The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 22, 1894, Image 1
Ill r v w , 'X t t y t INCO rl ! SI r jnw ACS kJ . BlfAS 4 50ciVrVSf PH 7N O Vsr & jsr.r AV Ay SP ' .T X jT FIWAMCC Ml W r v v o &. -Nw .4? e , is (WITS WISDOM THE NEW MODEL HAMMOND TYPEWRITER is the only typewriter embodying All Modern Requirements. Unequalled Speed. Perfect Alignment. Interchangeable Type. Any Wi th of Paper, Superior Work, Light Elastic Touch, Great Endurance. W. J. VanAernam, Western Ag't. OMAHA. yBR. C W. Eckerma.1, Agent. LINCOLN, NEB. 4 b,. cr 'M. ifaroA. "& A. V S. -i . - 'fjj. H. 8fe. V x t. rfv r'-JK O -iiUl. PP fl Ql? K- V MEN'S FURNISHER. 2?2 Ojuglta Mrett. Millabd Hotel. Omaha, Nemaska New Stock. Lowest Pricss. F. 6. Zehrung, HOI T. FUNKE OPERA HOUSE. SODA WATER Eft ESTATE 1 ill O BROKERS. O Holm dte Reed, 1207 O STREET, sec paqc ia OROUND FLOOR. THE LINDELL.S- Cor. 13th and M St. A. L. HOOVER BON, Praps. RATES $2.00 to $3.00 PER DAY IXNSURPA.SMBD. FOR WEAK LUNGS TRY o o o Scott's Emulsion 511 DfTCEQ CARNATIONS, . . flj7 nuoLo, . . . VIOLETS. l'INE FLOWERS '0lffl BROS. o.r?. City Green House 16th and O Sts. E. SISLER. vtBoiesaio 1 6REIM 110 FRUIT ICES. New Location 133 S. 12th St. 7th. $30. l-SEE LOCALS. We retail 0 I D I E J at wholesale prices Lansing Theatre Building 1237 P street. mm mm Giving Stnnrth Home Treatment. Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia m M. H. K. KM Baawwkmr- Surgeon Dentlsti m BtffSS fEsStkesM N MIMIC (MID OSce 1225 O Street. . WSRlO t. OfMH. LINCOLN NEB. Practice Limited to Diseases of Eye Eeir, Xoae, TJroet rYxrxgyxTTJi