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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1894)
18 THE COURIER 00 YOU KHOW THAT THE J ji BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA Storage It. F. Vancil, I'rop. Capital Storage Co., warehouse G19-G23 South 20th St kinds packed, moral, stoves a specialty. Flardy Furniture Co., street, or Rudge & Morris Co., 1118-1122 X street, will be promptly attended to. Goods of all shipped or stored, An order left at 211 South 11th Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Genuine Coal Creek Canyon and Rock Springs coal at the Whitebreast. For St. Louis take the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O street. For California take the Missouri Pacific mule, via southern route. Canon City coal at the "WhUebreast Coal and Lime Co. See that jour tickets read via the Miseruii Pacific route to the Mid-Winter fair at San Francisco, Cal. City ticket office 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. Now is the time to take a trip to Florida via the Missouri Pacitiu route. City ticket ffice 1101 O street, Lincoln. Neb. ESTABLISHED IX 1879. LINCOLN STEAM DYEING X FRENCH DR, 8S2?" Ol!ic 1105 O Su. Works 21th Jc fiSbs. Lincoln, Xeb. A. B. HOSMAN, Proprietor. Wo make a Siecialty of Cleaning and Dyeing Gentlemans Clothing, Ladies Cloaks and Drcts Goods. H I M.r -?Tlie Grocers. Caters for family trade only. Consequently their goods are the nicest and freshest in the market. Store 1425 0. Tel. 610. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys hju'clfirr.arof.clcntlflcnllyand carefully prep-ired ItcmcdJc. used for years In private practice and for ovr-r ililrty jcars liy the pcoplo with entire fucivsr. Every single- Specific a special euro for tlic disease nameU. They cure without drucglnjr, pursing or reducing thesystem and are In fact end deed (ho Sot ereign ltcmcJieri of the or! J. no. cvnw. rsiCEK. 1 Fevers, Congest ions. Inflammations.. .'25 a WorniM, Vv'orni Fever, Worm Colic... . 5 3 Tec thing; Col lc, Crj tag. Wakefulness , 25 4 Dlnrrlicn, of Children or Adults 25 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 5 8-Xenralsta, Toothache, Faccache. 25 S-IIendnclirt., Sick I.cadachc, Vertigo.. .25 10 Dyipp;nla. Elliouaicfs. Constipation. .25 11 Suppressed oi l'nir.fnl 1'erioda... .25 12-WhitcH, ToorioIUiorcrlodi .25 13-Croup, Laryngitis, noaiicpess .25 14-SnIt Itheuni, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .25 15-IthcumniiHtn, lUscsaatte Pains .25 16 Mnlarln, Chills, Tcrer and Arjue .25 19-Cntarih. Inflccnza, Cold In Uio Head. .25 Se-VIioonins Co:igh 'S3 27 Kidney Illscppes ... 23 28-Xerrous licbilit; 1.00 30-Crinury WenUr. y, V-:'--;tEcd.. .23 HUMPHREYS' ?Z . -1 I 2EIj OIL, "The Pile Ointmcnt."-Triai izc.25CU. Sold by PrurtliU. r nut vet-i aid on receipt of price. Dm. UcxrnXKT' Maxcil (III pa;ts,) iimleu u.c HOirUCCTS' BED. CO., 1 1 1 1 1 3 HUOui St., 5KH TOttK. SPE CI F! S . Under new management merchants' hotel OMAHA. NEBR. i'AXtox, HULirrr .t tjavunpokt, Projirlr r-. Secia! attention to -'sto trade, guc-t and rnminprcinl travelers. 1'arnam street electric cnr pas tho dot r to and from all parts of the citj. BOURBON & PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. If you cannot procure it of your druggist or liquor dealers, trjnn receipt of $1.50 we will express prepaid to ntiv address a full quart sample bottle of Oi ' "Jk Rye or Bourbon. STOU, VAHHATTii S CO.. DISTILLERS. HE-jipiji in ISSl'KIl :- WEEKLY. You I'iiu'i Ki-i-p Puttril or Do Humiu-sh Iiittlliintiy Will. -lit It. A complete opit'mo of all the lianUiu? tmil mone tary affairs of tbecountry; special treasury reports including new and closed banks; cIihiikps ir ulli ccrs. etc. also latent changes of lmuk-. wliicb am published immediately on rtceiptof ndticc. Subscription Price, $-S.0O Per milium, SlUMI'T & STKUKKK PubllMiers. 48 Cburch St., I'.O.bosW. XUW YORK Oom.4 IS THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTfrTO THE SOUTH cl (See U. H.O.TOWSOHB, G.P.AT.Agt. St Louis, M Pan. Daniels, CP.AT.AgL 1201 OSt. ap4pv71. I NOW OFFERS REDUCED RATES nK I1UUUU 111)1 I ILHCIS IU MANY 1'irlt:s Points AM0SG T.EM Hot Springs, Deadwood, Rapid City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Ashlaml, Bajr field, Madison, Milwaukee, Oconomowoc, Wis. and other points to numerous to men tion in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine Ontario, etc. FOR RATES, MAPS Etc. SEE A. S. FIELDING, City Ticket Agt.. 117 South 10th Street. S. A. MOSHER. General Agt. THE SICK HEALED. WEAK MADE STRONG. If you arc sick or debilitated, do not lie discouraged. Compound Oxygen has wrought many wonderful cures and haB given strength to many. We know this to bo true from our own experience of twenty live years, and wo aro ready to furnish abundant proof. It is worth your while to examine tho evi dence, which jou can do by writing to us Wo will send you, freo or charge, our book of two hundred pages with numerous testi monials and records of surprising cures of asthma, beonchitis, consumption, catarrh, rheumatism, nervous prostration, neuralgia and other forms of disease and debility. Home treatment is sent out b express, to bo used at home. Oilicc treat incut is administered here. The effect of 1-otli treat ments is the same. Consultation free. Our success has given riso to many imiia. tions. Avoid disappointment and loss of there is but one genuine Com pound Ox3-gen. bv sending to DRS. STARKEY & TAT EN. 1529 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.. San Francisco, Cal., Toronto. Canada. HAfeblE McDANIEb DRESSMAKER ROOM 21, 1123 X ST. I use the Taylor tygtetn and guarantee satisfaction, A r A I A ;