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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1894)
THE COURIER 5 If" Beginning tho l'rel Wednesday in October the 'Ladies' Matinee Muaicale will give a musical ami literary entertainment at Curtice's hull every two weeks. Among the members of this organization are: Mrs. 1'. V. M- Raymond, Miss Marie Hoover, Mrs. Will Owen Jones, Miss Stella Rice. Miss Gertrude Sousley, Mrs. C. S. Lippincott, Mrs. Emma Hagenow, Miss Clara Richardson. Dr. II. B. Ward, or the University or Nebraska, and Miss Harriet C. Clair were unitc.l in marriage l:st week in Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Wrd will be at homo in tho city aUcr November 1. E. Finney and Mrs. Rartha Quick wcro marri-jJ Saturday evening at the residence of Mrs. Quick, Rev. J. J. Morgan porfonning the ceremony. Jo'n D.xjd.oI N-jbraski City, who graduate 1 from the Univer sity of Nebraska laif spring, was in town this veek en route for the eafit where he will enter Vale college. Professor Gray has been engaged as musical editor of tho Call. Miss R'rtha Warner lett Monday for Evaimviilo, Ind. Miss Nellie Young, of Trinidad, Colo., is visiting her sister, Mrs. G e irg 1 1. Warren, 17 12 P street. Mr :md Mrs. W. A. Eckcr left Tuesday for Crcston, la. Mis. E. Ij. Viekars, of Cairo, III., is visiting friends in the city. Miss Cora McDowell, of Fairbury, will attend the university this year. Prof. Owens returned Sunday from the east, where he spent his vacation. Tho Palladian baok this year is a little pamphlet containing use ful information about the Palladian society and the university in general. It gives a picture of tho hall, and the history of tho society with tho by laws aud constitution and a list of the Palladian alumni with their present addresses. A reception to the new students was given by tho various college religious organizations in the society halls Monday evening. Dr. Lowe lert for Dakota Monday. The senior breakfast given Saturday morning by Dr. and Mrs. Lowe was a very enjoyable event. All the sanior.-? aud members of tho faculty were present. C. F. Royce of tho Omaha liec, formerly of this city, was in the city this week. Tho Y. W. C. A. reception on Tuesday evening was attended by a V large number of ladies. Miss Jeanette Wilson will entertain tho Cracker and Cheese club next Tuesday afternoon. Hon. A. II. Weir was in Chattanooga, Tenn., this week. The following directors were elected at the annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. held Tuesday: A. G. Greenlee, J. II. Waterman, G. D. Sweezy, Dr. F.S. Stein William Barr, H. P. Marferding. for throe years; "C. II. Wixon for two years. Governor Crounse, lilahop Andrews and Dr. Hurlbut delivered addresses at the opening cQhe Wesleyan university Tuesday. There will bo a preliminary'niecting of tho Pleasant Hour club sometime next week to prepare for the reorganization the coining winter. Tho reception given by Mrs. L. C. Richards in honor of Mrs. Mar garet Graham of Pasadena, Cal., oa Tueslay afternoon was a very brilliant affair. Mrs. Richards was assisted in receiving her guest's by Mesdaraes Gere, Lamb, Weeks, Bessy, Clark, Ed Green, Will Green, Dales and Miss Elliott. In tho dining room at a prettily laid table vrere-Miss Jeanette Wilson and Miss Lnl i Clark serving punch and ices. Miss Emily Week, Miss Sarah Harris, Miss Mariel Gere, Mies Elhn Geri, Miss Margaret Clark, Mas WiUaa. of SL Paul an 1 Miss Bertie Clark also assisted. The largo rooms were well tilled and all afternoon a stream of carriages lined R street. Society at least tho women of it -turned out in full force, and in the radiance of swell new gown3 and bannets. Tue hrao was artistically deco rated with graceful palmsand fragrant with tho perfume of myrai Is otiiowere. Mrs. Graham read a very pleasing original story and Jliss Jeanette Wilson whistled a solo very sweetly. The hospitality of Mrs. Richards is bo well known that it is needless to say that i. was ono of the most delightful receptions given in the city, ' Miss Ura Kellcy of Omaha has returned and will attend tho uni versity this winter. Invitations aro out ann uucing the approichin? marriage of Miss Ber ie Burr to Mr. BemanGa'esDawis, the wedding to occur at seven o'clock, Wednesday evening, at the First Presbyterian church. After the ceremony there will be filial reception at tho home of the bride. Their cards announce that they will be at home Thursdays after December first at 1S47 C street. Miss Mac Burr will leave Tuesday for Sioux City, where she will spend several weeks. Miss Marie Marshall departed to-day for Indiana where 6ho will attend school. Will Clark has gone to New York. Dr. Crim and family returned Wednesday for Now York. Mesdames Wheeler and Can Held left Wednesday for Chicago. John Zehrung, who has been visiting his son Frank in this city, returned to Denver Wednesday. Tho principal socioty event of the coming week will bo "A Cake Walk" given by Mr. Harry Lansing and Miss Grace Oakley at tho Lansing Hall on Monday evening. A jolly da icing party was give l Wednesday evening at Lincoln Park by a number of young men in honor of Miss Curtiss, of Stoughton. Wis., who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Hallett. The hall was filled with merry dancers until a late hour. Much praise was given the young men in charge for their successful mauage ncnt. Those who participated in the dance were: Messrs. and Mesdames Risdon, Barber. Cooper, Hallett, Scott, Myer, and Mc Candless; Misses Curtiss, Melick, Ramsey. Cooper. Daisy Burks, Tyler, Vyvian, Peters, Barnaby, Rector, Graham, Fowler, Burks, Lottridge. Smith, Carmody, Carpenter; Messrs. Van Smith, Camp bell, Pratt, Deemer, Jeckell, Kiein. McNeal, Robinson, Wilson, Mer rill, Lottridge, Winchester, Cook, Northam, Kennard, Anderson and Urqhart. Miss Catharine Brown, of Hutchinson, Kansas, and Miss Jose phine Allen, a recent graduate of Ann Arbor, are the guests of Mrs. L. II. Austin. There was a pleasant informal dancing party at the Lansing, Wednesday ovening. Those present were: Mrs. J. D. McFarland, Mrs. D. D. Muir, of Denver, Miss Maud Oakley, Miss Maud Remick or Los A ngeles, Cal., Miss Lulu Clark. Miss Jeanette Wilson, Miss Nellie White, Miss Margaret Clark, Miss Bertie Clark, Miss Grace Oakley. Miss Lucy Griffith, Miss Forbes of Chicago, Miss Mary Undeiwood, Miss Lottie Whedon, Miss Blossom Williams, Miss Mario Marshall, Mr. D. G. Wing, Mr. Claire Young, Mr.C. A. Hann, Mr. John T. Dorgan, Mr. Harley. Mr. Earl Bridgman, Mr. W. E. Johnson, Mr. Ray Welch, Mr. Harry Lansing, Mr. Mattson Baldwin, Mr. Lew Marshall.Mr. C. P. A. Clough, Mr. Mason, Mr. Fritz Snyder, of Omaha; Mr. Guy Hurlbut, Mr. Ross Curtice. Chancellor Canfield's circular letter to the students of tho univer sity suggesting, for ono year, withdrawal from the inter-state athle letic association, the abandonment of the annual, and the "reduction to the loyest possible point all expenses connected with member ships in the various literary societies and in the fraternities, and by limiting all social gatherings both in number and outlay,'' has pro voked much comment Some of tho students resenting what they claim iB an unwarranted interference on the part of the chancellor with the private affairs of students; but the circular was written with a good intention, and the suggestions will doubtless be followed to some extent. The marriage of Miss Georgia Lovell, of Covington, Ky., and Mr. Will Underwood,of Chicago.will occur October 9th at the First Pres byterian church, Covington, Ky. The wedding will be a very swell affair and a largo reception will bo held at the home of the bride's mother. Miss Lovell is a charming girl and made many friends dur ing her visit in Lincoln a few weeks ago. The Misses Jeanette and Mary Louise Underwood will leave next week to attend the wed ding. There was a large attendance at the informal dance given last Friday evening at the Lansing. Those present were: Miss Jean nette Wilson, Maud Remick of California, Katharine Weston of Beatrice, Maude Hammond, Lulu, Bertie and Margaret Clark, Grace Griffith, Mao Burr, the Misses Cowdery and their guest, Gertrude Marquett. Brownie and Sarah Baurn of Omaha, Hallio Hooper, Grace Oakley, Nellio White; Messrs. Earl Bridgman, Wing Allen, of Omaha, W. E. Clark, Job Sherman, C. Y. Smith, D. G. Wing. Will Clark, Fred Plummer. Ned Brown, John Dorgan, Will Johnson, Wliitr , Fred W. Houtz. Lew Marshall, Will F. Meyer; Messrs. and Mesdames C. G. Dawes, Charles L. Burr, Dr. C. F. Ladd. Ono of the pleasant affairs of tho week was a whist party given Thursday evening by Miss Lena Deweese in honor of her guest Miss Mao Bryan, of Salem, Ills. Whist is always interesting, but especially bo when first brought up at the informal commencement of the winter's whirl. Miss Deweese's guests were: Miss Gene Get ncr, Maud Hammond, Grace Griffith, Ena Ricketts, Louise Pound, Lotti's Clark, Mae Byran, Stella Kirker, May Lewis, Dena Loomis Lola Paddojk; Messrs. Tom Allen, C. Y. Smith. Fre.l Hyde, Carl Marloy. Harry Barber, Ross Pound, Clyde McGinty, Will Clark, Chas. Clark, Ned Brown, Geno Brown, Fred Plummer, Dick Reed, John Phillips. Last Monday evening while Mr. D. A. Elton was returning home from nis business he happened to notice a small parcel on the side walk very neatly tied up in pink paper with colored cord around it, and knowing that the first of April was along time past he picked it up and on opening it found that it contained a handsome diamond ring that had evidently been purchased of E. Hallett, the popular jeweler, who by the way has the largest and best stock of any jewel-e- in the city. Mr. Hallett was seen by a Cokuier scribe this week aid he 6ays that tho number of diamonds being sold is large con f i lering tho stringency in the money market. Mr. Hallett's stock of both loose and set stones is the finest that can be found anywhere and he is always pleased to quote prices on anything he has. Hia number is 1143 O street. A x V " " v"' " wwwmiiJi