The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 22, 1894, Page 17, Image 17

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." w- ' t
""JJlfcWJ )W
ED. A. CHURCH, Manager.
closing perfornianco of tho
Thursday, Sept. 27th
"train AUCTION."
Saturday, Sept. 29.
Attorney at Law,
Hl'Ki: 11LOCK.
Sfier If S It
First Publication Sept. 15.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale issued by the clerk r
tho clerk of the district court of tho
Third Judicial District of Nebraska,
within mid for Lancaster county. In an
action wherein Tho Clark &. Leonard
Investment Company and Lederer &.
Strauss areplaintitrs.nnd William A. Pike,
et al arc defendants, I will at 2 o'clock p.
m., on the lGth day of October, A. D.
1S91, at tho east door" of the court holiso
in the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county,
Nebraska, otTer for salo at public auction
the following described real estate to
wit: -i-ot number four ( 1) in block num
ber two (2) in Walnut Park Addition to
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
Given under mv hand this 12th day of
September, A. D.1 1894.
Chattel KortiagsS .
First Publication Sept. 15.
Notice is hereby given that by virtuo
of a chattel mortgage dated August 27,
1S91, duly executed by Thomas Carr in
favor of Tho Columbia National Hank,
to 6ecuro the payment of the sum of
nine hundred and'llfty dollars and upon
which there is now due the said sum or
nine hundred and tlfty dollars with in
terest thereon from tho 27th day of
August, 1S91, and default having been
made in the payment of said sum and
no suit or other proceeding at law hav
ing boon instituted to recover said debt
or any part thereof, and said chattel
mortgage having been duly assigned to
the undersigned Kate Martin. I will sell
the property described in said chattel
mortgage, viz: all tho buildings situated
upon tho following described land in
Lancaster county, Nebraska, to wit:
commencing at tho southeast corner of
block 513 in West Lincoln. Nebraska;
runniug thence west TAX) feet; thenco
north north ."00 feet: thence east .'JCO
feet and thence south .'JOO feet to tho
beginning: more particularly known as
the Lincoln Soap Works, or Lincoln
Soap Factory, together with all machin
ery of any kind whatever.tixturesand ap
purtenances, also all material of any and
all kind on hand and contained in and
about said buildings and premises used
in and about tho manufacture of soap.
Also all soap manufactured and to be
manufactured ins nil about said premises
during tho continuance thereof. Said
mortgage being on record in book 111)
at page (51 of chattel mortgages in tho
ollice of tho county clerk in and Tor
Lancaster County, Nebraska. The sale
to take place on the premises above des
cribed in the county of Lancaster and
state of Nebraska, on tho loth day of
October, 1SIM. at 2 o'clock p. m or said
dav. Dated this 10th day of September,
By her attorney W.S. Hamilton.
Legal No tee.
First Publication Sept. 15.
In the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
Charles Hammond. 1
Charles W. Gerber, Julia
L. Gerber. James Mc- !
.-. , 1 "XT.. I
Brie c ami - - - u. ;.xon.res;,iCnt
i.-. vt"' " defendants.
uassieouierwise kiiuu
as Maurice Casey and
Cassie or Casey his
Notice to
' James McHride and McBride his
wire. Main ico Cassie otherwise known
as Mauri.e Casey and - CasBio or
Casev hi.; wire, will take notice that on
the fith.davof September ISDI. Clmrlrii
Hammond. 'plaintiff heicin liled his pet
it ion in the District Court i.r I-aiiittr
C'oentv, Nebraska against Paid del
e:i l.iuls the object and prayer r wnieU
are to roredofe a certain mortgageexer'
uted h thedefemhintsClrurlisN. Gori
er and JuliuL. Geibir to t ho plHinti r
upon Lot 15 in Mode 10, bout h I:ite
Addition to I ho City of Lincoln, Luniw
tor Count v, Nebraska, to 6. ." hopa
meat of three cef tirt promise 7 ""
dated June 1. 18.1 un for the r-itn if
SI25.()0dueJunol. ISM. for $.'
duo December I. 11 and .mi. !.w W-
duoJmiol, 1802. and there is notr due
upon said notes and mortgage the him
or SIM 50 with interest rn'in September
21. lDl at ten percent per annum.
ThepIaintitT prays Tor a decree that
tho iMendantB be required tw pay tlic
same or that said premises m:y j' f "
to satiny tho amount round due logeiu
er with costs of suit.
Vou are required to answer said pe t
inn on or Lefoio Monday the 22nd. day
or October 189J. , i . ..
Dated Lincoln. Kraska. bentenilior
Uy Daniel F. Osgood, his attorney.
Attune at Law.
First Publication Sept. 15.
Shtu Sa-
Notice is hereby g.ven that by virtue
or an execution if-accl kv the clerk of
tho district court or the 1 bird Judical
District of Nebraska, within anil Tor
Lancaster County, in an action wherein
The Columbia National Rank is plain
titr and James A. Raiiey and .Iam ;
MoMurtry aie derondants. 1 will, at-
o'clock p. m. on the HUhday or October.
A. D. 1S91. at the east door of the court
house in tho city of Lincoln. Lancaster
Countv, Nebraska, offer for sale at pnli
lie auction tho following described real-
estate to wit: . .
The northeast quarter, the northwest
quarter, the southeast quarter and tho
southwest quarter of section nineteen
(19) town nine 9) range seven ) east in
Lancaster County, Nebraska.
Given under mv hand this Uth da ol
September, A. IiVi1;;.aMILLEU
Missouri Pacific Hat vest Excursion.
On September llth,25th and October 0th
the Missouri Pacific will sell tickets to Tex
as. Arkansas, Southern Missouri. Okla
homa. Louisana. Florida. Tennessee. Ala
bama. Indian Territory and other points at
one Tare Tor the round trip pjus $2.00.
Stop overs allowed enroute. For descrip
tive pamphlets or any of the above states or
Tor rurther information call at city ticket
otlice, 1201 O street. F. D. Cornell,
C. P. &T.
Rud's Pile SuppoMtorv
is guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipa
tion, or money rctunded. 50 cents per box.
Send two stamps Tor circular and Free
Sample to Martin Rudy. Registered Phar
macist. Lancaster. Pa. No postals answer
ed. For sale by all first-clasrf druggists
everywhere. II. T. Clarke Co.. wholesale
agents, Lincoln, Neb,
f.A-g-.'-affi viii fiiii in w i f r ii i -
tx-e- --.