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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1894)
THE COURIER P -.ssBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBsaaw --w PfcrfjjpJUMMBit .. asssawawwww J ------ - - Svlupflo Skihe Bjttw Hovlst mu Stuh, Corner 14-tla. and. Ifc Stsi - IinoolH) P73ta TURKISH, RUSSIAN, EOMAN, ELECTMC, CABINET AND HOT SALT BATHS. PonnlA takias? thesa baths will find the beat Doaatble aBOoiMtBaents. Throtwhont the baildinff STenrthiiur m clean and whole um m rirea understanding! and trained attendants are to be found hi every department The mineral waters from the Artestaa wells are particularly refreshing to those who are tired or overworked. For the ears of liver, kidney, stomach and nervous diseases and all fcronic complaints, and especially for ctlassx. these waters hare proTea most eScacioas. The greafpliinge, 50x142, and 3 to 10 feet deep, tilled with mineral water, is a splendid place to learn to swim. Lessons taught by aaea and '.women.. Thttvwater, though constantlyvChasging, is kept at an elrsn.tsmpsratare.tha year around. In connection also is a fine "barber shop and'hair dressing department, both complete in erery particular; scalp treatment and sham- I are given, xne nair arranged ior panics, oeuu rar ranuer parncuiars. a4TAYflrBELsaBs9BBSBSBSBSBBr 1 DEMlfUYI, 1 ELECTIYP1. Xet XJm Make Tour Letter Heads, Catalogue Illustrations and Advertising Designs. Prices Isow. Good Ideas. Always on Top. WALLACE & L0CKW00D N. W. Cor. 14th and P Sts aniuiT FAT PEOPLE aaaarf " .aVsl fjftl-fl sw SJNHUWTEE a CURE ST Nhjsf star SMMf. tSdOXT MZDICAI. CO., . Mass, PRITATC WI Dm, Hon i i I ITH AND N 8T8. COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS '. CORRESPONDENTS: :-: F. G. Logan & Co., Chicago. D. R. Francis Commission Co., St. Lonis. HubbarO, Price & Co., New York. fcSrMarkeU famished country dealers on request. HUMPHREYS' Br. Htt-nshreyV SaeeUes irn h nlWhaTTjaM earefallr prepared Bemwllfi, wed tor yean la private practice aad for orer talcsr Tears by the people with satire mrttm. Erery stasia, fliisi inn special core (or the disease nsmnrt They care without rtraMtia,.l'"iaii or redacts the sjsieMsnrt are la racial deedtasSeTeitUn Kcsaedtea af the WerU. " 1 TavaTS, Coagestioat, XaJUssswaatesja.. jsu -Weras, "Worm Ferer. Worm OoHc... .. 3-Taethlaci CoUc.Crjlaf.Watafalaess JM 4-Blarraea, of ChOdraa or Adalts...... .a 7-Caasaa, Colds, Sroachitis. JtS 8-Nearalaia, Toothache, raeeaeha .M -Headaches, Sick Headache, VerOeo- .33 l-Dyapala.Baionsaess.CoBsapatloa. .3S 11-Sapareaeed or Palatal reriada... JU la-Wkltaa. Too Profuse Periods & 13-Craap, LarTaaitls, noaiwmai ...-- 3S 14-SaltKaeasa, tt7ik.SrapUoas.. .3S 15-Xaeaatatlaaa. Bunnntln Pates . Jit lS-Kalaria, Conk. Tarer aad Acae. M lS-Catarrh, Ialatass, Cold la the Head. JU 99 Wkaaptas; Caajfc......M.. Jti 37 Kldaer sMaaaaaa ... JU 98-Xerraaa Bahilltr 1W 3S-UrlaaxrWaaJkaeaWatakBed.. .33 BTJKPHKKTB WITCH HAZEL OH "Tha PUe HatacaC,'-Trial Sfae. Cta. SiM fcrTti ass. srsMti fit saianNI at pasa, aa.HiBiasiirBUappmi)an'ssiaBS Tp e cTfTcs . THE LINCOLN in Sn i The Co. (IHCOKFOKATKB. lVlsiooln, Mr3tzASBlca n R. B. Gbahav, Pree. andTreas. J. H. Graham, Secretarj. F. Ramans, Manager. Favlag-, earning-, Iwa Walks, Carriage Drives, Side Walks, Plala aad Tiled, rnriaa tie TIIIbs;, Building 8 lone. Window Caaa aad 8111s, Teai ered Work. Factory, 16th and X Street. Telephone 599. Office, No. 1201 0 Street ESTIMATES FURNI8HED ON SHORT NOTIOC ffl3& pjpOLOGKftl MWft AND OF . daECtCtr Wt,HCc MtAB HEALTH ILLUSTlWrEl- MAGAZINE ) -OF- iwtW FOWLER & WELLS CO., SS East 8 1st Strcat, Mew York. k