The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 22, 1894, Image 2

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Burr block
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is herby given, that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by the clerk of the
district court of the Third Judicial district
of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster
couutv, iu an action wherein Marcus
Younker '13 plaintiff, and John Burshek et
nl are defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock P.
JVI., on the 2nd day of October A. D. 1894, at
the east door of the court house, in the city
of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the following
described real estate to-wit:
Lots numbered four (4) and five (3) of
Xitcoln Laud Company's Subdivision of
lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block
one hundred three (103) in the city of
Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 20 day of
August A. D.1894. Fred A. Miller,
Sept 1 5t Sheriff.
Docklt O. No. 231.
In the circuit court of the United
States, for the District of Nebraska:
Amilky B. LaFluer. Complainant,
Jackson E. Montrose et al, defendants.
In Chancery.
Foreclosure of Mortgage.
Public notice is hereby given that in
pursuance and by virtue of a decree
entered in the above cause on the 9th
day of July, 1S94, I, E. S. Dundy, Jr.,
Master in Chancery of the circuit court
of the United States for the district of
Nebraska, will, on the 2Gth day of Sep
tember, 1S94, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day at tho east
door of the Lancaster County Court
House building in the City of Lincoln,
Lancaster County, State and District of
Nebraska, sell at auction for cash the
following described property, to wit:
All of Section Number Two 2) in
Township Number Nino 9 north of
Range Number Seven 7 East, of the
Sixth GJ Prncipal Meridian, excepting
therefrom one acre thereof, bounded
and described as follows, namely: Be
ginning at a point on the South Line of
said Section, distant fifteen 115 rods
east from the S. W. corner of the S. E.
quarter of said Section, and running
thense North 220 feet, thense East 193
feet, thense South 220 feet, thense 193
feet to the point of beginning, together
with all and singular, the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenances there
unto belonging, all in the County of
Lancaster and State of Nebraska.
E. S. Dundy Jr.
Mastery in Chancery.
Hakwood Ames"& Pettis,
Solicitors for Complainant.
Mttorr.e ct Law.
First Publication September 15.
Legjl Notice.
Charier II. Buford Jr. will take notice
that on the 8th day of August, 1S94, L.
A. McCandless, a justice of the peace of
the city of Lincoln, Lancaster County,
Nebraska issued an order of attachment
for the sum of $75.00 in an action pend
ing before him wherein Gardner W
Closson is plaintiff and Charles H. Buf
ord Jr. defendant that property of the
defendant consisting of money in the
hands ofSwift &, Company has been
garnisheed under said order: Said cause
was continued to the 13th day of Octob
er 1S94 at 9 o'clock A. M.
Lincoln Nebraska September 14, 1894.
By J. S. Bishop his Attor ney
In the District Court of Lancaster
Countv. Nebraska.
J. D. MacFarland,
William II. Tyler as Trustee J
for himself, et al
Defendants. J
Thomas Coffman, J. Melton, Horace
Buckner, Michael Sullivan. Adda L.
Coffman, St. Louis Varnish Company, a
corporation, Henry Lehman, Mayer &
Lowenstein, partners, Robert S. Hobbs
& Company, a corporation, Spencer A.
Brown, Wellington National Bank, a
corporation.Cedar Rapids National Bank,
a corporation, James H. Musseter, Will
iam Smith, J. W. Pentield, Raymond C.
Pentield, partners doing business as
J. W. Pentield & Son, Dray (real
name unknown) and Kahn (real
name unknown) doing business in tho
firm name of Dray & Kahn, partners,
Mary Webb, Continental Nation
al Bank of Boston, Massachusetts, a
corporation, W. A. Coit & Company,
partners, will take notice that on the
4th day of August, 1894, J. D. MacFar
land, plaintiff herein, filed his petition
in the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, against said defen
dants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted by the defendants William II.
Tyler, as trustee for himself and for
James A. Bailey, Zack Hammel, Daniel
B. Stevens, and John Lanham, to the
plaintiff upon tho following des
cribed real estate to wit: Lots number
seven 7 and number eight SJ in block
number three hundred fifteen .'115 of
Jane Y. Irwin's Addition to the City of
Lincoln, otherwise known and described
as Subdivision number sixty-two G2 of
S. V. Little's Subdivision of the west
half of the south-west quarter (w x, of s
n" I -i) of section number twenty-four (24)
in township number ten (10) north of
range number six (G) east of the sixth
principal meridian in Lancaster County,
Nebraska, to secure the payment of a
promissory note dated Februarv 27,
1S92, for the sum of $13:000 and duo and
payable on the 1st day of June, 1892;
that there is now due upon said note
and mortgage tho sum of 13,000 with
interest thereon at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from .the dat of said
note; for which sum with interest as
aforesaid plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants be required to pay the
same or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount found due.
You aie required to answer said
tion on or before the 15th dav of
ober. 1894. Dated August 31, 1894.
J. D. MacFarlxnd,
By Albert Watkins and Charles
Dawes, his attorneys.
DOCKET I. NO. 2,"9.
In the Circuit Court of the United
States, for the District of Nebraska:
Ralph Kitchen
Four Room cottage 23 and Hitchcock,
full lot.-SGOO.
Four Room brick, full lot 23 and Hitch
cock. $700
Five room cottage with barn, cor. 25th
and Garfield, beautifully located $1000.
We have some first class city property for
sale or trade
Chase Bros.
Room 4. 1113 O St.
should be your
( com 1'inat.t
( defendants.
John R. Webster et al
in Chancery.
foreclosure of mortgage.
Public notice is hereby given that in
pursuance and by virtue of a decree en
tered in tho above cause on the 10th
day of April 1894. I. E. S. Dundy, Jr.,
Mastery iu Chancery' of the Circuit
court of the United States for the Dis
trict of Nebraska, will, on the 2Gth day
of September 1894. at tho hour of
10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day
at the east door of the Lancaster
county court house building in the city
of Lincoln, Lancaster county, state and
district of Nebraska, sell at auction for
cash the following described property
Lots B C and D of tho replat of
Baird's sub-division of lots seven and
eight, in block sixty-seven, in the city of
Lincoln, in Lancaster county and state
of Nebraska.
E. S. Dundy Jr.
Master in Chancery.
G. E. Pritchett,
Solicitor for Complainant.
We have eeen a number of watch chains
ornamented with a pretty charm in the
shape of a watch case opener, which obvi
ates tho use of a knife or fingernail to open
the watch. They are sent free on request
by the Keystone Watch Case Company, of
Philapelphia, Pa. Your jeweler here may
have one for you; if not, send to Philadel
phia. The Keystone Watch Case Company is
1 he largest concern of its kind in the world.
Its capacity is 2500 cases per day. It man
ufactures every description of case, but its
great ffetialily is that irest rejularofal
watch cases, the Jas. Boss gold filled.
These are equal in beauty and wear to solid
goldwhile they cost only about half as
much. Boss and other Keystone cases are"
the only cases that have the non-pull-out
bow or ring, which saves the watch from
theft and accident. The Keystone Company
does not retail, but our local dealers handle
the cases and swear by the theft-proof qual
ities of the ring.
There's a discription in a nut-shell cf the
journey to Hot Springs, S. D. via the inirl
ington route.
It's one of the pleasantests trips imagin
able. Rates to Hot Springs are low. very low,
now. Why not spend a week or two there?
Tho Burlidgton's local agent will gladlv
give you full particulars about Hot Springs
and also if you ask- for it a beautifullv
illustrated folder.
G. P. & T. A.
Omaha, Neb.
.217 North Eleventh Street.