoecified.the Mayor and City Clerk of said city be and are hereby authorized and directed to exe cute and issue the bonds of the city of Lincoln, to-wit: for the purpose of pay iBg the aforesaid cost in paving district number 26, ten bonds of Thirteen Hundred dollars each, to be called Dis trict Paving Bonds of District number 26, and numbered respectively from one "to-ten, inclusive, said bonds to become due aB follows: One of said bonds due Dec 1st 1895. One of said bonds due Dec. 1st 1896. One of said bonJs due Dec. 1st 1897. One of said bonds due Dec 1st 1898. One of said bonds due Dec 1st 1899. One of said bonds due Dec 1st 1900. One of said bonds due Dec 1st 1901. One of said bonds due Dec 1st 1902. One of Baid bonds due Dec 1st 1903. One of said bonds due Dec 1st 1904. And each of said bonds to' have proper interest coupons thereto attached. And all of said bonds to be dated December 1st, 1S94, and all to bear in terest from the date thereof at the rate of six per cent, per annum payable annually with interest coupons thereto attached, principal and interest payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Ne braska in the city of New York; and for the payment of said bonds, principal and interest the faith of the city of Lincoln its property and its revenues are hereby pledged. Section 2. That the special taxes and assessments to be levied on the property in said district to cover said costs of paving therein thall constitute a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds and interest thereon, and said bonds shall not be sold for less than par. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication ac cording to law. Introduced by Councilman O. W. Webster. Passed October 8th 1894. Approved October, 9th 1894. Attest J. W. Bowes, A. H. Weir, City Clerk. Mayor. A. B. COFFROTH, Attorney at Law. First Publication Oct 13. In the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. John Hutcheson Kerr, ) Plaintiff I Notice to vs J- nonresidents Robert M. Kirkham et al Defendants I Capitolu Biles, Charles Biles, her hus band. AnnaLeacb, Ernest Leacb, her hus band, and Milton B. Whitney, Charles S. Fuirchild, Harry E. Mooney, Sanford B. Ludd, and Frank JIagerman, receivers ot the Lombard Investment Company, will tatce notice that on the 11th day of Oct ober, 1894, John Hutcheson Kerr, plain tiff heiein, filed his petition in the Dis trict Court of Lancaster County,, Neb raska against said defendants and others the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendants, Robert M. Kirkham and Tryphena Kirkham, to the Lombard Investment Company upon lot number one 1 in block number one 1 in Moire Addition to J. O. Young's East Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note with coupons attached, dated September 9, 1889,Jor.thesumof $900.00 and due and payable-on. the 1st day of Septem ber, 1894; that there is- now- due upon, said note and mortgage the sum. oC 8927.00, with interest at 10 per cent from September 1, 1893; the further sum of $27.00 with interest at 10 percent from March 1, 1894; the further sum of $ for insurance, with interest at 10 per cent from the day of , 18; the further sum of $42.50 for taxes, with interest at 10 per cent from the day of , 18; and the further sum ot $30.00, for taxes, with interest at 10 per cent from the day of , 18, for which sums, with interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to sat isfy the amount found due. You are hereby notified that on said 19th day of November 1894, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as I can be heard, I will apply to the Dist rict Court of Lancaster County. Nebr aska, for the appointment of a Receiver of the property upon which th mort gage is sought to le foreclosed" in the above entitled action, for the reason that the said property is probably in sufficient to pay said indebtedness again st it; that the said application will be heard at the Court house in said county at said time and will le based upon affidavits of W. I. Fryer, J. T. Beach et. al, and upon the notes and mortgages outstanding against the said property. I will propose the name of H. B. Saw yer ae Receiver, and will propose as sure ty for ourselves as applicants and the said Receiver, A. W. Field and J. B. Cunningham at which time you can ap pear and resist the appointment of said Receiver if you so desire. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the. 19th day of Novem ber, 1894. John Hutcheson Kerr, By A. B. Coffroth, his attorney. D. F. OSGOOD, Mttorne at Lam. First Publication Sept. 15. Sheriti Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued by the clerk of' the district court of the Third Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in an action wherein The Columbia National Bank, is plain tiff and James A. Bailey and James H. McMurtry are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. m. on the 16th day ot October, A. D. 1894, at the eaat door of the court house in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, offer for sale at pub lic auction the following described real estate to-wit: , The northeast quarter, the-northwest quarter, the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of section .nineteen (19) town nine (9) range seven (7) east in Lancaster County, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 13th day of-' September, A. D.. 1894. FRED A. FILLER, Sheriff. S.L.GEISTHARDTn . Attorne at Law. BURR BLOCK. Slier 0 S ' First Publication Sept. 15. Notice is hereby given that by virtue ot an order ot sale issued by'ihe clerk of the clerk of the district court of the Third Judicial District of .Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein The Clark & Leonard Investment Company and Lederer & Strauss'are plain tiffsnd William A.Pike, et al are defendants, I will at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 16th day of October, A. D. 1894, at the east door ot the courthouse in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the. following described real estate to wit: juotnusiber four (4) in block num ber two (2) in Walnut Park Addition to Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 12th day of September, A. D., 1894. FRED A. MILLER, Sheriff. maaaaaaaaaamMMikaaaaaaaaaa liBBl UST. YlfcST. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Ticket Office Corner 11th and O fits. mmmmkmmmfS'jU Al.lll' E. B. SLOSSON.;" General Agsat J.T.MASTIN,- , City Ticket AgL j io O St. With their solid trains composed ot Pull Baa palace, colonist sleepers, .Their diners an the finest Ws sweep the new world with our "Fly rs" and fast maile. and have kmckcd a-big hole through the went, and now have M1D winter rates, $65.50 lound trip. ' ' The TOURISTS nil . ;n k. .: -tw..j-G: L-Tm-r ""."" ! , uuiu m i X o- V