The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 15, 1894, Image 2
THECOURDBt """'' - ' ..LS.UJ--"" rfmtacativr- - -..-- - 111 -- - SiiPo Smihe Bh Hovlst mid Sfttfjiittti!., Corner l-Xtlx ajacl 2U StaSa - Ilnooln, PJ TURKISH, RUSSIAN, ROMAN, ELECTRIC, CABINET AND HOT SALT BATHS. People taking these baths will find the best possible appointments. Throughout the building everything is clean and wholesome Ifassago is given understanding!' and trained attendants are to be found in every department The mineral waters from the Artesiaa wells are particularly refreshing to those who are tired or overworked. For the cure of liver, kidney, stomach and nervous diseases and all chronic complaints, and especially for Rta.ouxn.a.tJ.aim these waters have proven most efficacious. The great plunge, 50x142, and 3 to 10 feet deep, tilled with mineral water, is a splendid place to learn to swim. Lessons taught by i and women, intt waier, mouga coasumuy cnanging, is Kepi at an even temperature me year arouna. In connection also is a nne barber snop ana nair dressing department, botn complete in every particular; scalp treatment ana snam- i are given, rue nair arranged iur panics, oeuu iur lurwer particulars. not AND ELECITYP1. et Vm JVlealt Your Letter Heads, Catalogue Illustrations and Advertising Designs. Prices Low. Good Ideas. Always on Top. WALLACE & L0CKW00D N. W. Cor. 14th and P Sts LAsrnro sesulti CvPATPEOPLCn 11-. THJi Mai JMMTJMniotnhWMiCf. V. Ma, M ritlVATE WIRES. JHN, UOB (JO., I ITH AND N STS. COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS :; CORRESPONDENTS: :: F. O. Logan St Co., Chicago. D. R. Francis Commission Co., St. Louis. Hubbard, Price & Co., New York, ty Markets famished country dealers on request. HUMPHREYS' Br. lic-aphreys Specifca are scientifically and carefally prepared Bemedlcs, used for years In prints practloe and (or orer thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Spedflo special care (or the disease named. They cure without dracglac, purring or redacted the system and are in (act aad deed the Sovereign Itemedlea of the World. mo. cum. rsicu. 1 FeverSf Congestions, Inflammations.. .25 a Worms, Worm rever. Worm Colic.... . 8 3-Teetklnsi Colic. Crying; Wakefnmnai .25 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25 7-Cent-hs, Colds, Bronchitis .25 8-Nearalaia, Toothache, Faceacheu 25 -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo- .25 le-Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Constipation. .25 11-Saaaresaed or Palatal Periods... .25 12-WUtea. Too Profuse Periods - .35 13-Crena, laryag-ltlB, Hoarseness...... .25 14-Salt Kaeaas, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .25 15-Kheantattaas, Bheumatlc Palni .25 1 Malaria, Chills, Ferer and Acue .25 IsV-Catarrh, Influenxa, Cold in the Head. .25 20 Wkeeplna; Ceaffk..... ........ 'M 27 Kidney Dleenaea ..................... .35 28-Herveae Debility l.M 5-rjriaary WeakaeaWettlafBed.. .25 HTJMFHKKYB' WITCH HAZEL OIL, The Pile Otefeat."-Trlal Btae. 35 Ctt. eU sy DrascMa, ar srat saaVfaM aa ranist af sttsa, a.HsaaTraUamta(lsaiaiJaiissaaa. sTpecTTfics. THE LINCOLN - fliiim She h In Co., IMCOBTOKATKO. blnoolnt Nebralca B. B. Graham, Pres. and Treaa, J. H. Gbaham, Secretary. F. RuTsfKRs, Manager. Paving, Carbine Uwn Walks, Carriage Drives, Side Walks, rials and Tiled, Eaeaaa- Ue TlUar, Building 81 one, Window Cap aad 8111s, Venaered Work. Factory, 16th and X Streets. Telephone 509. Office, No. 1201 O Street. E8TIMATE8 FURNISHED ON 8HORT NOTIOI. PEavS vthi ppOWCKU JUUKIHflt AND SaHfCofOP woui'm -tio flE4LTH -lLUlSTRKIr (MAGAZINE" y" -of- WOQ& &im A V asWMMTEE CMIE arts FOWLER & WELLS CO., 5 East Slat 8tre4, Xew York. Fsaeo W.6twtrtU. Sand 4c tor I BHCUOO.