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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1894)
TUB COURIER CHA3. Q. FERRIS. Attorney at 'Law. ROOM 4. 1113 () S'l mmwrnm, .-' Ax Y MRS. M. JOHNSON TAIlvORESS. Ladies' and Gent's clothing cleaned and lepaired. All work well done and all orders promptly attended to. ROOM 4. 1012 O ST. tJICYCLE RIDING SC High Grade Bicycles, Relay and Alumiiuuns .... S5f Omaha Guards Armory. X TVlilmne Bill. - - Kooins S08 anil 20!1. ( Diseases of Women. Sneialtics:-? Orificial Surccry. ( Venereal Diseases.' ki. LINCOLN KV. Iv. PKI5WITT, S: POTQSRkPWER 1026 O SJREET. Fine cabinet photographs $.'5 per dozen. Lliefise (- of XVotiic?" tmtl Diseases of the Cliest. DR. JACOBS, y''N Arc Specialties nf Hours l)i50 to 11:30 a.m. 2 to 5:30 p.m. Consultation Free ! Ollico over Ilarley's Drug Store, (it Hi tnJ O Sts. Itesi Jence Cor. A an J 7th Sis. HAIR DRESSING AND MANICURING. A full lino of Switches, Italics, Ornaments, Mani cure (i'ikiiIs, Curling Iron?, Kulilier OikmIs, Brushes, Tonics, Djes, Kleached, 1 uwdcrb, Sonis, etc. ???" I malwC a t-uccinlty of removiiiK.Tan, Freckles. I'imples a Hi I Illncklieads. Scalps treatnl for fall lnj; id tho hair and promoting tho t;rotli.',&X ("all or srml for a sample of Toujour3 .lenne face toilet, it remopcsi wrinkles anil provent others from forming keejn tho faco cleaner than poip anil water. A 50 or 9) cent cake sent to any aihlress without extra charge. IB mfd iidi KTI.AM .MASSACiK AND FACIAL TKHATMKNT. Tonjours Jeuno falwajrsjoiuigi anil a full line of cosmetics anil hair geoils, ornaments, piu brushes, curling irons,. AUNNIli DAVIS, CloARA J. HA I GH, 1242 O STREET. 1 1 'II l1 niT-Mlinill !! Bill HOTEI, IjDJlT, 131 S. 14th M. ... Lincoln, .Nli :- Under tho management of :- I. OPPENHEIMER. Elegant rooms, finn table. Tlio only Urst-clai,? f-'nilj hotel in Lincoln. V s me Vs?fsrf7;y?. 3&$JZZ- m& ST ui i u ; KINK rilOTOGICAI'H- A SVKCl fit I'uicks i:i:iso.vAisi i: LADIES CARED FOR PRIVATELY Maternity Home rr' Sheridan County, Wyoming, (only recently opened up for settlement by the completion of an extension of tho J5urlington ltail-, TUt road), offers greater audi I 1 1 Is niore profitable opportun ities to farmers, business ' men, investors and prospectors than any other section of the United j States. Finest agricultural and. stock-raising region under the sun. 270,O00acresofniagnificentirrigated land, fertile as the valley of the Xile. A million acres and more still unilinP vacant waiting IiIjWdI t,ie com ing of the w " husband man. Brisk, rapidly-growing towns. Rich mineral fields less than a hun dred miles from tho county seat. 1 Perfect climate, pure water, cheap fuel coal and wood. Send for free descriptive pamphlet; thirty- i two pages i with illus trations 'and map. , J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, i Nebraska. lrrf''r When wanting a clean, easy sliavo or an artistic hair-cut, try Northwest U Westerfield THE POPULAR TONSORIAL ARTIST, who has a shop in basement of Uurr Block, also ono called ''The Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth Street, south of Lanbing theatre. HE HAS ALSO VERY UEtT BATH ROOMS. yinilTrn RELIABLE AGENTS to handle HnlllLUatirbt-claFS Cripple Creek Gold Mining stock. Address, DELANV AND DHLANV, -Mining Brokers, Colorado Springs, Col. I ii .. r- in u-lm. Xot 1tl years .... have colored shirts been so popular, nor tho designs so varied and in good taste an they arc this season. A visit to our "s tablishment will enable- you to bee all the late products of foreign markets. .L H. EVANS, Nebraska Shirt Co. (Exclusive Custom Shirt Makers.) Telephone 90S. 1515 Farnam Street, Omaha $ JO jJMfc CANCERS. Its scientific treatment and removal in twenty minutes without knife, pain or loss of a drop of blood DR. QUEEN cures PUm aad Ta rn or s without pain, loilfe or low of drop of blood; he also cure Catarrah, Troat, Lungs, Heart and Nervous De bilitv. DR. QUEEN has made dlseaaea f the Stomach, Kidney, Liver, Blood aaa Diseases of Women a specialty for thirty-five years. He has restored hearing to the deaf and sight to ths blind. DR. QUEEN Is the specialist of ths northwest in the Treatment and Car of all Chronic and Private Ailment having lived in Lincoln and Lancaster county for thirty-four years. Hy applying to Dr. Queen, the Elee- rician, yoi can get Instant Relief amd i Cure from all Pain from Rhenraathusi curaliga and all Chronic Ailments after all medical remedies have failed. Instituts and Electric Bath Rooms, Union Block,N.E.CT. ithftO LIXCOLX, IVEB. Reduction in Price. 11 1 Q Gents per week without Sunday. Cents i Sunday. 1 lT Cents per week with Oiler! in Price. USesst in. Qxcltry9 A. GRAND OFFER! rllCC FACE BLEACH MME.A. RUPPERT kits: "I appreciate the fact that there aro many thou eandofIadielntlio United &tatethatwouldIiketotry my World-Kenowned Facs VLKAcn: on, navo been kept from d'.tnir o on ac t rountnf t)rfct.nhlchlif2J)0 ' perbottleor3boltlestaken toBcuier. saw. m order that all of these may bare an opportunity, I will give to every caller, absolutely fpaa n lumnla fmttla .nff rKifc---fi:;orclty.or In any partof tho world .1 will send ttsafoly parkedln plain wrapper al 1 charees prepaid, for 25 cents, allrer or atamp." In every cnoof freckle, plmple.nioth, sal-lowness.blackhcad.acne,cenia.oillneM.rough-ncss, or any discoloration or duxae of the kln, and wrlnklPS (not csunxI by facial expression: Face Bi.eacii rvmoven abolutely. It does not cover up, as cosmetic do, but Is a cure. AddreM MA II.IMGA. KXrPPERT.IBce.) Mo. e East 14th St., NEW YORK CITY. "Mm yp) t ?tvw ' mm. I