JOL. 9, NO. 41. 1 i "rffitvS r tvt lOO A. VV iC . a c s V r' .V ff a. .. E7 S.t! a SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1894. INCO t K73C 14 19 fm al ri- biul! m m j society. iH H IHTEi F l-r rinwcc x tx wi r in ar x x lwsi rX Sfc XO 'ax &&: v .v F V AJr A r ? THE NEW MODEL HAMMOND TYPEWRITER is the only typewriter embodying All Modern Requirements. Unequalled Speed. Perfect Alignment, Interchangeable Type, Any Wicth of Paper, Superior Work, .Light Elastic Touch, Great Endurance. W. J. VanAernam, Western Ag't. OMAHA. y.'BR. C. W. Eckermau, Agent. HXCOLK, NEB. ITS Wl 500ft . W J t yy Sf O ' P S S- O fX 7- o V o 20- . o c? V. O & r' 4JH.I. El?fl9:i? I- J MEN'S FURNISHER. 7222 Douglas Street. Mill aed Hotel. Omaha, Nebraska New Stock. Lowest Price. F. 6. Zehrung, FUNKE OPERA HOUSE. SODA WATER THE COURIER L-nr-nJ Fine Printing arid Engraving. I 217 North Eleventh St. THE LINDELL.-S- Cor. 13th and.M SU. A. I,. HOOVER Sc SON, Props. RATES $2.00 to $3.00 PER DAY E. SISLER. noiesaie ICE H MID FRUIT ICES. New Location 133 S. 12th Si. Tele. SSr-SEE LOCALS. 630. DR. H. K. KERMI, Rooms 94. 93, 96, Burr Blk. LINCOLN, NEB. (Suxrggeoia. Xn.tit FOR WEAK LUNGS try o- o o o Scott's Emulsion Wo retail D I D I f 9 at wholesale prices F. A. POWRLL, Lansing Theatre Building 1237 P street. flUdrPocUu U1B wininw. E5. HAI.IvETT, JEWELERY- 1143 O Street. COMPOUND OXYGEN ' Giving Strength. Home Treatment. Drs. Starkev & Palen. 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia nn nfianiro r eniun Office 1225 o street. un. biuinLEd c. ornnn. Lincoln neb. Practice Limited to Diseases of Ey Ea, aroae Tfarout PR1GE 5 GENTS. ?V7 rOi 'i PejMMAi