The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 08, 1894, Page 3, Image 3
THE COURIER r- . :'j, &" t - aV MRS. M. JOHN80N TAIIvORBSS. Ladies' and Gent's clothing cleaned and repaired. All work well done and all orders promptly attended to. ROOM 4. 1012 O ST. 6ICYCLE RIDING SC W. 1T. B ARIVITIML High Grade Bicycles, Relay and Aluminums .... QfOmaha Guards Armory. DfiS. Ell X I aoeSoutti Eleventh eat. Telephone 861. - - Kooni 208 and 809, ( Diseases of Women. Speialties: Orificial Surgery. ( Venereal Diseases. neb. LINCOLN 'W. r. phrwitt, 1026 O STREET. Fine cabinet photographs 83 per dozen. Plseanew of Women oriel DlseaaeM of tne Claesat. Arn Specialties of DR. JACOBS. LINCOUN NBBK. Hours 9:30 to 11 -TO a.m. 2 to 5:30 p.m. Consultation Free ! Office over Harley's Drug Store, (it. th and O fits. Residence Cor. A and 7th Sts. aaa aaaaaBV -saaaaaaaaaaaaB i MZX5a3'mssK. jesEa? a HAIR DRESSING AND MANICURING. A full line of Switches, Bangs, Ornaments, Mani cure Goods, Coding Irons, Rubber Goods. Brashes, Tonics, Dyes, Bleaches, 1 owders, Soaps, etc. yl make a specialty of remoTinir.Tan, Freckles, Pimples and Blackheads. Scalps treated for fall ing of the hair and promoting the growth. "3 Call or :rnd for a sample of Tou jours Jeune face toilet, it remopes wrinkles and prerents others from forming keeps the face cleaner than snip and water. A 50 or 30 cent cake sent to any address witbont extra charge. HI MANICURING AND STEAM MASSAGK AND FACIAL TREATMENTS. Tonjours Jeune (always young) and a full line of cosmetics and hair geods, ornaments, pin brushes, curling irons. MINNIE DAVIS, CLARA J. HATGH, 1242 O STREET. Hoteiv Ideal, 121 8. 14th 8t. ... Lincoln. Neb. -: Under the management of -:- I. OPPENHEIMER. Elegant rooms, fine table. The only first-class family hotel in Lincoln. OH AS. . FERRIS, Attorney at 'Law, ROOM a. 1113 O ST. Jtfwcfok. Tln- 1214 0 8L KIE PIIOTOGRArilH A SPECIALTY PaUCKS HKtMftXAIII.K ITKLY .LADIE8 CARE FORWIIVAT Maternity Home. VArnSrarry Sheridan Cow nty,Wy mint, (only recently opened up for settlement by the completion of an extension of the Burlington Bail Til A road), offers greater and I llu more Pfile opportun- ities to farmers, business men, investors and prospectors than any other section of the United States. Finest agricultural and stock-raising region under the sun. 270,000acresofmagnificentirrigated land, fertile as the valley of the Nile. A million acres and more still Uftmny vacant, waiting HdWdi the com ing of the 1W husband man. Brisk, rapidly-growing towns. Rich mineral fields less than a hun dred miles from the county seat 1 Perfect climate, pure water, cheap fuel coal and wood. Send for ,free descriptive pamphlet; thirty- itwo pages with illus trations 'and map. J. FRANCES, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, I Nebraska. rrrfrM Northwest When wanting a clean, easy shave or an artistic hair-cut, try IF. HELD THE POPULARTONSORIAL ARTIST, who has a shop in basement of Burr Block, also one called "The Annex" at 117 North Thirteenth Street, south of Lansing theatre. HE HAS ALSO RT HE T MATH MOMS. n RELIABLE AGENTS to handle a first-class Cripple Creek Gold Mining stock. Address, DELANY AND DELANY, Mining Brokers, Colorado Springs, Col. Not in. y&exx-t .... have colored shirts been so popular, nor? the designs so varied and in cood taste as they are this season. A visit to our es tablishment will enable you to sec all the late products of foreign markets. J. H. EVANS, Nebraska Shirt Co. (ExcluKire Custom Shirt Makers.) Telephone 908. 1515 Farnam Street, Omaha M1ENJHEHT, j CANCERS. Its scientific treatment and removal in twenty minutes without knife, pain or joss of a drop of blood Dt. QUEEN rarea PHee art Ta on witaoal puis. Intra or low ef a drop of blood; he also rare dtami. Treat, Lear a, Heart mad Narrows De bility. DB. QUEEN has BMde diseases f the Stomach, Kidaey, Liver, Mood aa) Diaeaaea of Womea a apeclslty far thirty-are yean. He baa restores hearing to the deaf aad airat t the blind. DR. QUEEN la the apecfalist of tie aorthweat ia the Treatraeat aad Can of all Chroaic aad Private AilaaeaU haviaa; lived in Liacola aad Taaoaater county for thirty-f oar yean. By applying to Dr. Qaeea, tae Elee riciaB, yoi caa ret Iaataat Sellef aa4 Can from all Paia froaa laeniatlaai Nearalira aad all Caroaic AUbmhbm after all medical retaedlea have fallesL Iaatitals aad Electric Batk 1 Onkm Block,N.E.Cf . Xftk fkO L,IIWCOL,I, 2VB13. Reduction in Price. iffi mini mil i 1 Q Gents per week without 1 r' Cents per week with Sunday. Cents i Sunday. Ofreap in Price. Best in Quality. AOlt FREE aaaaa-W Jt t wPwaar, akJ&& MME.A.RtKlirS FACE BLEACH MML A. RUPPERT says: 1 appreciate thefact tliat there are many thou sandsof lad lesln the United fetalis that would ltket? try my World-Benowned Pack Bleach: br. bare been kept from doing- so on ac , countofprice.whlcnlst2.oe per botueor 3 bottles taken together. e&OO, In order that all of these mar hare an opportunity, I will sire toeTery caller, absolutely free, a sun pi bottle, and rln order to supply those out of cltr.or In any partof the world J will send It safely packed In plain wrapper all charges prepaid, f or 25 cents. sllTer or stamp." In eTerycaof freckle, pimples, moth, sal-lowness.blackbeads.acne.ecsenia.olllness.rous'h-ness, or any discoloration or disease of the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression: Fact Bleach retnoTes absolutely. It does not ooTer up, as cosmetics do. but Is a cure. Address HABAME A. KUCTERT. (, ej Mo. Eaat 14th St., NEW YORK CITY.